328Chapter Pursuit

328Chapter Pursuit

Liu Qing helplessly smiled, where he is what living Bodhisattva, but is kind-hearted, this day he also admitted, but his kind-hearted, just because he is a fellow disciple, had to do so, if alone, in fact, he is not very want to let these people go.

“Consider it a casual encounter, we offset each other just, but then the last word to you, next time do not let me bump into, or even if I know people I will not show mercy. “Liu Qing laughed.

He was not too keen on this kind of thing, after all, their concept is not to take care of the life and death of others, to be able to take care of themselves is already a good thing.

But now I don’t know what’s going on, suddenly he wants to make these people better, he thinks that indoctrination should be of little use, and he is not very good at this thing, so tangled under the only way, although when he feels he is not good, but he is doing it for justice, it should be fine.

Wang Hu hurriedly said: “Yes, after we are not on this road, the Lord will never see us again,.”

He now only hope to be able to invite these few masters to leave, the old set of houses is not easy to mess with, not to mention that they now take the initiative to leave, no matter what conditions he should also be promised, otherwise he is sorry for his brothers, followed himself for so many years, and finally what blessings did not enjoy, but because he died, he will be very reluctant and guilty.

“Eh? You mean not on this road? But what I just said seems to mean that I don’t want to see you doing this kind of thing. “Liu Qing instantly heard where not quite right.

His purpose is to let them all become good people, but Wang Hu now said the words seem to be not quite right with their own meaning, even if they are uneducated, they should be able to guess their own meaning, it is difficult to say that he is too subtle?

Or do they know what’s going on and say so, deliberately trying to trick themselves to let them go, no matter how good he heard out, wasted so much time, there is always a little bit of a substantial return to be good, otherwise he would not have wasted so much time talking.

Wang Hu hastily shook his head, he hastily said: “How can I dare adults, but I do have my hardship, this road I can not come, but the other road also hope that adults do not give me a stick to kill.”

He kept kowtowing, as if it was like something so significant that he could ask for it regardless.

Liu Qing asked curiously: “What’s going on?

He certainly will not be stupid to chat about this thing are not clear, if there is no hardship then should not be so suddenly this way to him kowtow, it really is the sense of life are not (Li Li),

But he does not know what is happening, can only use this most simple and essential way to ask, after all, he is not at liberty to speculate on other people’s ideas.

“This. Your Excellency should not listen, for fear of dirtying your ears. “Wang Hu hesitated not to speak.

He looked at Liu Qing is like a very clean person, maybe he does not know these things is good, they do not want to be able to get his pity through this matter.

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