Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 962: Nightmare Arena

The latest website: Swallowing Whale City is recognized as a big city with a very delicate life. It was before the nightmare came, and after the nightmare came, it was still. After all, the long-standing lifestyle will not be easily changed.

As a former star, Tao Xin's life is undoubtedly that exquisite.

Of course, this is what others think, but in fact, she prefers to live a life of freedom and freedom. For example, deliberately making the bed messy, you don’t need to groom every day, eat a little food that is not so ‘healthy’, and you don’t need to pursue the so-called quality.

Especially at this time, when many people have difficulty maintaining their vitality, for most people, the word exquisite is just pretending, it is an unrealistic fantasy and nostalgia for the past era. .

But it is undeniable that there are still quite a few people who maintain a very 'exquisite' life.

Precisely, Tao Xin is even a member of this part of the 'elite'.

There is no shortage of wealth Tao Xin. Celebrities are high-income groups, and they belong to the kind of occupation that can earn ordinary people a lifetime of living expenses in one year.

In addition, she is also good at investing and financial management, especially cooperating with Fatty to start a security company, and even earning a family property that will not have to worry about livelihood in the future.

It can be said that as long as you don't kill yourself, you can still enjoy life comfortably even when the nightmare comes completely, what ordinary people call the end times.

Tao Xin is very satisfied with her current life.

She doesn't need to show her face anymore. Most of the time, she stays at home alone, and when she is in a good mood, she goes out and goes shopping in the business district of the safe area.

Or have a tea party with three or five friends.

After doing yoga at home that day, Tao Xin received a call from her friend and girlfriend, saying that she was asked to come out for a party at night.

It's been a long time since she went out to dinner, she naturally agreed.

After a while, another call came in.

Tao Xin saw that it was a fat man.

Because they cooperated with Fatty, they also kept in touch with each other. Fatty likes to chat with Tao Xin at all times. At first, his intention to please and pursue beauty was very obvious.

It's almost written on the face.

However, it was later discovered that the beauty was unintentional, and the fat man quickly changed his target. Staring at the beautiful girlfriends Tao Xin knew.

Said to ask Tao Xin to help introduce the matchmaking.

Obviously, Tao Xin is a great beauty, and her circle of friends is also full of beauties, and they are all powerful beauties, so there is no problem with the choice of fat people's target group.

Tao Xin quickly answered the phone at this time.

In fact, she doesn't dislike talking to Fatty on the phone, mainly because she can inquire about Lin Mo's current situation from Fatty's mouth.

"What's the matter?" Because he was very familiar with Fatty, his words were simplified.

"It's alright, I've arrived at Tunjing City. Sister Tao, when are you going to ask your little sisters to come out and meet me?" Fatty's voice came from the phone.

You can hear it, this guy is happy.

Relying on the Green Garden Community, Fatty's security company's business is very popular and colorful.

Tao Xin thought that if there is a dinner party tonight, it is better to call Fatty.

"There's dinner tonight, are you free?"

"Yes, there is too much, what time and location, tell me quickly."

After chatting for a few more words, Tao Xin pretended to casually ask Fatty if he knew about Lin Mo's recent situation.

The fat man couldn't tell.

"I haven't contacted Brother Lin for a long time. You know, he is very busy, and I don't dare to call him. By the way, Sister Tao, you can call him and ask. You know the number."

Tao Xin said that you are embarrassed to fight, and I am embarrassed?

After he said a few words, he hung up the phone.

In a flash, it was night.

Tao Xin simply dressed up, changed her clothes and pushed the door out.

A car was called at the door, and he told the master the exact address, and Tao Xin began to look out the window. Going out, wearing a mask, hat and toad mirror, no one can see who she is unless she is looking at her face.

The safe area is still prosperous. If you just look outside, you will think it is the same as before.

There are many pedestrians on the road, but if you have the opportunity to climb the towering city wall in the safe area and look out, you will find that most of the city outside is dark.

There was an eerie silence.

It's a reminder of how hard-earned this peace and quiet is right now.

In the car, Tao Xin received a call. It was her best friend who asked her where she was going. After hanging up, she started to swipe her phone to see if there was any news.

The meeting place is called 'Yunxiang Pavilion'.

It belongs to a very high-end restaurant in the safety zone of Tunjing City. After getting off the bus, Tao Xin unexpectedly found that Fatty had already arrived and was waiting for her below.

"Why didn't you go up?" Tao Xin asked.

"I'm embarrassed by myself. I'll go up with you. Sister Tao, you can introduce me." The fat man smiled. Today, this guy is dressed like a dog.

It's like going out on a blind date.

Tao Xin took the fat man upstairs to the private room. There were already several men and women present. Of course, there were more women than men.

There are female stars like Tao Xin, and there are rich girls from rich families. In this dinner, men have become embellishments and decorations.

After introducing Fatty, I waited for a while, and dinner was served when the last person arrived.

It's nice to chat while eating.

Fatty's humorous words made the girls at the dining table laugh non-stop.

Satisfied, someone proposed to play the next game at the 'Nightmare Arena'.

When it comes to Nightmare Arena, this is a 'entertainment' activity that has only recently become popular.

Similar to the nature of the past, billiards room, and night games.

There are several ways to play, the most popular one is to buy a blind box and start a battle.

It's a bit similar to boxing and fighting competitions, but it's the nightmare that comes to the stage to fight.

