279Chapter Visiting Su Family

279Chapter Visiting Su Family

“Does everyone agree?” Song Ma asked tentatively, she was ecstatic in her heart, because she now feels that she has won. But at this time can not be open, because to make a big event must be quite sensible, Song mother naturally understand this truth, so she is still at this time a face indifferent expression, he did not participate in this discussion at all, only as a moderator or spectator role.

At this time the people of the Lu family beside them are hesitant, because most of them are confused about their future, they do not know what kind of result it will be to join the Su family, and do not know if it will be better than now.

But there is one thing that all of us can be sure, that is, if we do not take action now, it is the same as death.

So many people clenched their fists, eyes also firm up, if here waiting for death, it is better to take some action. For example, join the Su family, although this is a very risky decision, but also has some hope.

“Let’s do this.” Song Ma looked around everyone hesitant to make a decision, so she continued: “to join the Su family this matter, we do not need to dry thinking here, we can go to the Su family’s neighborhood to take a look, see how those who joined the Su family actually live, so we can make a decision, how?” Song Ma looked into the eyes of the people in front of her and said, her eyes are very sincere, it looks like they are sincere to help them.

Song’s mother’s words moved many people, originally deciding whether to join the Su family was a risky thing, but now if they can see the state of life of the people in the Su family, then the riskiness of this decision will be reduced to a minimum.

Can”, I agree.” Wu Xiong was the first to say, he is now these people most want to get a good future, because he is followed by Fang, even if he does not want to live, to let also Fang live on, now Fang is just 18 years old, her life is just beginning.

“I also agree,” the man who clashed with Wu Xiong also raised his hand and said, while speaking, he also looked at Wu Xiong, the two men reached a reconciliation at this time.

“I agree!”

“I think it’s okay too!”

Gradually, more and more people raised their hands to express their approval, after all, if there is a chance to survive, everyone will want to take it.

Finally, all the people raised their hands, only Wang Ma was left, and everyone looked at Wang Ma. They all know that Wang Ma is the most stubborn of all, Wang Ma’s decision is very difficult to change, and Wang Ma has already expressed before, she is absolutely not going to join the Su family.

“Really can’t do anything about you guys.” Wang Ma now sighed, then smiled and said softly to the people in front of her. The courage of people to pursue hope has also infected Wang Ma, so even if she does not want to join the Su family now, it is difficult to resist the wishes of all people, so Wang Ma also slowly raised her hand.

Finally, in this instant, all hands went up.

“Remnant roar–”

There was a loud cheer in the room, and finally at this moment, everyone’s goal was agreed upon, and everyone was now people trying to survive.

“Since that’s the case, then let’s hurry up and get going!” Song Ma said with a smile, her plan was very successful, it only took three days to make everyone have the idea to join the Su family. The first thing you need to do is to join the Su family, but Song Ma’s actions in the past few days have definitely accelerated the process, so that it is a successful completion of Chu Tian’s task.

“Good, then Xiao Fang will continue to watch the food, and we people will go to the Su family to take a look.” Wang Ma said, in the case of all the same goal, her words carry as much weight as Song Ma’s.

In this way, a group of people once again set off, straight towards the Su family.

Su family at this time and before a sea change, because the population has become numerous, so the Su family’s villa is also considered completely moved, the crowd has spread to the fence around the villa area, that is, even the Su family’s most peripheral villas are also inhabited.

Of course, the previously captured team of the Lu family is still being held in the Su family, they are eating well these days, it can be said that the Su family has taken good care of them, there are also some people who have wavered in their minds and want to submit to the Su family.

But the Lu family’s team is still the most loyal existence of the Lu family, even if a small number of people wavered, most people still uphold the idea that they are Lu family members. There are even many people who are thinking of ways to escape from the Su family, but all the plans will be defeated one by one by Chu Tian, now in their eyes, Chu Tian is the biggest fear, before the killing of Lu Jiu collar image has been echoing in their minds, this is also the biggest reason for their fear of Chu Tian.

As for Tianshun and Lu Tianzui, their two brothers have been locked up together, since the defeat of the Lu family, the two of them have lost the courage to fight, they are now like walking corpses live, very numb, and do not want to think, almost can be said to be raised in the Su family of waste. But even so, Chu Tian still keep them, because Chu Tian know, now after the continuation of the integration of the Lu family team, can not kill the two remaining masters of the Lu family.

The people of the Lu family who joined the Su family later, their lives are now very happy, because everything is very fair in the Su family, their work is very motivated, and no one bullies them, they now respect Chu Tian from the bottom of their hearts, but also feel that they are a part of the Su family.

After all, before they joined the Su family, they have suffered too much (morono’s), so now just a hint of sweetness, will be able to fill their hearts, so that they love the Su army from the heart.

It can be said that the assimilation of the Su family to the Lu family is proceeding step by step, all this is within Chu Tian’s expectations, and it can also be said that all this is the result of Chu Tian’s plan.

At this time, a group of Song’s mother has come to the boundary of the Su family, they can see through the fence in the work of people, there are people who are pruning vegetation, there are people who are watering flowers, their faces are full of smiles, the efficiency of work is also very high. This is not seen in the previous Lu family.

And they see that at this time the Su family has undergone a radical change, these people, there are previously come to the Su family, Su family before also just a single small villa, but now the scale can already be comparable to the previous Lu family, so some people are very surprised. ,

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