113Chapter guard the ring

113Chapter Guarding the plug

“Then please show your maximum strength, so that I can see whether you have the strength to protect our Su family and my daughter or not! Then next, please ask my secretary to introduce the rules of the competition.”

The Su family lord slowly walked off the stage after saying this.

After listening to the words of the old man of the Su family, Chu Tian also understood the significance of this match. The match looks like a son-in-law selection for Su Mei, but in fact it is to select a strong person who can protect the Su family. In this post-apocalyptic world, power, status, money are all useless things, perhaps now in the base city may still have a little use, but after only increasingly useless.

The Su family does not have any powerful strong people, now the people who protect the Su family are the strong people recruited by the Su family lord, after all, not their own family, after all, is not too at ease.

At present only because the Su family mastered the base city a lot of resources, which can find strong protection, but this also depends on the mood of the protectors, if people are not willing, the Su family has no way to force.

But if the Su family in the absence of strong experts to protect the words, will soon decline. So the Su family can only come up with such a solution, although Su Juan went out and did not return to the base city, but also must be used in her name to recruit a marriage.

And most of the people who come to the wedding are not for Su Mei’s appearance, mainly because of the Su family’s resources and energy.

“Here I will introduce the rules of this match.” The familiar voice brought Chu Tian back to reality, on stage is precisely the Su Yu met before, she is the secretary of the Su family lord, Su family many things are her to take care of. So naturally, she is also a bit arrogant.

“The first round of this match is the ring battle, as long as you can guard in this ring over three rounds, can advance to the next round. “Su Yu said with a smile, her voice is very gentle and charming, sounding very decent on such occasions.

“Then the first round of the broadcast stage battle, let’s officially start,”!” With Su Yu’s order, and a low drum sound, the competition has officially opened the curtain.

This kind of broadcast stage war has a lot of uncertainty, can meet what kind of opponent is not easy to say, if you meet the strength of a little weak, through a few rounds are no problem, but in case you meet a strong opponent, it is bad luck.

But if the strength is strong, it is emboldened.

The first on stage is a young man, looks a little thin, looks very clean, looks like a live little fresh meat ah, the bottom do not know how many girls are secretly drooling.

The ring war can bring their own weapons, so the young man took their own weapons on stage, he carried a huge hammer up to the ring, the hammer is almost as high as him, looks full of sense of incongruity. Feel the young man that picked up that hammer have to use the whole body strength.

He gently placed the meteor hammer in his hand on the ground of the ring, and the ground immediately resounded with a heavy crash, immediately producing a small crater, and the ground of the broadcasting platform was shattered by a piece.


The young man exhaled and stood listlessly in place, waiting for his opponent.

“This guy is called Fang Qing, don’t look at his small size, but his strength is very strong, I think he has a high chance to advance.” A player sitting next to Chu Tian discussed with the person next to him.

“I heard about it, it is said to have killed more than 30 zombies outside before coming to this base city. But a fierce man ah!”

Chu Tian smiled, it seems that this Fang Qing is really a strength player, but killed more than 30 zombies in his, but not enough to see.

Soon, Fang Qing’s opponent also came on stage, that is also a tall muscular man, a whole head taller than Fang Qing, also looks very fierce, there is a deep scar on the left eye, look at his appearance can be lifted up Fang Qing to tear.

With a crisp gong sound, the competition between the two also officially began.

Muscle man roared, roared to Fang Qing rushed forward, running process generated a lot of wind, and the speed is not slow. Looked full of momentum, the huge body seems to be directly to Fang Qing a crash out.

Fang Qing stood still, not moving, looking at the muscle man rushing forward, he gently moved his muscles, fingers and arm joints issued a crisp sound of instantaneous snap.

The muscle man rushed to Fang Qing’s front, he raised his fist almost half the size of Fang Qing’s head, a fist swung out, the fist also carried a huge wind pressure, directly towards Fang Qing’s head.

This time Fang Qing began to act, he gently hold the handle of the nearby meteor hammer, gently turned a little, the pit on the ground immediately deepened some more.

Just when the muscle man’s fist was close to Fang Qing, the meteor hammer was raised by Fang Qing, and then a hammer smashed into the back of the muscle man.


With a violent sound, the muscle man was solidly slapped on the ground. His back was also smashed by the meteor hammer out of a huge dent, looks like it will be difficult to move properly afterwards.

This level of combat if in times of peace is certainly not allowed, but now is the end of the world, the ring even if people die, it does not matter.

The man’s strength is not much different from that of ordinary zombies, and his mind is not even as flexible as that of zombies, they are all so rampant. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

This broadcast stage in addition to a security chief Huang Ping and zombie killer Lu Rui, there is no one else who can make him serious. (Nuo Zhaohao)

If you meet these two, or can make him a little more serious swelling.

Soon, the staff carried the muscle man’s body down, and then cleaned up the ring.

It didn’t take long for Fang Qing’s second opponent to come up, a member of the security team, the strength is also very good, is to break the two genetic locks of evolutionary.

His speed is faster than Fang Qinglu, but his strength is not as good.

Don’t look at Fang Qing soft, very light, but the speed is really not fast, so he just stand in place to defend and counterattack. The security team member’s speed is fast, but his light knife compared to the meteor hammer can be too thin.

Soon, the security team member was defeated, but he did not lose as bad as the muscle man, only a little lightly wounded, and the meteor hammer broke his knife.

After that, Fang Qing came to his next opponent, Chu Tian.

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