Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 972: I actually became a pawn?

Latest website: Black Impermanence turned into a yin wind and escaped from the hall, and Judge Cui slowly sat down.

He thought about it, and always felt that something was wrong.

For Lin Mo, who violated the taboo of 'dead return to the sun', he had already issued an arrest document, but after so long, he did not arrest anyone at all.

Where is the problem?

As a judge, he is high above the ground, and naturally he can't do everything himself, and some things will be ignored if he is not careful.

It's just that he later read through the previous arrest documents and found that there is still such a person who has been at large.

But since he started to deal with this matter, he found that he was hitting a wall everywhere and was struggling.

As if there was an invisible resistance preventing him from capturing the man.

Until, he bumped into the person 'Lin Yuan'.

"There is no name of Lin Yuan in the book of life and death. Who is this person holy?" Judge Cui frowned, and his originally gloomy face looked more and more gloomy at this moment.

"Lin Yuan, Lin Mo, shouldn't these two be a family?" Judge Cui thought of a possibility.

If so, there is a possibility.

Maybe all the resistance I encountered was related to this Lin Yuan, and the purpose was to hinder the underworld from liquidating Lin Mo, a criminal who violated the taboo.

Thinking about it this way, everything went smoothly.

"It's a pity that now you are exposed, so let you understand the consequences of angering the underworld."

Judge Cui had a gloomy expression on his face.

The next moment, he opened his mouth to call, to call the Yin soldiers in.

No one responded.

Judge Cui was displeased, so he called again, but there was still no movement.

Inside the hall, it was unusually quiet.

It could even be said that it was dead silence.

Judge Cui knew something was wrong.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the darkness ahead.

Resentment surged.

Judge Cui scolded him for being bold, raised his hand and patted it.

The next moment, a ghost whistling sounded, and Judge Cui retracted his palm, which was already bloody.

"Yin Demon?" This time it was exclaimed.


This is the yin demon who injured him last time. Judge Cui never expected that the other party would dare to break into his hall.

What is this for?

Also, how did the other party get in?

Could the Yin soldiers guarding outside eat dry rice?

At this moment, Judge Cui revealed the appearance of a ghost, with countless palms stretched out from his body, and his face was hideous, but the yin demon on the opposite side was not afraid of him.

The yin demon was completely dark, and seemed to be able to restrain Judge Cui. It didn't take a moment for him to lose his hands and blood flowed like a river. Judge Cui was severely injured.

Using both hands and feet, he actually climbed up to the top of the palace like a spider, trying to escape from the top, only to be attacked by another ghost, biting his whole body.

This time, Judge Cui screamed again and again.

He is huge, sometimes a good thing, can deter others; but sometimes a bad thing, too bloated to escape.

Perhaps because he was in a hurry, Judge Cui ripped open the robes on his body.


A huge hole cracked open from his body, and then the evil spirits crawled out of the cracked flesh. Short, like, mutated bats.

At this moment, a large number of these flying bat evil ghosts crawled out of Judge Cui's body, some resisted the flying ghosts, and some attacked the Yin demons.

Suddenly, the situation reversed.

In the dark corner of the hall, one person sighed and whispered, "Old Cui still has two brushes. Are we in a hurry for this matter?"

The person next to him shook his head: "It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, there is no turning back when you open the bow. Since you have already started, you must do it in one go. Master Lu, you have to take charge of the judge's seal. This time is the only chance. If you miss it, there will be no more. already."

"Lin Yuan, what you said makes sense, and thanks to your planning over the years, without you, where would I have such an opportunity, even if Lao Cui did not serve as the judge, according to their qualifications, Shengjun and Lao Wei would be in the front. Where can it be my turn?"

"Some things, if you have to fight, if you don't fight, it will never be your turn."

"It makes sense, don't worry, if this is done, I will revoke Lin Mo's arrest document, and I will never bring it up again."

"So good."

After speaking, the two of them each released some grievous ghosts and continued to besiege Judge Cui above.

These two people, one is the old man Lin Mo is looking for, and the other is a refined scholar, but also bloodless and a ghost.

But not ordinary people.

Once one of the four judges of the underworld, the surname is Lu.

