132Chapter new monster eggs!

132Chapter new monster eggs!

The glacier rift sword pierced Huang Wei’s body, his blood flowed all over the ground, he almost fell in a pool of blood, at this time the poison had spread to Huang An’s men side, Huang An’s men naturally did not have such high resistance, so they fell to the ground the moment they came in contact with the poison.

They are foaming at the mouth and have lost their livelihood.

This side “I’m afraid I can’t come out for a while, I didn’t expect this poison to be so powerful.” Chu Tian sighed, did not expect the poisonous gas of Yemengad to spread quite fast, I’m afraid it will not be long, the whole street will be covered with the poisonous gas of Yemengad.

Also can not always let the Su family’s door covered with poisonous gas ah, so that the Su family if they go out, is certainly a second to kill, unfortunately, Chu Tian did not have the ability to absorb poisonous gas, but he did not, does not mean that the poisonous gas can not be solved!

“Yemengarde!” Chu Tian a ringing finger, Yemengad immediately appeared, only this time not the snake pose, but a human pose, she changed into a dress from nowhere, red cheongsam, looks more beautiful.

“What a master! You don’t call me when you’re fighting, but you call me out at a time like this! “Yemengarde pouted her red mouth, and looked a little cute. She has just transformed into this posture and has not yet officially fought in human form, so she has been itching to try out her current abilities with a human lately!

“Okay, okay, it’s not good enough to let you out in front of people!” Chu Tian scratched his head and explained with a smile, Yemengarde is no longer the same snake as before, Chu Tian will naturally no longer treat her as a pet.

“Hmph!” Yemengarde gave a cute little hum, although she was pretending to be angry, but Chu Tian looked as if she was pouting.

Then Yemengarde opened her bright red mouth, a gentle suction, the green poison gas in front of you was slowly sucked into Yemengarde’s mouth, and soon, the street’s green poison gas has been sucked into Yemengarde’s body.

The streets are now not only free of poisonous fumes but also fresh air, and even a little bit of the aroma of Yemengarde’s body. It was the most wonderful scent in the world.

“All right, master, let’s call it a day. |I’m sorry.” The poisonous gas was not only harmless to her, it was aroma to her, and it was the same poisonous gas that her master Chu Tian emitted, to her, it was as if Chu Tian had asked for her aroma.

“Mmmmmm! Hard work! ” Chu Tian smiled and nodded, satisfied with the results of Yemengarde’s work.

Then Tian Tian began to observe the Yemengad in front of him, and his hand rubbed his chin.

Master” what are you looking at, is there something strange on me? “Yemengarde took a step back by Chu Tian and her face turned red, thinking she had done something wrong, so she asked Chu Tian in a panic.

“I just think, you have been in form for quite a long time, it is time to give you a name!” Chu Tian said what he had in mind, after all, the human form of Kidola has a name!

“Yes, yes, yes! Then master give me a name!” Yemengarde clapped her hands and said with a smile, her eyes curved into the shape of a crescent moon and her cheeks were red, she looked adorable and it felt like she was looking forward to it.

“Well” Chu Tian looked at Yemengad and thought, “Then let’s call you Little Dream!” Still from the name of the naming method to take out a word, Yemengade this four words, may be only a “dream” word and “small” combined together.

“Okay, okay! Then I’ll be called Little Dream from now on! Hey, hey, hey! I have a name! “Yemunga jumped up and down like a little girl, she looked really happy.

Seeing such Yemengarde, Tian is also very happy to see that he has a pet that is shaped, he is also very happy!

“Ahem, that’s right!” Chu Tian looked at Yemengad, suddenly remembered that he seems to have forgotten something, immediately he opened his backpack bar, there is an additional blue and white monster eggs, indeed! The new monster has also appeared! The incubator was placed next to the monster egg.

Almost “forgot about this!” Chu Tian patted his head, immediately put away the Yemengad, towards the Su family villa gate.

He went to the door, just to open the door, but found that the door was pushed open from the inside, out of the red-eyed Su Yu.

“You’re still alive!” Su Yu shouted, then stretched out his hands, will Chu Tian hugged tightly, her tears have been playing in the eyes.

“Sister Su Yu, what is it, I’m sure it’s fine!” Chu Tian patted Su Yu’s back and soothed her emotions, why is this woman suddenly so emotional?

“”I’m worried sick about you!”” Su Yu shouted, she has been in the house anxiously waiting for the results of the battle, even if she knows Chu Tian’s strength, but also saw him kill zombies, see Huang Wei that much larger than Chu Tian’s body, but also can not help but feel worried for him.

After all, the other side is a big expert who is famous in the base city! Su Yu and how can not feel anxious it! Unfortunately, from her room can not see the situation of the battle in front of the door, she can only rely on the sound to determine the force of the battle outside the door.

Listen to this moment there is no sound, so immediately she rushed out, to see Chu Tian alive, really good news!

“Hahahaha, Sister Su Yu, do not worry, that old guy I can still handle!” Chu Tian laughed a few times and said, it seems that this woman really has feelings for him ah!

“That’s good! It’s so good that you’re okay! “Su Yu looked at Chu Tian Bai’s handsome face, broke into tears and smiled!

“Look, Master Huang Wei’s body is over there!” Chu Tian (of the) pointed to the door, Huang Wei’s body resting place, that place in front of the previous fallen Huang’s men are still lying.

“Huh? You took care of so many people from the Huang family?” Su Yu saw Huang Wei’s corpse, her hand covered her slightly open mouth, looking surprised.

“That’s right, it was the old man of the Huang family who started it!” Chu Tian also made a timely expression of aggrieved, anyway, in the end times, killing is nothing, he is not worried about what the consequences will be.

“Ugh. ” Chu Tian’s expression made Su Yu laugh, since Chu Tian came to their Su family, but every day there is good news! “This is a good thing, we must quickly go to inform the master!

Then Su Yu dragged Chu Tian to Su Ren’s office to report Chu Tian solved the Huang family so many things, Su Ren heard the matter is also in a good mood, after all, one less big family, there is one less competitor well!

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