231Chapter Undercurrents

231Chapter Undercurrents

After the three lived in the Su family villa, Chu Tian and Su Yu also went over to visit the three, the two of them are the Su family most concerned about the three Lu Tian Fang people, other servants and so on, although they are very warm to them, but still not too much on the heart, just meet polite on the good.

Chu Tian also wants to give the Su family villa underlings to Lu Tian Fang’s villa a few, but Lu Tian Fang refused, Lu Tian Fang has Xiao Ting Xiao Ai is enough, and he does not want to bother Chu Tian and Su Yu, Chu Tian and Su Yu these days has helped him too much.

“How about Tian Fang brother, this villa comfortable to live?” Chu Tian walked in and asked, he smiled and looked at Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai who were cleaning up the room, they lay the quilt and room to carry out the spray incense, before Lu Tian Fang in Lu’s home when there is a very favorite incense, that incense can make Lu Tian Fang and the two girls sleep at ease.

“It’s very good, this villa is much better than the one I lived in at Lu’s house. “Lu Tian Fang said, he really felt that such an environment has been very good, the heart to Chu Tian and Su Yu is also with infinite gratitude.

“That’s good, if you have any requests, just ask, make sure to make yourself comfortable.” Chu Tian said again, he just want to let Lu Tianfang treat Su family as their own – home only good.

Should “there is nothing more needed, do not worry Chu Tian brother.” Lu Tian Fang continued to hug, anyway, what is missing he did not know, both know that this is polite polite.

The villa is still not fully prepared, so it may be dangerous.” Chu Tian said, “I have to be more careful lately. Chu Tian said, with Lu Jiuling that villain’s virtue, is certainly not easy to let Chu Tian and Lu Tian Fang, and now the Su family currently only these two villas, the big villa is certainly not to worry about, and Lu Tian Fang’s small villa is relatively not so safe.

“Well, we will pay more attention, Chu Tian brother you should also pay more attention to ah.” Lu Tianfang said touched his chest, that the upper side of the wound has healed, but Lu Tianfang still remembered the ninth age to him that one, if not Balu beast, he may not live today.

“Okay, then I’ll withdraw first, the divine Eagle still has something to ask me. ” Chu Tian said, then left Lu Tian Fang’s villa, the divine Eagle did send people to contact him, it is estimated that the Lu family side of things again.

In fact, according to the first idea, now Chu Tian and Su Mei’s wedding should have begun, the wedding preparations are ready, but because of the Lu family such a difficult bone, so it was delayed a little, Chu Tian still want to give Su Juan a perfect wedding, do not want to be disturbed, so we still have to solve the Lu family things before the wedding, in this post-apocalyptic In this post-apocalyptic world, it does not matter what the auspicious day or not.

Then Tian and Su Yu came to the divine Eagle’s residence, the divine Eagle generally does not personally go to a large family, he still wants a bowl of water end level, at least on the surface.

“What’s wrong senior divine eagle? ” Chu Tian walked into the office and asked, he has long been familiar with this office at this time, so there is nothing polite, directly into the question.

“I heard that you saved Lu Tianfang from the Lu family yesterday? So that’s why you and I borrowed someone!” God Eagle sat on the office chair, looked at Chu Tian and said, his long and thin eyes looked a little surprised, and felt that he was smiling. Chu Tian suddenly borrowed someone from him yesterday, so God Eagle lent it to him directly, but I did not expect Chu Tian was to go to the Lu family to save people.

After hearing this news God Eagle is also very surprised, he knows Chu Tian’s ability is very strong, but did not expect to actually be able to save people from that heavenly net like the Lu family, to know that this is something that does not dare him to imagine, it seems that Chu Tian’s strength is still above his imagination.

“That’s right, this kid even went to Lu Jiuling by himself. Almost killed, if not for my presence, he may have been lost. ” Chu Tian explained with a smile, indeed originally he and the divine Eagle is not want to so early on the Lu family, but did not expect Lu Tian Fang is a rash.

“Then what are you going to do after that?” God Eagle said with a frown, he is very hate the plan is broken people.

“What’s going on over at the Lu family? I left the Lu family yesterday, Lu Jiuling is very angry, probably want to destroy my Su family.” Chu Tian took a sip of the tea placed on the table, said with a smile, he was not afraid of that Lu Jiuling.

“Yes, the Lu family recently in the active preparation of combat power, the collection team outside also called back, the collection team is the most powerful team of the Lu family, combat power and security team equivalent, estimated to wait for the collection back and your Su family war! “God Eagle said in a low voice, listen to his tone of the current form of Su family is very serious.

…for flowers…

“It seems that this Lu Jiuling is really furious, to use all his power to destroy our Su family, really excessive!” Chu Tian heard the words of the divine Eagle, said with a smile, he was full of relief, and the divine Eagle formed a sharp contrast.

God Eagle heard Chu Tian this word is also the corner of the mouth twitch, this kid actually still a relaxed face, people base city first family is about to use all the power to kill your family! You are still here joking!


“And I heard that Lu Jiuling is still in contact with other families recently, ready to jointly annex your Su family, how many troops does your Su family have? It should not even be able to resist the strength of the Lu family!” God Eagle said coldly, his expression more serious, want to make Chu Tian serious.

“Our Su family, full count, there are eight people who can participate in the battle it ….” Chu Tian scratched his head, said awkwardly, the Su family’s current fighting strength is he and three monster girls, then Lu Tian Fang, and before Su Yu recruited three security guards, the three security guards fighting strength in Chu Tian seems general, but in the base city is also considered okay, are breaking the second gene lock people.

“Eight people, I estimate that the Lu family should be more than twenty times as many as you!” Divine Eagle said, the Lu family’s guard, adventure team, collection team added together, indeed, to be able to have one or two hundred people, and the Lu family there are two sons of Lu Jiuling, and Lu Jiuling such top battle power, the current situation seems to be the Su family to confront the Lu family is simply to hit the stone with eggs.

“The Lu family has so many people ah, that is the gods should seniors have to take care of our Su family, but we recently had Lu Tian Fang, this kid is not too bright, the strength is not bad!” Chu Tian said with a smile, he is still joking now, it seems really is not too nervous.

Divine Eagle saw Tian Tian’s unhurried look, sighed, this kid does not know whether it is really sure or born optimistic. The,

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