The two are obviously old acquaintances, and they are both extremely cautious by nature.

"There are three thousand ghosts in my pocket. They are all mad and brainless. They kill gods when they meet gods, and ghosts who kill Buddha when they meet Buddhas. This time they let them out, enough for Lao Cui to drink a pot."

As Judge Lu said, he opened a **** sackcloth pocket, and the next moment, a gust of yin wind swept out, and three thousand ghosts flew up and attacked Judge Cui above.

When doing this, Judge Lu smiled, like a good neighbor.

Lin Yuan also laughed: "I have a ghost crossbow here. It's an arrow made of ice with resentment, and if it hits with one arrow, it must kill Judge Cui half of his life."

After he finished speaking, he handed over the crossbow that had been loaded with arrows.

"This matter is of great importance, and please ask Master Lu to do it yourself."

Judge Lu hurriedly declined: "Hey, it's impossible, we each use our own, we can't mix them, Lin Yuan, you are quite sullen, and I'm a little afraid of you doing bad things, so you should come."

"Master Lu is extremely cautious. In the future, he will be in charge of the Judge's Seal, and he will definitely have a long-lasting official career."

Lin Yuan smiled, then picked up his strong crossbow and pointed at Judge Cui above.

The arrows streamed, breaking through the air.

In the same sentence, Judge Cui felt a huge danger coming, but he took a step slower.

It's not that it's a step slower, the main reason is that it's too big to hide, and there's no way to hide.

With a puff, an arrow was hit in the right arm.

A shrill scream resounded through the hall.

Judge Lu covered his ears in advance and smiled.

Obviously satisfied with this one.

Can you be dissatisfied?

Judge Cui's originally thick right arm withered quickly at this moment, like a wilted eggplant.

Coupled with the previous three thousand mad demon ghosts, Judge Cui is already at the end of the shot.

It is estimated that there will be no waves to turn over.

A loud bang.

Judge Choi fell.

Judge Lu shook his head and said that Lao Cui was still very powerful. This time we made a sneak attack and we were well prepared. Otherwise, it was really uncertain who would kill the deer.

"To say that we are really insidious enough, I heard that you spent several years in order to nurture the Yin Demon, let it absorb resentment and malice, and increase its strength."

Judge Lu said something to Lin Yuan.

"My lord, you took great pains to get these 3,000 demon souls. You won't be able to get them in four or five years."

Lin Yuan also laughed.

"So we are insidious. Seeing Lao Cui so miserable, I can't bear it. Hey, you go, put Lao Cui in the dungeon I prepared, remember, lock and seal more, and finally Open the gate and let the Yinhe Mingshui in, so that the seal will be secure."

As soon as Lin Yuan heard it, he said that Mr. Lu, you have been very thoughtful.

"By the way, how many years have you dug that dungeon?" he asked curiously.

"Ten years." Master Lu looked righteous.

"Adults work hard."

"I am a life of hard work, let's go. As for the judge's seal, I'm here to find it. I know where Lao Cui has put it."

"it is good."

The two acted separately.

Judge Cui was defeated, and Lin Yuan asked the Yin Demon to drag him away.

When Lin Yuan came back, Judge Lu was already sitting behind the judge's copy, holding an official seal in his hand and looking at it.

Lin Yuan saw this and said congratulations.

"Why? My position as a judge was won by conspiracy and trickery. There is no problem with the people below. Even if they have suspicions in their hearts, they don't dare to show it. Only Shengjun and Lao Wei are not easy to fool, I'm afraid. When they come to make trouble, it will be troublesome at that time.”

Judge Lu looked sad at the moment.

Lin Yuan smiled and said that Master Lu was very thoughtful and there must be a solution.

"Where can I find a solution, Lin Yuan, you have to help me with this."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak.

This matter is not in their agreement. Judge Lu has to mention this issue at this moment, obviously he has other ideas.

"The rice is ready, and the wood is ready. What if those two know? Mr. Lu doesn't need to worry, it's the truth."

Lin Yuan said.

This is what he and Judge Lu had discussed before.

Unexpectedly, Judge Lu shook his head and said that it was easy to think before.

