Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 987: happy moment

It was raining in the Migratory Bird City today, and the raindrops fell outside the window like a large piece of beans. Whether it fell on the ground or on the glass, it would shatter into countless pieces, and then disappeared on the ground.

After coming out of the airport, Lin Mo sat in the car that took him home.

In the past, Fatty came to pick him up in person, but Fatty was in Whale-Swallowing City right now, so he could only change to other people in the company.

Now their security consulting company is getting bigger and bigger, but Fatty has been taking care of it for a long time. Lin Mo doesn't know the exact size, but it seems that he has bought an entire building in Migratory Bird City to be the headquarters.

To use what Fatty often said, that is that the buddies are different from before.

Swap shotguns.

Imagine the scene where Fat Man used to be in the game studio. The past is really vivid.

Lin Mo's mood when he returned to Migratory Bird City this time was different from that in the past.

His dream came true.

The old brother found it, the mother found it too, and the father found it a long time ago.

The relatives who have been lost have come back one by one.

Is there anything happier than this?

there is none left.

At least for now, Lin Mo can't think of anything that can compare to this.

Even if he gets the seal of the king of hell, or even finds the magic eye of the king of **** and the code of sin in the future, he will not have the excitement he is in now.

All the way back to the Green Garden Community, Lin Mo was non-stop.

This time I came back with a small 6 and a small 8 naturally.

Needless to say about Xiao 8*, this guy has been following Lin Mo, and Xiao 6 is the same, saying that he doesn't like being with others.

Xiao 6 also said that she is now a professional 'corpse guard'.

That is, every time Lin Mo fell into a dream, she would stand by and watch her body.

Because her body was motionless after falling into a dream, it was like a corpse, so she called herself a corpse guardian.

"You don't need to guard this time. You and Xiao 8 have entered the nightmare world. Let's get together, everyone."

Lin Mo greeted him and lay down first to fall asleep.

After falling into the dream, I saw my brother for the first time.

Brother seems to be able to have some kind of connection with Lin Mo's body again, just like when he was a child.

Green Garden has always been lively.

This is where the most and strongest nightmares in Migratory Bird City live. This is a legendary holy place in the city of migratory birds and even the surrounding cities.

No nightmare dared to provoke people in the Green Garden Community.

As long as you are a resident of the Green Garden Community, you can basically walk sideways outside.

There was an incident where a resident spent the night outside only to be attacked by several nightmares. At that time, the living people present were frightened, they thought they were doomed.

Because those nightmares are not easy to mess with.

But when one of them said that he was a resident of Lvyuan Community, those nightmares were stunned for a moment, then turned around and left.

Just go.

Since then, the Green Garden Community has also been directly upgraded to a holy place in the hearts of ordinary people.

Safe Holy Land.

At this time, the real estate in the Green Garden Community was no longer available for purchase.

No amount of money can buy it.

Even a premium price is useless. Residents who own a house value this house more than anything else. This is already a symbol of identity and status. Only a fool would sell the property in the Green Garden Community. …. .

! Even if you can't buy a house in Lvyuan Community, you can't even buy a house in the surrounding area. That price can scare the average working class to death.

Anyone in Migratory Bird City now knows that dreaming in the Green Garden Community is just two words, safety.

Absolutely safe.

This kind of security is not like the kind anywhere else.

The other safe area is to prevent nightmares from entering. The strictest isolation system is implemented. The tall fence and the constant presence of patrols completely separate the nightmare from the living area of ​​ordinary people.

But in the Green Garden community, the situation is completely different.

Nightmares are everywhere here.

There are nooks and crannies, even in the grass.

Some nightmares are also very scary.

But the living residents here are not afraid at all, because they know that these nightmares are actually residents of the Green Garden Community. The reason why the Green Garden Community has become a place similar to a holy place is inseparable from these nightmare residents.

No matter how fierce the nightmare is, there will be no chaos in the Green Garden Community.

Even the living residents here can make friends with the Nightmare residents.

And this kind of thing is not an exception. As we have been in contact with each other for a long time, we have become familiar with each other a lot. You can often see a living uncle and a nightmare uncle playing chess in the community, surrounded by people. A group of living people and nightmares watched and commented on each other.

There are also many aunts who dance in the square, and many of them are terrifying nightmare aunts.

