304Chapter Mighty Disaster!

304Chapter Mighty Disaster!

At least this happened, then they are no way, in fact, for him now have appeared such a thing, then they also have to make a compromise, after all, now this guy has been considered to have fallen a big disaster, so even if this person killed, the loss of that big disaster can not come to make up for it, now their home side.

Because this person has “five zero three” out of a lot of things, because of this guy’s stupid behavior, their own property suffered a lot of damage, they were going to do a business with the neighboring family.

The result is that this person stirred up their own business, really make themselves angry, this kind of thing should have killed this talent, for Ali, this person was committed a heinous crime, should be killed by living sticks, and then sent outside the back of the mountain.

When the time comes, let those wild dogs will be it alive and divided on the right, originally should be this way, but now he saw the Song mother after a soft heart, seriously, he has always wanted to give Su mother a chance.

After all, Su Ma still has a poor grandson, her grandson is only a few years old size, there is no way to govern, not to mention to make their own independent to meet their own food and clothing problems, this kind of thing is simply not possible.

By the time this Song mother died, it is likely that her grandson will also die of starvation or freezing to death.

Such a poor child, in fact, is really very innocent, just not a good fate, in fact, this guy is really a bad life very, they have thought, if the Song father to kill, and then they raised his grandson will be what, but after thinking about it think is not very realistic.

After all, his grandson is affectionate to Song Ma, so naturally they are not useful even if they are raised, and it is likely to play a tiger for the effect.

After all, this grandson is likely to be particularly hateful to their own own hands killed his grandmother, I think this send mom’s grandson will also be particularly resentful of their own put although the surface is likely not to say, after all, they are the reason why this family does not have anyone dare to disobey the authority.

In their own eyes, these people do not have anyone dare to go against their own words, and they are now considered to be able to play a role in their own family, but now they do not want to go to raise this grandson, and he does not want to let this grandson starve to death…

So he is also up to the side of the hidden heart, he felt with such a generous and merciful way to give this Song Mom a chance, I believe that if Song Mom can grasp the words, they can come to give this guy a heavy punishment.

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for 1.9monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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