146Chapter Balu beast evolutionary direction

146Chapter Balu beast evolutionary direction

Considering that the girls in the tent were still sleeping, so Chu Tian did not want to wake them up, he gently drew his Glacier Rift Sword and rushed in the direction of the light walkers, he could not be too far from the tent, nor too close.

The light system zombie is very quiet compared to other zombies, it does not roar loudly, but the brighter light of its body proves its excitement and desire at this time.

“This light crystal core has not been seen!” Chu Tian exclaimed as he ran, his sword bringing out a strip of frost on the ground.

He cut a sword to the body of the zombie, this zombie is not as hard as the steel zombie, but it is not bad, the glacier rift sword only left a small mark on the upper side.

And Chu Tian also found that the light system zombie body seems to be very hot, close to him are like close to the heating furnace, the glacier rift sword also did not have the ability to frost in the zombie body.

At this time, the zombie gripped the Glacier Rift Sword on its body and opened its mouth towards Chu Tian, blowing towards him.

Chu Tian flew up and kicked the zombie away, the zombie’s strength was not too strong, so it was kicked away by Chu Tian, and it also released its grip on the Glacier Rift sword.

Chu Tian stood on the ground, he just kicked the zombie’s feet on the fire, the soles of the shoes also emerged from the point of black smoke, which is just a moment to be burnt.

“It’s pretty hot. ” Chu Tian laughed, it’s kinda weird.

Chu Tian this time did not directly towards the light zombie, but far away to observe it, the surface of this zombie is very hot, and the glacier rift sword can not hurt him, Chu Tian in addition to poison, there seems to be nothing can cause harm to him means.

This time, the light system zombie also uncharacteristically, not directly towards Chu Tian rushed over, but also stood in place, looking at Chu Tian’s direction.

Chu Tian also noticed the perversity of the walkers.

“Does this guy have intelligence?” Chu Tian thought of this, his heart was very surprised, this zombie behaved so calmly, really too strange, if it is wise, then maybe there will be a higher degree of intelligence than it zombie? The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

But it’s too late for Chu Tian to think about it, the opposite light zombie opened its mouth at this time, a bright light from its mouth suddenly shot out, with a hot breath, cutting through the air.

“There is this kind of attack. ” Chu Tian exclaimed, then immediately jumped to the side to avoid the light.

The light shot towards the tree next to the past, the tree directly shot through the open. Instantly gave birth to a loud noise, the remains of the tree burning, the roadside is very bright.

“This is quite strong!” Chu Tian exclaimed once again, this light-based zombie had many wonderful things that surprised and amused him.

The light system zombie is now in place with its mouth open, and a puff of white gas is coming out of its mouth.

“I’m not playing with you anymore!” Chu Tian said softly, then waved his sword and rushed towards the zombie, he came to the zombie, a sword slashed into the zombie’s body.

The light zombie took a few steps backward, and finally resisted Chu Tian’s sword, he stood still, hard against the sword, and then stretched out his hands, holding the glacier rift sword tightly.

“You thing will be so one!” Chu Tian shouted with a smile, this zombie although there is some intelligence, but the IQ is still low, to scheming can not but human, even animals are worse.

Then Tian Tian stretched out his hand, towards the chest of the zombie fiercely shot on a, this one only and the zombie contact for a while, his hand is cool, the upper side also emerged a faint white smoke.

“Phew.” After Chu Tian withdrew his palm, he let out a breath and used his fiery palm to cool down.

The zombie was shot back a step, and the sword in his hand fell off again.

But not long, the zombie began to move slowly, like the legs were soft, first kneeling on the ground, and finally fell to the ground, the zombie began to rot from the legs, then slowly melted away, and finally turned into a green liquid.

This is Tian Chu saw Liu Mengga De’s move to get inspired, but the principle is not the same he did not know, he just spewed out from the palm of the poisonous gas, around the zombie, so that the zombie let dissolve, Coconut Mengga De the principle of the class he did not know, so this is just a simple imitation of it.

After the zombie turned into green liquid, the liquid immediately appeared in a glowing like a stone, Chu Tian knows, that is the third-order light system crystal core.

……… request flowers

Chu Tian walked over and picked up the crystal nucleus on the ground, which carried a faint temperature, and was not as hot as the body of the zombie just now.

“[Third-order Light Crystal Core]

The system’s voice came at the right time, although Chu Tian already knew the use of this crystal core, but the system will still explain.

Chu Tian quickly put away the crystal nucleus, and returned to the tent next to the night watch, this time the sky is already dawn, coconut Mengade and Balu beast also woke up, they came out of the tent, looking at Chu Tian is watching the light crystal nucleus in his hands.

Once the beast saw this crystal nucleus, both eyes were straight out of the light, staring dead at the crystal nucleus in Chu Tian’s hand.


Chu Tian saw this look in the beast’s eyes, knew that the little guy wanted again, he smiled and asked: “Baloo, you want this?”

“Wanted! Baloo wants it!” Balu beast immediately raised his hands and ran to Chu Tian, shouting in a low voice, looking very excited, with drool dripping from his mouth.

“Mouth, then give it to you! ” Chu Tian saw Baru this way, there is no way not to give her, this little guy is really too cute. He gently threw the crystal nucleus to Balu, Balu immediately took the crystal nucleus with both hands, back to the side to feast on it.

Soon, that crystal core was eaten by the Balu beast, the Balu beast’s body emitted a faint light, the flower on top of the head seems to have grown a few points, Balu also looks like it has grown a few points.

“This is… Chu Tian saw this reaction of Balu, also understood, he suddenly thought of the photosynthesis of plants, looking at the light on Balu, and Balu’s body changes, Chu Tian also seems to know the direction of Balu’s evolution after, is to eat wood, plant-based crystal cores and light-based crystal cores.

Chu Tian yesterday for the Balu beast’s auxiliary ability is also very satisfied, can have a little guy like this at his side he is also very happy, can heal, can also control the enemy, really the best auxiliary.

I do not know what kind of skills will be derived from the Balu beast after eating the light system crystal nucleus, after if continue to evolve, the main direction of evolution is to strengthen the Balu beast’s control ability on the line, and if evolved into a flower fairy beast, then there is still a little attack ability. The,

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