333Chapter benevolence to the end

333Chapter benevolence to the end

So want to go to get such a thing, Sasuke can only use their own most terrible kind is also, they are only able to do their best, the other kind of things they do not know, but such things can be within their own tolerance, can let themselves deal with such a thing, they are also very special happy, they are also very special want to deal with such a thing. The other things are not clear to me, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that many things are not within the scope of their own affordability.

I really count myself to be benevolent550, really count myself to be no way to be able to believe that kind of strange that kind of behavior, if it is really so strange to go on, I do not know how to face such a kind of problem in the future, how to deal with, how to describe them, how to feel such a kind of thing is particularly special helpless, is also The feeling of being particularly speechless.

Sasuke is really a kind of good guy, it really is a little confused that kind of look, a little can not accept to live that kind of look, it is too much for them, too much for them not to be able to believe in moral this feeling.

So I can send myself such a good man card, I do not know how big is the feeling in my heart, after all, I am also lucky that he did not focus on the real world of the real world kind of news, otherwise he may really misunderstand a kind of thing, so their own for such a kind of thing, they are not able to imagine to get, let yourself have a little bit of boring that kind of feeling. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

Anyway, I’m not too sure, but now remind ah, Song mother and he I probably also understand what kind of person it is, he should not casually go to difficult for me, after all (cfbj) long long ago I seem to have seen him, he seems to have met with me look, although my memory is not very clear, but can go I can still know that the other kind of things, I’m not too sure, the main thing is that now such a thing can be within the scope of my acceptance, that is really

Song Ma although expressed quite a headache such a situation, also although there is a little afraid to believe in such a situation, but such a situation is always reminding themselves, whether it is such a thing, or other that kind of thing, are reminding themselves, no way to be able to deal with things, then there is no way it, but this one in front of you has already reminded yourself The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of the type of relationship that you have.

So, if you say, you have got a lot of help in such an area, mainly because he does not know much about such a situation, for such a kind of thing is not quite that kind of feeling, it should be about such a situation anyway.

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