213Chapter Lu Tianfang conspiracy

213Chapter Lu Tianfang conspiracy

Chu Tian went back to the house and changed into his suit, which did fit well. Chu Tian didn’t know why, he hadn’t given the tailor any data about his body, he hadn’t even seen the tailor, but he still designed such a suitable suit, probably because of Su Yu and Su Juan.

The smiles of Su Yu and Su Mei appeared in Chu Tian’s mind, these two women really can hide it, scaring him for so long, I have to say that this suit is really very suitable for Chu Tian, he wore it to feel the whole person are a lot of spirit, this is a black suit and Su Mei’s wedding dress is very match, looks like a couple of feeling, and the suit and Su Mei wedding dress on the same The pattern, looks very matching. The most important thing is the tie of this suit, the pattern on the tie and Su Mei’s wedding dress chest pattern exactly the same, the two instantly that there is a feeling of pairs.

Chu Tian looked at himself in the mirror and felt very satisfied, since the broken genetic locks became more, his body is also 25getting better and better, and his face has become more handsome, the whole person is very stylish, also very temperament, the muscles on the shoulders let Chu Tian can easily hold up the suit, so this is the reason why the suit will fit, if the body is not good, how the If the body is not in good shape, the suit will not fit well.

He came out of the room with his chest up and head up, looking handsome.

When girls see such a Chu Tian, they are brighter. They have never seen such a Chu Tian, which is very formal and elegant. It is like a gentleman of elegance, which makes the girls look more excited.

“Good look!” Ling Hua whispered, she stayed in the basement of the Lu family for a long time, so in addition to the Niu butler and Lu Jiuling almost never saw a man, this is still the first time she saw such a handsome, so that her heart was moved by the man, she stood in front of her brother, so that her eyes were deeply attracted, she could not control herself to look towards Chu Tian over there, she even felt that her heartbeat had accelerated a lot.

The girls on the side did not say anything, but just stared at Chu Tian, their eyes were wide open, and their expressions looked surprised.

“What’s wrong with you guys…?” Chu Tian looked at the girls in front of him, “Is there something strange on my face?” He was confused, because he had just looked in the mirror and did not find anything strange on his body.

“No no! “Su Yu smiled and came over, pulled Chu Tian walked over, walked to the girls, and Su Mei stood together.

The two of them standing together is really a good match, from clothes to height are very good match, it really looks like a couple can be seen, and next to the flowers, which makes Chu Tian the man feels like a bee in the flowers, he can fly around to pick honey, think about it is a little excited

On the other hand, the Lu family side, Lu Tian Fang is standing at the door of the warehouse, he does not have access to the warehouse, so he can only stand here, he also went to ask Lu Jiu Ling about the recent events of the Lu family a few days ago, but the answer received is the same as the Niu housekeeper, so Lu Jiu Ling also has no good way, he can only enter the warehouse of the Lu family, to see if the emerald is still here.

Because there is no key to the gate, so Lu Tian Fang wanted to take a chance to see if the Niu housekeeper will bring the Lu family to get things, he waited for a long time, but the Niu housekeeper obviously did not come to the intention, so Lu Tian Fang had to take the initiative at this time, he came to the outside of Lu Jiuling’s villa, sent someone to call out the Niu housekeeper.

“Young master, is there something wrong today?” Butler Niu asked with a smile on his face, Lu Tianfang was very unimpressed with his smiling face, but at this time, he couldn’t get angry about anything.

“Niu housekeeper, I want to go to the warehouse to get something, I wonder if you are convenient to lend me if?” Lu Tian Fang asked politely, he asked directly with the butler when he wanted to get something before, but now he asked for the key, he knew it might cause suspicion, but still try to know.

“Ah? The young master has what you need, just tell me directly, I will have someone send the young master how good, save you have to personally run. “The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

“Uh, no, I happen to be idle, go get it yourself is fine.” The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

“Well then, since the young master wants to take it, then it is for you.” Butler Niu naturally knew that there was nothing in that warehouse, but he still made a somewhat difficult appearance and looked hesitant to hand the key to Lu Tian Fang.

How can Lu Tianfang have the high level of the cattle butler, he took the key, directly ran into the warehouse, rummaging around, but also did not find the emeralds brought back before.

“That old guy actually want me!” Lu Tian Fang viciously dropped a bag of bread on the ground, but after the drop he picked it up again and opened it to eat, which are valuable food.

He ate the bread while thinking about the emerald, he suddenly remembered Lu Jiu-ling’s office, if Lu Jiu-ling liked something very much, he would definitely put it in his office.

But Lu Jiu Ling is aware of the ability of this067 emerald to attract zombies, Lu Tian Fang at first thought he would not put it in the office, so he still came to the warehouse first to find it.

But since the warehouse is not, the office has become the first suspicious location.

Lu Tianlian screamed in the heart, directly ran out of the warehouse, by hand the bag of bread are taken away, and even brought a can of beef back, Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai are very fond of eating beef.

Lu Tianfang decided to sneak to Lu Jiuling’s office at night! He couldn’t let Lu Jiuling make a big mistake!

Lu Tianfang is really good for Lu Jiuling, before Lu Jiuling let the cattle housekeeper arrested two girls, and also beat them, Lu Tianfang is also convinced Lu Jiuling let the girls go, and then the girls are not willing to leave Lu Tianfang, they have been with him, which is now Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai.

Lu Tianfang knows what kind of person his father Lu Jiuling is, but as a son, he can’t behave too aggressively towards his father, so he can only admonish him from time to time and help his father exclude things that might be dangerous. So this is the reason why Lu Tianfang is so obsessed with finding the emerald.

If it is known that the Lu family’s emeralds have attracted the zombies surrounding the city, then the Lu family will definitely become the target of this base city!

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