27Chapter: Second kill, mutant gray wolf! (More 1begging for everything!)

Mutated creatures, similar to zombies, but the original body, but animals.

In contrast, the physical quality of humans, compared with animals, to be on too much, so relatively, mutant creatures, but also more powerful than zombies!

Generally speaking, the stronger the progenitor, the more powerful the animal will be after it becomes a mutated creature.

In his previous life, Chu Tian saw a mutant grizzly bear, a slap through more than twenty centimeters thick alloy steel plate, extremely powerful.

The mutated creature at hand should be a gray wolf mutated.

However, the understanding of mutant creatures in the previous life only stops here, more profound things, Chu Tian does not know.

With a thought, Chu Tian asked tentatively, “System, can you scan it?”

Soon, a virtual panel, appeared in front of Chu Tian.

[Mutant Gray Wolf]

Level: Break free of a genetic lock



Physical strength.36


Kill may get: ordinary gray wolf gene core

Introduction: Through infection, the wild gray wolf mutation, breaking free from a genetic lock in the body, no intelligence, acting on instinct.


“Breaking free of a genetic lock?”

Chu Tian’s eyes lit up.

It seems that the mutated creatures, is not as simple as they observed in their previous life, no wonder they are so much stronger than those ordinary zombies.

“What’s an ordinary gray wolf genetic crystal core again?”

Look at the name, it should be good stuff ah.

But even if it didn’t, Chu Tian is ready to hunt this mutant creature.


Downstairs, the mutant gray wolf devoured extremely fast, has been the yellow-haired young man’s corpse, gnawed clean, bald man’s body, and only a tattooed arm remains.

“Kidola, get ready!”

Chu Tian’s mind moved, from the backpack bar, took the two long knives in his hands, and leapt straight down from the window, ready to kill with a single blow!

The mutated creatures of his previous life, the powerful Chu Tian now remember, so encountering this mutated gray wolf, he did not dare to relax in the slightest.


However, when Chu Tian fell to mid-air, the mutant gray wolf seemed to sense the danger and directly gave up the remaining arm, instantly leaping backwards.


Chu Tian and Kidola hit the ground hard, forming a large crater.


When it saw Chu Tian, the mutated gray wolf threw back its head and let out a long whistle, and a pair of cloudy pupils stared at Chu Tian fiercely.


The next moment, the mutant gray wolf directly scurried to Chu Tian body change.

“It’s really worthy of being a mutated creature!”

Chu Tian sighed softly.

Just breaking free of a genetic lock is so powerful that the four-dimensional data far exceeds that of oneself when breaking free of a genetic lock.

But now in front of himself who has broken free of two genetic locks, it is not quite enough to see.

And, the purpose of coming up here yourself is just to lure him over!

“Kidola, go!”

As soon as Chu Tian’s order was given, Kidola was instantly on the move!


Dragon wings incite, the three heads of Kidola owl up, instantly rushed towards the mutant gray wolf.

The moment the three pairs of dragon eyes of Kidola opened, the huge body of the mutant gray wolf was seen to tremble violently, and actually froze in place directly!

The cloudy eyes were actually filled with fear!

But Kidola will not care about this, instantly leaped to the gray wolf’s neck, three dragon heads, instantly towards the mutant gray wolf’s neck bite down in unison!


The mutated gray wolf let out a painful howl, yet its body still did not dare to move, and could only tremble and prostrate itself on the ground.

Kidola’s body, now only 30 or 40 centimeters, was like a toy compared to the two-meter long mutant gray wolf, yet, almost in an instant, the three dragon heads pierced directly through the mutant gray wolf’s neck.

” F*ck, spike?”

Chu Tian looked slightly stunned: “Wait, why didn’t that wolf dodge?”

With the speed of the mutant gray wolf31 point, even if it is not comparable to the Kidola, but it can still last a while, otherwise they would not have lured him here.

But just now……


Kidola stood on the head of the mutated gray wolf and barked excitedly at Chu Tian.

“Eat it Kidola!”

Chu Tian nodded and said, “Try to hurry up!”


Kidola answered and the three heads probed directly into the brain of the mutant gray wolf.

Soon, the brain of the mutant gray wolf was directly eaten up.


Kidola flapped her wings and flew directly to Chu Tian’s shoulder.

“You little one, now you’re picky about your food.”

Chu Tian smiled and shook his head.

The rest of the flesh, Kidola actually chose not to want it directly, only eat the brain.

However, it doesn’t matter.


The head in the middle of Kidola, suddenly opened its mouth, followed by a gray-white still body, fell into Chu Tian’s hand.

PS: Sorry sorry for being late, begging for flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for reward support!!! *

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