"I won the throne by unseen methods. In a short period of time, this judge's position will inevitably be unstable. If Lao Wei and the Holy Monarch can help me, the overall situation can be settled; but if they also covet this son, what should I do? ?"

Lin Yuan also shook his head.

The heart says this human heart is too easy to change.

Especially Judge Lu, who has changed too fast. He just started to think about these things as soon as he took the position of judge.

Not right either.

People must have thought about it.

But he didn't tell himself.

Lin Yuan smiled and said that this matter is difficult, but it has nothing to do with me.

"Lord Lu, the transaction between you and me has been reached. I will help you to get the position of judge. You can withdraw the arrest document for Lin Mo. It is extremely simple.

What has been said is clear.

Judge Lu didn't speak.

Just picked up an arrest document from the copy and looked at it.

After a while, he said, "How did you say your younger brother managed to return to Yang after his death? I've only heard of this kind of thing, but it really made me do it, but I don't know how to proceed."

Lin Yuan still had a smile on his face.

"To be honest, I don't know either."

"You really don't know?"

"I really don't know."

"Don't you think it's strange? Is your brother hiding some secret from you?"

"I don't care, I only know that it's my brother, the only brother, whoever hits him, I'll do it, there's no discussion."

Lin Yuan spoke with a smile, but there was a murderous aura in his tone.

This is to answer the other party's question, and at the same time, it is also a statement of attitude.

Draw a red line for each other.

You can talk nonsense about other things, we don't care about you, but don't cross the line.

If you cross the line, I'll get you.

Not negotiable.

Judge Lu clearly understood, and his face sank immediately.

It's completely different from the smiling and friendly look just now.

He put the arrest papers back.

"Do you think Lao Wei and Shengjun will help me?"

Now Judge Lu's thinking is jumping, and now he jumps back to the previous topic, but the majesty between the words has grown, and the demeanor and tone are so similar to the former Judge Cui.

"I don't know." Lin Yuan looked at Judge Lu across from him, and the smile on his face slowly faded away.

"I don't think they can help. Not only will they not help me, but they are very likely to join forces against me, saying that I broke the rules, that I am insidious and cunning, and they want to get rid of me quickly...

So, I plan to preemptively and get rid of both of them, so that I can sit back and relax. "

At this moment, Judge Lu's face became more hazy.

After Lin Yuan heard it, he turned around and walked out without saying a word.

The next moment, the layout of the hall changed, the wall on the ground at the exit was twisted, and after a strange loud noise, the exit was closed.

Ghosts wandered around, killing intent.

Lin Yuan sighed.

The shadow under his feet moved, and the Yin Demon climbed out of it.

"Brother, who are you beating up this time?" The Yin Demon asked in a low voice.

Lin Yuan made a calm gesture.

Look at Judge Lu over there.

"My lord, are you going to kill the donkey? It's too fast, isn't it? You were not so impatient before."

"At this time and another, there was nothing to worry about at that time, and the mentality was good; now it's different, and you worry about gains and losses. If you don't help me, then it is possible to help others. You say, if you were me, what would you do?"

Judge Lu forcibly cleaned himself up, saying that I can't blame me, it's all forced by you.

"I won't do it like you." Lin Yuan said that we are not the same: "I have a bottom line."

At this moment, Judge Lu stopped pretending, and his face became more and more gloomy.

There are more and more ghosts around.

Obviously, Judge Lu had hidden other means besides the three thousand unjust souls.

is a sinister man.

However, Lin Yuan is not bad. He turned his hand, and there was an extra talisman in his palm. Then he reached out and grabbed the Yin Demon next to him. In an instant, the two of them were distorted and disappeared in an instant.


Judge Lu was taken aback.

He really didn't expect this.

He squinted and thought for a while, then suddenly his expression changed.

"His grandma's, was calculated."


Judge Luo slapped on the copy.

At this moment, the heavy copy was smashed to pieces by him.

"Lin Yuan, he has long talked about that I might kill the donkey, but he still tried his best to help me imprison Lao Cui and seize the position of judge, because this is his calculus."

"He knows that in all likelihood I won't perform the contract, but this is what he wants. He wants chaos in the underworld."

