318Chapter Old History

318Chapter Old History

Su Chu Tian coldly snorted, and did not say anything more, just gave Liu Qing a look.

It should have been a very good thing, but in the eyes of Su Chu Tian, Liu Qing just said that kind of words, in fact, is also looking down on themselves.

How can he be angry because of a little girl he does not know, and there is no great impact on their own, and those are nothing more than nothingness.

Come on, don’t give me the whole look, this time even if I’m wrong, okay, is that I think of you too fragile, in fact, you simply do not have anything to do. “Liu Qing look at him that look is really can’t look down, and hastily opened the mouth to say.

But this time it really is a mistake in his judgment, how would he think that Su Chu Tian will be a little girl to be forced to mute it, in fact, only the initiative of this matter in his hands, how could he have such a stupid idea.

Su Chu Tian said indifferently: “In fact, you think so think so, between us two there is no such surface things,.”

He is not very concerned about this matter, for this matter is only flirting, but this will not affect their feelings for each other.

“Okay, then this matter is turned over, no one is allowed to mention again, and then mention who will take the initiative to turn the face. “Liu Qing hammered him a little, said with a smile.

Su Chu Tian also laughed, but really take Liu Qing nothing to do.

“I do not know if you still remember, in fact, the first time we two meet is in this kind of mountain, that time is really much offended.” Liu Qing suddenly thought of something, said with a smile,

In fact, their acquaintance is like many stories, is very mysterious, their first meeting is not so formal, is in this kind of mountain, and then ran into something happened, now think about it is really fun ah.

Su Tian coldly laughed: “You actually have the nerve to mention this matter with me, at that time, I do not know who took me as a mountain bandit, directly gave me a hammer.

It’s been many years since then, and it’s actually quite interesting to think about it now.

“Why are you like this? Am I the only one who has given you a hammer? You do not still the same to beat me a month did not get out of bed. “Liu Qing instantly exploded, this person how this way, the original thing is not to blame for him ah,

Who let that time Su Chu Tian’s not so clean, clothes ragged, really very much like a mountain bandit.

Su Tian laughed helplessly: “Come on, you do not say me, I do not say you, we are two crows, how to say that the other side are black.”

He really does not want to mention this matter, after all, he has no reason to be able to convince Liu Qing, there is a very important reason, that is, he could not say that the person in front of him.

“Yes, now think about that (Li Hao Zhao) time can be really good, the jianghu is not yet so chaotic.” Liu Qing laughed.

Maybe just because that time they are still young, still upset about the world, and now they have grown up, each is the head of a sect, some things have actually changed in a subtle way.

Su Tian sighed, and did not know why he suddenly said so sad, but must admit that many things in the world are indeed changing.

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