173Chapter defending the city!

173Chapter defending the city!

When the huge fireball was about to smash into the zombie, the fireball suddenly appeared in front of a lot of third-order zombies, all those zombies opened their arms and blocked the front of the fifth-order zombie.

The ball of fire thrown out naturally can not change direction, hit the group of third-order zombies, third-order zombies with their own bodies formed a wall, blocked before the fifth-order zombies, but also hard to block the huge ball of fire, and in the first row of zombies fell, there are more zombies pounced on the ball of fire to resist, as if moths to the flame, a group of people pounced on the fire ball. The first row of zombies fell, and then there were more to the fireball to resist, like moths to a flame, a group of people towards the fireball.

“This is really crazy! ” Chu Tian looked at the zombies who kept pouncing on him, and instantly had a sad feeling that this group of zombies actually pounced on him in such a crazy way in order to help keep the fifth-rank zombies from blocking the fireball.

The fireball was quickly dissolved by the corpses, which kept falling, and finally went out, and the fireball turned into a small black ball that fell to the ground.

After the fireball ended, there were only half of the third-order zombies left,25 in the air.

“This is too strong, the protection staff below see this constantly falling zombies, and the few remaining zombies in the air, are amazed at the power of Chu Tian, such a large number of zombies can be resolved in such a broken time.

The defense of the ground gate is also underway, the zombies are constantly pouring into the city walls, although after the divine eagle landing, for the defense of the city gate is a great help, but they still feel deeply understaffed, the number of zombies is too much, and there are many third and fourth order zombies, the security personnel on the road are even just people who have broken one or two genetic locks, they simply do not have The security guards on the road are even just people who have broken one or two genetic locks, they simply do not have the strong power of the zombies, nor do they have the supernatural power of the zombies, and for this power, they can only avoid it.

“Don’t look away! Defend well! “God Eagle saw the movement stopped subordinates, immediately loudly reprimanded, he also took time to look at the sky, he is naturally very clear about the current situation, if they are defending the people, it is difficult to defend the city today, so his only hope now, is Chu Tian can quickly solve the zombies in the air, and then come down to meet with them. and help them defend the city.

“I’m ashamed to say it ….but I can only rely on you, Chu Tian brother. “God Eagle looked at the air, said in his heart, the air Chu Tian showed the power, let him very shocked, “If not, then we have to find those adults. “God Eagle once again looked at the zombies in front of them and thought.

After that he shook his head and completely rejected the idea, “No, we can’t let them come back now.” God Eagle muttered, then stretched out his hand to lift a zombie, thrown into the zombie group.

At this time, Chu Tian and Kidola have arrived in front of the fifth-order frozen zombie, and is finally breaking through the layers of corpses, and this zombie head-on time.

This frozen wing king zombie’s speed is faster than the flame wing king zombie, reaction speed is also faster, it can dodge some of the attacks of the Kidola, but ultimately there is no Kidola so rich combat experience, constantly suffering attacks, its attack is very single, a total of only two moves, after familiar with or easy to dodge.

And now, Chu Tian and his team were familiar with the moves of the Frozen Wing King zombie, and every one of its attacks would be deflected and dodged, except that the zombie’s skin seemed to be covered with hard ice, and even Chu Tian’s Glacier Rift Sword was unable to harm it.

The glacier rift sword each time to cut the body of the zombie, only a small sound, and will not cause any damage, and the zombie seems to be very afraid of the flames of the Kidola, so that every time the Kidola spit out the flame it will avoid, and all attacks other than the flame, will be the hard body to resist.

“This thing is really hard! “After the Glacier Rift Sword’s chop was blocked, Chu Tian showed an unhappy expression and said to the zombies in front of him.

“It seems that the only way to use fire.” Chu Tian said, this zombie is invulnerable to swords and spears, it seems that only the Kidola that can burn out all the fire can cause damage to it.

“Yes master! “Kidola’s voice came from below, it sounded like she was upset too, every time the flame would be dodged by that zombie, it really hurt its dignity.

The answer just fell, the Kidola immediately spit out the laser again, the laser seems brighter than just spit out, and also with a deadly hot, and also with that and the enhanced flame as the same fire red color, and the Kidola this time spit out the laser speed is also much faster than the previous.

The frozen zombie saw the laser, immediately wanted to dodge, but the speed of the laser has far exceeded its ability to react, the laser quickly came to its front, hit its left abdomen, to react, or dodge a little, the laser immediately penetrated the zombie’s left abdomen, leaving a hole in the left abdomen is not small.

It looks appalling, the zombie that although only half of the belly left, if it is a normal person must have been zombie ability to move. But it is still able to move normally, only037 the balance of the body seems to be affected by some, in the air there is no way to stabilize the body.

At this time Chu Tian also took the opportunity to send a ray, located in the chest of the zombie, Chu Tian ray speed is not as fast as the Kidola. But the zombie’s speed has become very slow, so it is difficult to dodge this ray.

But it still made a little reaction, the ray did not hit its heart, but some deflection, hit the right chest, but also can see, the zombie that at this time is already the end of the strong.

It was flying wobbly in the air and looked like it was almost going to hit the ground.

At this time, there are still several fourth-order zombies flying over to defend, they try to resist Chu Tian and Kidola’s attack, but it is also impossible, fourth-order zombies in front of Chu Tian and Kidola is like a fly, as long as a little force, can be crushed.

Instantly, a huge ray pierced through the fourth-ranked zombie in front and shot to the fifth-ranked zombie’s body, the fifth-ranked zombie’s head was completely pierced, it finally lost its movement, and then slowly fell to the ground.

“Xiaola, don’t let one get away!” After the fifth-order zombie landed, Chu Tian said quietly, now in the zombie side, they are the death-like existence!

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