170Chapter Bet

170Chapter Bet

“How is it?” Chu Tian asked, adding a little color to the boring beheading of zombies is also very interesting thing.

“Let’s compete, who killed more of this thing! “The divine Eagle said with a smile, killing a winged zombie by hand.

“Hahaha, yes, we’ll have a match today. ” Chu Tian also laughed and agreed to the bet, “but since there is a bet, there must be betting chips!” Chu Tian continued, just how boring ah, a little gambling chips is interesting.

“Good! Let’s bet on something then. What do you want to bet on?” When God Eagle heard Chu Tian say that, he laughed out loud to the sky.

“I have one of these zombie leader’s wings here, according to my research, this wing is very strong in defense, very suitable as a shield.” Chu Tian said, this is the last time from that blue-winged fifth-order zombie, when Chu Tian felt that the zombie’s wings are not simple, Kidola’s laser and Liu Mengga De’s poison are not able to cause damage to that wing.

Even at the end, the fifth-order zombie has turned into a scorched corpse, the wings are still very fresh, as if there is no damage. So Chu Tian037 in and Balu beast to collect the crystal nucleus is also by hand this pair of wings to take down, these days no matter what method Chu Tian use, there is no way to cause a little damage to this wing.

“Haha, I have a sword made of alloy, so sharp that hair will break immediately when it falls on it, it is the legacy of the most famous master sword maker, if before the end of the world, it can be considered a famous sword.” The divine Eagle listened to Chu Tian’s description, thought for a moment, raised his head and said, eyes full of pride, “I do not know if this knife can withstand the Chu Tian brothers shield.”

“Hahahaha, since it is the treasure of senior divine eagle, it is certainly worthy of it.” Chu Tian laughed and replied to the righteous, cutting off a zombie beside him by hand.

“Then this bet of ours is settled! ” the divine eagle shouted a sentence, the bravado.

“But the zombies have a leader?” Divine Eagle thought about the words of Chu Tian before is also confused, although he often go out of town, see the zombies can also say a lot, but did not see the zombies who can lead the zombies.

“Yes, no surprise, this group of zombies will certainly also have a middle. ” Chu Tian pointed to the center of the zombies, now there are many zombies blocked in front of them, the water here, naturally, can not see what is ahead.

Do these “things have a leader? I wonder where Brother Chu Tian learned about this?” God Eagle continued to ask, Chu Tian said things he had never heard of, now suddenly heard, will inevitably feel very strange.

“Here’s the thing… Chu Tian detailed the previous siege by the winged zombies, and his speculation related to the evolution of zombies.

These two people are killing zombies and chatting at the same time, looks quite leisurely.

“I didn’t expect you guys to have already encountered such a swarm of zombies, I’ve never seen such flying zombies before!” God Eagle stroked his beard and pondered for a while.

“Yes, and there are a lot of walkers who can use their skills now.” Chu Tian added.

“Then it seems that the base city is not too safe, we have no way to defend the air zombies. “God Eagle said, the appearance of winged zombies for the base city is a devastating blow, as long as there are winged zombies in, the base city’s city gates are virtually useless.

“The city’s gates also need more attention… Chu Tian’s “will” is still in his mouth without sound, the gate below them issued a “boom -” a loud sound.

“What’s happening?” Sand and dust rose at the city gate, and there was no way to see clearly for a while.

“What’s going on!” God should immediately shouted to the bottom, he is the security commander of the base city, all the personnel are under his responsibility.

“Report to report (cfbj) commander!” A desperate yell came from below.

“The city is broken!” This voice resounded through the sky, and for a time the air seemed to freeze, and everyone could not believe what was conveyed in this voice.

“What….?” God Eagle pupils tightened, forehead also have cold sweat emerged, to know, the base city is their only shelter, if the loss of the base city gate, this base city people living in the city are very dangerous.

Although he had expected that the base city gate would not last long, so sent people to strengthen the fortifications, but I did not expect the city still broke, but this is not supposed to ah, how he could not figure out, the gate in front of the vine wall erected by the Balu beast, the power of the vine wall God should also have seen, he thought that the vine wall is enough to defend the base city gate.

And he was in the zombie siege before the back of the base city gate reinforced a layer of wooden panels, so that the gate is more solid, even with a car crash may not be able to crash open the gate ah!

God Eagle opened his eyes wide, really can’t figure out why the door will be that group of zombies crashed open.

“How is this possible! “The divine Eagle only left this sentence, he was too suspicious, the movement of the sword in his hands have become slower.

At this time, the dust and smoke below are dispersed, we can finally see what is happening below.

That is a tall zombie, his skin is iron blue, the upper side of the glow of metal, looks like steel. He stood in front of the gate with his hands on his chest, and the gate now has a hole about the same size as his, and there is a floor of wood and wood slag at his feet.

All these signs indicate that it was he who just crashed through the gate of the base city and the fortifications behind the gate.

“[Fourth-order steel walker]

The system’s voice came at the same time that Tian noticed the zombie, which was the first time he saw a fourth-order zombie in addition to a winged zombie.

“It’s true that the fourth-order zombies have also appeared on the ground. ” Chu Tian thought, this is something he expected, he was not too surprised.


After the city broke down, screams continued to come from the ground, and it seemed that the soldiers below were having a hard time holding the city.

“Commander!” Below again came a voice, “We can’t hold!” The voice that sounded very desperate, the words just fell, the ground again came out of his screams.

The divine eagle showed a bitter face, lowered his head, and looked anxiously thinking.

After a few dozen seconds, he raised his head and clasped his fist at Chu Tian, ” Brother Chu Tian, can I trouble you with one thing.”

“A single say no harm. ” Chu Tian also returned the compliment, he still had to get along with the divine Eagle.

“The city is broken, my brothers below is also difficult to hold on, this air zombies will be handed over to you, I go below to defend!” God Eagle said solemnly.

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