299Chapter undertaking

299Chapter undertaking

Song Ma is now particularly torn, he does not know how to choose, will not he know he must think of some way to do, how to say what is going to happen next is dependent on their own, their own to decide their own fate, and they must also be careful some, or else then there will be some incident.

At the same time their own heart is actually not at all want these things to happen, “five zero three” in his eyes this point is quite terrible, suitable for themselves but there is no way, although they are somewhat to blame, but they also have to go to make some changes.

“In the end, what can we do to let the two of us stay? I’m really bored to death, I didn’t think we two will always have to face such a thing, in my eyes this is too terrible, if I can let me stay that how good ah, really great, but unfortunately and now I have to leave here. For me this is too terrible, but what else can I do? In addition to patience I have no way, and I am now forced to face these problems.”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public, and to provide a wide range of services to the public.

The disaster is out of their own, they should take responsibility for it, even if this responsibility is particularly difficult to bear, and they are forced to pay, it is a pity that their poor grandson son than your grandchildren do not know who to take care of me.

And no matter what they are also to hold up a breath to protect their grandson, if it is a half-death crime, also have to go as soon as possible to protect their losses, how to say their grandson are not able to things, and they are now hoping to obtain the grandfather’s forgiveness ah.

Thinking about the fate of these people, he could not help but worry in his heart, for him this is really terrible, but they do not have any way, acquaintances really he would rather be beaten big 50board, even if they can not fight past their own death they are no regrets, not better than directly killed, so that they do not have any hope of fighting, and if they can fight past.

When you get well, you can still come to do things in this house and raise grandchildren, raise their own grandchildren, and let the family live well, and in your heart will actually be slightly happy, in his eyes this is also more useful.

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection1.9, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!

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