Chapter 12: Hatching, Kidola! (New book begs for everything!)


Chu Tian’s eyes lit up.

Based on his years of experience in reading novels, how could he not understand what this is!

This, may be their own guarantee to live in the end times!

The system voice in your head continues.

“Monster synthesis system: the system will randomly reward the host with a monster, which upgrades by devouring the flesh and blood of zombies and mutated creatures and can feed back to the host to enhance the host’s strength!”

“Note: The system comes with a scan function that scans the properties of the target.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for the newbie gift package: one random monster egg!”

“Random Monster Egg: Randomly hatch a monster of any level.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host to get a newbie gift package: one copy of fast hatching!”

“Fast Hatching: Accelerate the hatching speed of monster eggs.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for the newbie gift package: one incubator!”

“Incubator: can hatch monsters, permanent prop!”


With the sound of the system, a system panel appeared in front of Chu Tian.

Host: Chu Tian

Grade: Normal

Strength:8 (normal ordinary people for10)

Speed:9 (normal ordinary people for10)

Physical strength:9 (normal ordinary people for10)

Spiritual:13 (normal ordinary people for10)


Then, there is an equipment bar-like thing.

It’s a 3×3 grid.

In three of the compartments, there is an egg as well as the icon of a brocade bag, and a white square, the rest are empty.

Chu Tian’s finger touches the egg on the grid.

In an instant, the icon disappeared and a white egg about the size of a dinosaur egg appeared in his hand.

“This ……is the monster egg?”

Chu Tian’s heart jumped and he put his finger on another item.

The next moment, an incubator appeared on the ground, the

Chu Tian put the monster egg on it.

Immediately afterwards, a set of numbers appeared in Chu Tian’s eyes: [Time2 remaining:59:59]

“Three hours? That long?”

Chu Tian frowned, for him now, time is everything.

With a thought, I directly clicked another icon.

At once, a white light flashed above the monster egg

[Accelerated, time remaining:0:01:59]

“With fast hatching, it would only take two minutes ……”

Chu Tian’s heart is happy, this is very good.


“Ah – killing people!”

“What are you ……you doing?”

“Crazy bitch, grass f*ck ……”

“Ah, don’t ……don’t come over, help!”


At that moment, downstairs, there was an unmistakable sound of chaos.

Without even looking, Chu Tian knew that it was the end times that had come.

He wasn’t going to go out, though.

It is better to wait for the monster eggs to hatch successfully first.

By the way, didn’t Zhou Shaopi tell himself to call him?

It’s almost time.

Directly take out the phone, find the phone number of Zhou Pai Pi, and dialed over.



“Paralyzed, Laozi’s happy life has just begun, how the zombie thing came out!”

Zhou Pai Pi hid under the desk, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

Just now, he was waiting for Chu Tian’s call and almost fell asleep when he heard the panicked voice of an employee from outside.

He walked out in anger himself, only to see a scene of horror.

A few old employees covered with corpse spots actually grabbed a few employees and gnawed on them.

Zhou Pai Pi usually also love to read movies and novels, instantly reacted, this is the zombie!

Immediately, they hid under the table.

But the good thing is, you are the only one in this office, as long as you do not make a sound, the zombies outside should not find themselves.

As long as you live……, you have a chance to get out!

At this very moment –

“The pale sky is my love ……”

The sound of the phone on the table suddenly rang very loudly.

Several zombies were instantly attracted by the sound and crashed towards the inside of the office.


“I hope the company’s door is strong enough ……”

Zhou Baopi’s face turned white and he stood up in a hurry, trying to turn off the phone: “Damn it! Which idiot is it, at this hour, still calling?”


While this was going on, the door was slammed open.

Several zombies instantly pounced.

“Li Qiang! Laozi is your uncle, don’t come over! I ……I give you remember excellent ……ah!”


“No connection, it seems that Zhou Pai Pi is cool.”

At home, Chu Tian hung up the phone silently.

Turning his head, he gathered his attention back to his monster egg.



A minute passes quickly.

A white light flashed above the monster egg.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host on successful hatching ……”



ps: the author has written a post-apocalyptic text, the outline has been set up, will not be too much, you can rest assured that support!

Request for flowers, evaluation, monthly votes and reward! *

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