289Chapter I win

In the time when Su Chu Tian and Fei Fei exchange the current situation with each other, those outside the Lu family are finally courageous enough to walk towards the villa.

“You guys, are those people from the Lu family before.” One of the big guys in charge of the guards stopped them and asked.

“Yes, we want to find the Su family master, I do not know … “Song mother this time responsible for starting to talk to him, after all, look at the other people’s this look, I’m afraid that all are also a little frightened.

After all, this man used to have a tiger’s back and a bear’s waist, and his voice was like a flood of bells, and it’s no wonder that he would give people the chills.

“So, you guys wait here first, I’ll go ask about it. “The big man looked at them a few times, then nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie placed on the side, and then responsible for starting to report the situation.

Wang Ma and a few of their hearts are very uneasy, afraid to turn around like those householders before, and then kicked them out.

“Well?” Su Chu Tian smilingly asked Fei Fei, and raised his hand inside the walkie-talkie, seems to have some small singer.

“I did not expect to really come, originally thought it was their previous personality, can still last a while, but it seems, it is just like that,” Fei Fei could not help but roll his eyes, and then said.

It turns out that the two of them are betting with each other, on blocking the Lu family some people will not come, but now it seems that Chu He he is winning the game.

“Anyway, people are still coming.” Su Chu Tian’s mood is good, he stood up from the sofa, slightly sorted out his clothes, Fei Fei and can not help a spit.

“What, do you want to meet your lover? Is it the one named Fang in the team?”

“How come you don’t usually see you paying attention to your image?” Fei Fei looked at him in a good mood and said.

“How can I smell a sour taste in the air. “Su Chuhe could not help but flirt, Fei Fei’s face was slightly red at that moment, thought nothing of throwing the pillow next to it.

“Well, I’ll go out and have a good chat with them, you don’t have to think about me.” Su Chu Tian smiled lightly and casually caught the pillow that was just thrown over and put it next to him.

“Scary, who would miss you!” Fei Fei gave him a blank look, and hurriedly urged him to hurry up.

Su Chuhe just smiled, no longer talking, and then turned around and walked towards the outside of the villa.

He actually has his own plans in mind, for these people of the Lu family, he must take in, but also can not show too much good talk.

Otherwise, how could they follow their Su family with all their hearts.

“”Master Su, that..

Once you see the arrival of Su Chu Tian, the Lu family of those who appear to be a bit out of breath, after all, they have experienced a series of closed doors before, so now naturally less arrogance of the kind before.

At this time can be as a representative of the person’s mother Song spoke: “before much offense, it is indeed our fault. After all, we were also…

Su Tian waved his hand and looked at them, so to speak, so that people could not guess what he was thinking at the moment.

And the more this happens, the more those in the Lu family have no bottom in their hearts, because they are not sure, the Su family will not take them in.

And their current situation, if they can no longer find someone to rely on, then the consequences actually do not need to say already know.

It can be said to be worse than the captives.

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