204Chapter looking for wedding dress materials!

204Chapter looking for wedding dress materials!

“Does it hurt?” Ling Hua asked Chu Tian with big eyes, she had just been watching Chu Tian, seeing Chu Tian fall to the ground and get up again, every time she landed, she would feel pain, but she did not dare to go up and call Chu Tian, she was afraid she would cause trouble for Chu Tian, so she just kept watching Chu Tian in the corner of the courtyard, and incidentally, talking to her favorite little flowers. She was afraid that she might cause trouble for Chu Tian, so she stayed in the corner of the courtyard watching Chu Tian and talking to her favorite flowers.

“It’s okay! I’m sturdy!” Chu Tian patted his chest, but just patted a little hard, coughing him a few times.


“Hey–” Ling Hua immediately smiled and came over to pat Chu Tian’s back, and replaced to help him into the villa.

“Practice today to here, take a good bath, rest! “Ling Hua said with a smile, smoothly patted Chu Tian clothes on the soil, for him to tidy up the clothes, Ling Hua recently is also more and more gentle.

She was shocked when she first saw Chu Tian running out with his wings, but it didn’t take long for her to accept it, like Chu Tian, who could do anything Ling Hua wouldn’t be surprised, after all he was the one who was able to save her from that Lu Jiuling.

How is the recent stay in the Su family? ” Chu Tian suddenly asked, this courtyard is very large, they two slowly walk, or can chat for a while.

“It’s good, everyone here is very nice, I like it here!” Ling Hua showed a big smile, looked happy, and Chu Tian first time to see her completely different.

“That’s good, you’ll be a member of the Su family from now on! No need to be formal in the Su family, and no need to be polite!” Chu Tian said with a smile, he was very relieved about the Su family’s underlings, Ling Hua will certainly not be aggrieved.

“Mmm nah.” Su Yu answered in a small voice, her face full of happiness and happiness, with the previous experience in the Lu family, even a little warmth like this, can make her heart full of sunshine.

“Then I’ll go upstairs! You guys eat first,” Chu Tian said with a smile, then went upstairs, and incidentally also took a shower, changed clothes, he took a look at the clothes just now, is really not broken, can no longer be described as wretched, the upper side has been torn, although the Su family yard land is very soft, there is no debris, but from so high in the air continuous fall Chu Tian is able to withstand, but the clothes can not stand it, and the wings of calamity appeared, Chu Tian clothes on the back has been pierced.

Chu Tian threw his “gloriously sacrificed” clothes into the trash can, he is now wearing almost all the clothes of the youngest and second youngest of the Su family, they are similar in age and figure, so Chu Tian wears a good fit, and the material and design of the clothes are also very good, so Chu Tian has the feeling of a rich family.

Looking at the clothes in the closet, Chu Tian sighed, “This ability is also too costly clothes..

Then he went to eat lunch, lined with the wedding atmosphere, Su family lunch recently are also very generous, which let Chu Tian also ate a beautiful meal, to recover the physical energy consumed today.

At this time, Su Yu Su Mei and three monster girl procurement team also returned, they went to the base city to find a large number of things that can be used for the wedding, but also to the Liu family borrowed a dozen cars as a wedding car, of course, this is the use of the Su family’s arms in exchange for, so that the two families are also considered a win-win situation.

Although only one morning, but the wedding needs of the girls are also planned out, after a few days in accordance with the planning of the slow collection of things needed to be enough.

“Ah ~ exhausted! “Su Mei sat at the table and said, while talking and pounding her shoulders, it seems she was a little tired this morning.

“Hard work! ” Chu Tian said with a smile, came over to Su Mei pinch the shoulders, his technique is very good, the strength of the mastery is also just right, can feel Su Juan instantly relaxed.

“Is there anything left now?” Chu Tian asked, but he wanted to go out today.

Should “and wedding dress it!” Su Yu thought about it and said, although there are tailors in the base city before specializing in wedding dresses, but he fled into the base city did not bring the fabric to make the wedding dress, so the clever woman can not cook without rice, he naturally can not make a wedding dress empty-handed.

Originally Su Mei said nothing, now is the end of the world, out of the city is too dangerous, although she knows Chu Tian is very strong, out of a trip is nothing, but she still do not want to let Chu Tian out to risk, out to face the dangerous world.

But Su Yu knows, although Su Mei mouth said no, but wearing a white wedding dress and their favorite man into the hall of marriage, which is the dream of all girls, so she still said it, she must let Su Mei complete the dream.

“”Is there no one in the base city who can make a wedding dress?”” Chu Tian listened to Su Yu, asked, how straight he is, but also know that a good wedding dress are tailor-made.

“There are but no materials, so if you go out, can you bring back some materials?” Su Yu said in a small voice, she also felt that this is a little too much trouble Chu Tian.

“Okay, it’s a small thing, you guys can rest at home this afternoon, I’ll go with Xiao Meng to bring back the materials. ” Chu Tian stood up and said with a smile, he just wanted to go out of town today to practice his flying ability.

It’s okay, it’s okay to not wear it.” Su Mei pulled Chu Tian’s arm, she shook her head and whispered, but how could Chu Tian not see the expression of her heart?

Don’t worry”, my wife must be beautiful to marry me! ” Chu Tian smiled and pulled Su Mei’s hand, looked into her eyes and said fly.

After eating, Chu Tian took Liu Mengjia to go out, and the two of them followed the same path they took last time to the walled city of Wang Zhao, where there were no guards.

Let’s go”! ” Chu Tian said, then called out his own calamity wings, he absorbed two sky crystal nucleus at noon, at this time for the wings of the air ability stronger some, this wing although called calamity wings, but what special role Chu Tian has not yet figured out.

Liu Mengjia stretched out her wings and tried to fly with Chu Tian, but she saw that Chu Tian also had a pair of wings, which made her eyes widen.

“Master? You’re this is Liu …Mengjiade covered his mouth and asked, his face full of surprise.

“Haha, the result of a morning’s research!” Chu Tian proudly introduced, incidentally also put the wings next to the coconut Mongaard sun, although his wings than the Coconut Mongaard three pairs of wings is much ugly

“Master is awesome!”

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