Obviously, even if it is a nightmare* tortured by resentment and malice, as long as it is an aunt, then in the depths of its soul, there will be a dancing heart.

In addition, there are some common sights in other communities and can be seen everywhere in the Green Garden community.


There are many children here, especially.

There are quite a few living children, and there are more than 20 children of the same age group.

The number of Nightmare children is also similar.

Compared with adults who still have a little scruples in their hearts, children are much more innocent and romantic, more sincere and pure.

Therefore, the friendship between children is stronger and unbreakable.

Here, as long as we have eaten lollipops and played hide-and-seek together, we are friends.

Nightmare children and living children can be seen chasing and fighting almost every day. Laughing and playing, a picture of peace and tranquility.

The most interesting relationship here is the female best friend.

The friendship between a ghost and a living woman.

They will also walk together because of various interests and hobbies. Sometimes they will meet in the community, and sometimes they will go shopping together at Qiandu Commercial Plaza in Migratory Bird City.

They have real feelings for each other, but it's more of that clinker sisterhood.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with whether it is a nightmare or not.

This is the Green Garden Community.

At this moment, Lin Mo, who came down from Building 2, greeted the residents he met. Some were familiar faces, while others were new faces.

Seeing Lin Mo's return, the residents of the community were very excited and very happy.

But the next moment, they saw another Lin Mo.

Immediately dumbfounded.

At this time, Dandan came over holding her head, looking left and right. …. .

! "what's the situation?"

She couldn't help asking.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my brother, Lin Yuan. We are twins. He had no body when he was born, and he shared the same body with me. He used to go out to do errands and only recently came back."

Lin Mo said it lightly.

But the word 'brother', he bit hard.

Just to tell everyone that he has a brother.

Not only brother.

He also has his father and mother, and their family of four is finally reuniting.

Dandan came over to say hello in a hurry, and other neighbors also ran over to talk.

"Where's my dad?"

Lin Mo asked.

On weekdays, Dandan was the manager in the community, and she took care of all the big and small matters.

Generally everyone needs help. will come to her.

"The old man is at home. Recently, I am addicted to playing chess with your uncle. I have nothing to do without going out. Besides, my aunt is here, and the old man will not run around."

"Understood, hard work!"

"You're welcome, without you, how could Dandan and I experience this kind of life now."

Lin Mo smiled and walked towards the place where his father lived.

Dad's place has a small courtyard with a large pool in the courtyard.

Mainly for the placement of the mother.

On the way, I met too many friends from the past, bald man, belly man*, perverted murderer, Hammer brother, headless ghost, big-headed ghost, these are the witnesses who have witnessed Lin Mo from weak to strong, step by step to today. .

At the same time, they are also staunch defenders of the existing order in the Green Garden Community.

The further you go, the more nightmares you encounter.

At this time, the little red skirt was jumping up and down with the balloon, and with Xiaohei, Xiaobai and a group of little ghosts ran over.

On the other hand of Little Red Skirt, she was holding a pair of bunny ears.

Lin Mo hugged the little red dress in the past, and at the same time introduced the old brother to everyone.

The rabbit is still the The mouth is poor, and he has not stopped since he met Lin Mo. In ten sentences, eight of them are bragging, saying how amazing it is. In the part when Lin Mo was not at home Time, how many nightmares have been subdued, and how many crises that can lead to the destruction of the community have been solved.

"I'm not bragging. If I didn't have you, Lord Rabbit, the Green Garden Community would have been over."

Seeing that the rabbit is getting more and more outrageous, Lin Mo said that since you are so good, then next time you go out, I will take you with you.

The rabbit is now dumbfounded.

It's not stupid.

Who wouldn't brag?

There is no danger, but if you follow Lin Mo out, it is really dangerous. Recalling the few times I went out with Lin Mo in the past, not all of them were extremely dangerous and dangerous.

It dared not speak.

At this moment, he also drilled straight into the arms of the little red skirt.

Lin Mo laughed, took his brother all the way to his father's yard, and pushed the door directly in.

Inside, the father is really playing chess with the uncle.

The mother in the pool next to her is also swimming around.

"Father, mother, I got my brother back."

Lin Mo shouted.

This moment was a moment of true happiness for him. . .

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