111Chapter match!

111Chapter match!

Chu Tian in the midst of the corpses quickly swinging his sword, two guards looked at all him, but did not notice, from his body ran out of the small snake, that is precisely Liu Mengga De.

Chu Tian did not want to expose his two little ones in the base city, so he did not summon the huge Kidola to fight with him, but he did not want to waste the corpses of the zombies outside the city, which are valuable resources that can make the Coconut Mungad grow!

So let the Coconut Dream Plus get smaller to absorb the walkers behind you that you cut up, Chu Tian is feeling thrifty!

Chu Tian is still in the process of rushing to the city gates, the corpses gradually became less and less.

He quickly waved his sword with one hand, and the body of the zombie was like tofu for the Glacier Rift Sword in his hand, which broke off when he touched it, and the strength of Chu Tian’s flesh was already at the level of the sword and spear, so even if there were more zombies, they could not cause any harm to Chu Tian.

“Come on! We’re almost there! “The guards at the gates were praying silently for Chu Tian, and as the number of zombies surrounding him dwindled, they even felt that Chu Tian had a slight chance.

Is this a miracle from heaven!

In these desperate gray times, they still hope to see a little miracle.

Even if this person is infected by a zombie and is disposed of immediately after entering the city, they still want him to get to that point.

“Quick! Go open the gates! He’s coming over! “The guards immediately shouted, this man has really gone this far!


With the sound of ancient stones rubbing together, the city gates were slowly opened.

And at this time Chu Tian body is no more zombies, all the zombies are cut off by him! At this time his clothes, face has been full of zombie blood.

“Come in!” The guards inside shouted.

But Chu Tian did not choose to walk into the city gates, but turned around and continued to walk outside the city. At present, only one third of the zombies outside the city are left, two thirds of them were cut off by Chu Tian in the process of Chu Tian rushing over.

Chu Tian out of the city gates, naturally, is to continue to solve these zombies!

This is all the energy that can make Coconut Dream Plus evolve!

“Since we have already solved so many, let’s just do it all!” So Chu Tian once again walked outside the city walls and solved all the zombies outside of the city in three clicks.

The coconut dream of the Gad also absorbed a full, satisfied back to Chu Tian.

At this point outside the city walls has become a zombie graveyard, cooped up with many zombies, without exception, they lost the power of action, and covered with a lot of ice, that is precisely the proof of the glacier rift sword beheaded them!

“The… guards were already fearful when they saw Chu Tian, who was a god of killing, and they changed their mood at this time, not even wanting Chu Tian to enter the base city.

This guy seems to be scarier than a zombie!

“Thanks. ” Chu Tian said, and was about to walk towards the city gate.

“Wait, you have to undergo a full body check!” The guard stopped Chu Tian and dragged him to a room next to the city wall. Chu Tian was given a full body check, mainly to see if he had any zombie bite wounds.

Soon, he entered the base city.

The base city is really no different from before the end of the world, walking in the city, even let Chu Tian have a feeling of nostalgia, if not the city can be seen everywhere selling arms, Chu Tian really feel that the city is not affected by the end of the world a little.

Now the first order of business is to find a place to take a good bath.

After all, just killed so many zombies, their blood at this time are stuck in Chu Tian’s clothes, Chu Tian just feel the body are sticky, feel very uncomfortable, he killed zombies before almost not dirty their clothes, so this feeling is the first time to experience.

Soon Chu Tian found a bathing center, which is the same as the usual bathing center, where you can take a shower or a bath. Chu Tian walked into the bathing place with his change of clothes and towels, and was happy.


With the sound of the water in the bath, he washed himself comfortably. It felt so good to be clean! After Chu Tian’s bath, there is a feeling of life after the robbery!

Then he came to the big pool, where people are soaking together, lying in the pool for a while, is also a good way to relax and relieve fatigue…..

“Hey! Have you heard, today the master of the Su family in the city, is giving the Su family young lady marriage contest!” At this time, Chu Tian heard the gossip of the people lying around, and it was a nostalgic feeling for Chu Tian to be able to hear some gossip and parental stories here!

“Disabled? How is it a tournament?” The man’s companion struck up a conversation.

“It seems to be the ring, stay to the last person will be able to marry the Su family’s young lady, it is said that the Su family’s young lady is one of the most beautiful, the whole base city famous beauty!”

“If you can sleep with a woman like that, it’s worth a lifetime!”

“Go! Do your big dreams go! The Su family is one of the largest families in the base city, can marry the daughter of the Su family, basically can be said to have the future Su family’s succession rights! That is a hand can master the base city ah!”

“Why don’t we also try our luck today, in case the opponents are not great!”

“Go to your bar, it is said that the security chief Huang Ping has long been interested in Miss Su, he can kill you with one hand!”

Chu Tian heard this Huang Ping, seems some familiar, he thought carefully, that is not exactly before he was beaten Huang An’s brother it! This guy seems to be a bit famous in the base city ah!

“May I ask what is the name of the lady in this match? ” Chu Tian was a little curious, because he also knew a Miss Su, and it was also very beautiful kind, 1.8so he was curious if it was that coincidental.

So he interrupted the conversation of the two people next to him and asked about it.

“This you do not know, the Su family can be that one young lady, called Su Mei ah!”

“Su Mei? ” Chu Tian’s mind emerged a figure, the figure that gradually and his uttered the name fused together.

“May I ask where the ring for the tournament is?”

Chu Tian inquired about the location of the broadcast stage, then immediately put on his clothes and walked to the direction of the ring.

His wife is actually being recruited by others, they do not know! This is their own have to participate a little!

The first time I saw him, Chu Tian came to the venue of the competition, which is a huge venue, surrounded by many audience seats, probably can accommodate thousands of spectators, the middle of the venue is a huge platform, it is today’s ring.

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