"I do something to Lao Cui, no matter what the reason is, Lao Wei and Shengjun will not ignore them, and their prestige in the underworld is no less than mine. If there is a real conflict, the underworld will inevitably be in chaos, and all parties will fight and kill, so who cares what? Arrest documents?"

"Perhaps Lin Yuan will also be wanted and killed by Lao Wei and Shengjun, but at least his younger brother Lin Mo will be safe. After all, the situation is chaotic, who cares about the arrest documents?"

"It's really a good plan, I was actually used as a spearman, and I actually became a chess piece?"

"Too deceiving!"

After he figured out the key, Judge Lu stomped his feet straight.

But it's too late to say anything.

He was blinded by power before, but he didn't think about it, and now he regrets it.

Things have been done.

Do you want to go now, Lao Cui, and then let it go, say sorry, I was wrong, let's still be good friends?


That guy, Old Cui, is sure to report his revenge. It is impossible to pretend that nothing happened. Right now, he can only go on like this, which is what annoys Judge Lu the most.

Moreover, he has won the judge's seal, and now he is in power, how can he spit out what has been eaten in his mouth?

Slowly, Judge Lu calmed down from his rage.

"Lin Yuan, he saw that I had ambitions at first, so he took the initiative to contact and help me get what I wanted. He planned this, not for his brother. It is true that I can't catch you Lin Yuan, but your brother is not. I don't have that kind of ability. When I catch this Lin Mo, I'll see if you give in or not."

Judge Lu also found a breakthrough.

Old Wei and Zhong Kui will definitely come to Xing Shi to ask for their guilt. At that time, the underworld will be in chaos. Although Judge Lu has great power, he also needs a good helper.

Lin Yuan is the sharpest knife.

Caught Lin Mo, not afraid that the other party would not accept it.

At this time, there was movement outside. Judge Lu raised his hand and waved, and the entrance to the closed hall was reopened. Then a gloomy ghost official locked a green-skinned ghost with an iron chain and walked in.

The green leather ghost was trembling with fright, and after entering, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Judge Lu asked what was going on.

The ghost officer looked up and was stunned.

"Master Lu, why are you here? Where is Judge Cui?"

Judge Lu didn't talk nonsense, picked up the judge seal and shook it.

"From today onwards, I will take over the position of the judge, and report to me about matters in the underworld."

Seeing the seal of the judge, even though the ghost official was puzzled, he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Judge Lu was extremely dignified and murderous at the moment. Asking again, it would be uncomfortable.

In fact, since Judge Lu has been planning for a long time, he has naturally prepared his own group of people, but he has not had time to place them in the main position.

It takes time.

Next, the ghost official revealed the situation of the green-skinned ghost, and the other party actually sneaked into the ghost prison to inquire about the name of 'Lin Yuan'.

And there is a terrifying ghost hidden on him.

It's just that after being discovered, the ghost escaped alone, leaving only the old green skin ghost.

"Who asked you to inquire about Lin Yuan's name? Do you know Lin Yuan?"

Judge Lu asked a question.

The green skin ghost below said that he didn't know him, and then described the person who directed it to him in detail.

When Judge Lu heard a move in his heart, he immediately found a wronged soul and turned the wronged soul into the appearance of Lin Yuan.

"Is it him?"

The green leather ghost glanced at it and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, it's him."

Obviously this can't be Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan will not be idle and have nothing to do to arrange a green leather ghost to find him.

That is Lin Mo.

definitely is!

Judge Lu was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo also came.

Isn't this looking for death?

He immediately ordered to block the underworld only allowed to enter but not to go out.

He thought about it, as long as Lin Mo was caught, then Lin Yuan could only help him, and then if they worked together to get rid of Lao Wei and Zhong Kui, no one would be able to threaten him again.

As for the higher-level 'Yan Wang', this existence has never appeared.

Maybe it doesn't exist at all.

Otherwise, when Lao Cui drove the three of them out and took the power alone, why didn't the 'King of Hell' come out to interfere?

What is there to fear about something that does not exist?

------off topic-----

Before I knew it, it was the 28th. In the last few days, I was madly asking for a monthly pass. The original target was 3000. At present, it was a bit difficult.


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