Guests can choose one of the two sides to bet, and if they win, they will be rewarded relative to the odds, or they can directly spend money to buy a Nightmare Blind Box, which is to randomly choose one of the many candidates to fight on the stage.

If won, the ownership of the nightmare goes to the victor.

Of course, the nightmare cannot be taken away, and can only remain in the arena, but after that, the owner can take 30% of the benefits brought by this nightmare.

This thing is definitely more exciting than betting on horses or something.

So not long after it was launched, it immediately swept the entire whale-swallowing market. Basically, anyone with some money had been exposed to it, and it was very addicting.

Tao Xin had heard of it before, but she had never played it, and this was the first time she went.

Fatty spends most of his time in Migratory Bird City.

Migratory Bird City and Swallowing Whale City can't be compared. They belong to the "country people" in the eyes of others. Fatty is naturally the first time he has encountered such a novel thing.

To enter the Nightmare Arena, you naturally have to fall into a dream.

So from the real world, the Nightmare Arena has two buildings, one is a dark "arena" transformed from a gymnasium, and the other is a hotel.

Guests need to open a room in the hotel first, then fall into a dream, and then receive a hand card from a special passage to enter the Nightmare Arena.

After Tao Xin fell into a dream, she pushed the door and walked out of the room.

There are special staff outside to guide.

First receive the corresponding hand card, there is a number on the hand card, and the consumption and income here in the future are based on this hand card.

Meeting with others at the entrance, the group followed the other guests and entered the Nightmare Arena through a special passage.

"The next gladiatorial fight will start in ten minutes. You can now place bets on the upcoming Nightmare. The specific introduction and odds can be checked at the desk."

A cool-dressed female receptionist shouted along the road, attracting more guests to join the betting.

After all, no matter who wins or loses, they can get a cut from it, which is the most important piece of income in the entire Nightmare Arena.

In the past, some people didn't like violence, but when he arrived at the scene of boxing and kickboxing one day, he would find that the atmosphere can change a person.

That kind of frenzy, violence, and gambling-like things awaken the instincts deep inside people.

And this instinct drives people to be obsessed with it.

Anyway, after entering the venue at this moment, both men and women present were very enthusiastic and excited.

Tao Xin obviously doesn't like this kind of occasion.

It's just that she was forcibly pulled over by a few girlfriends.

Fatty said he didn't like it either, but he didn't mind coming over to have a look in order to pick up girls.

In the middle is a table surrounded by a special iron cage. There are seats around, which are divided into three, six, nine, etc. A good position requires not only money, but also status.

Looking at the table in the middle, there were two or three people in protective suits cleaning up. There were many bloodstains on the ground, and the air was full of blood.

I don't know what kind of nightmare the last gladiatorial fight was.

Tao Xin didn't make a bet, but several other people bought it, saying that it was the two nightmares of the next gladiatorial fight, one was called 'Eviscerate' and the other was called 'Aunt Snake'.

There are some basic introductions about the two nightmares, but more details are not shown, and everyone needs to judge their own strength.

As for the odds of the two sides, it is completely floating.

That is to say, if there are more people who buy one side to win, then the odds of this side will naturally be less, and vice versa.

At any time, if you want to make a fortune, you can only be upset.

This is the law.

Among Tao Xin's best friends, there is a fat man who has met before and is also a big star; the others are also more or less related to the entertainment industry, because the gladiatorial fight has not yet started, so everyone chats together and talks about each other. Some nightmare experiences will always cause everyone to exclaim.

But to be honest, these experiences can't be compared with Fatty, even with Tao Xin.

At this time, when it comes to the control of nightmares, some people say that this nightmare cannot be controlled at all, just like this arena, the central field is sealed by a special iron cage, and there are other protections, just to be afraid of nightmares Get out of trouble.

But the more so, the more exciting it is.

Thrill-seeking is an important feeling among the many experiences these guests want.

Fatty fell in love with the talking rich girl, so he took over and said that the nightmare is actually easier to control.

It was fine at the beginning, there was talk and laughter, but it was not right when they were talking. The two of them were actually on the fence because of arguing about whether the nightmare could be controlled.

Originally, I said this to be able to catch up with the conversation, but Fatty is also a serious person, and the woman opposite is also stubborn, and keeps saying that Fatty doesn't understand and pretends to understand, nonsense.

Where did the fat man get this anger, you said a sentence to me, and directly quarreled.

"I just said that nightmares can't be controlled, otherwise why are iron cages built here? If it can be controlled, wouldn't it be better to make it an open environment? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. How many nightmares have you seen? , dare to speak out here." The rich girl had an aggressive attitude, with an expression like "You don't understand, you can't shut up for me."

Fatty can't stand this, and he says that others can't. That's because others are incompetent. Your little girl is only a big movie, and she dares to speak like that after seeing so much.

"As you say, you can do it, then why haven't I seen you bring a few nightmares out? Come, let me see and see, or you will just slip your tongue. What I hate most is this kind of joke. The man is boring." The rich girl's mouth was strong enough, and the fat man's anger was stirred up in two sentences.

"Look at me, okay, wait, I'll bring you two and let them stay home with you for a few days."

The fat man slapped his thigh and was about to go out.

But he suddenly remembered that this time, he didn't seem to bring a nightmare.

After all, the Jingjing City Safety Zone is a very safe place, and there is no need to bring it out.

Looking at the fat man hesitating, the rich girl is still making up for it.

"Look, if it doesn't work, you know it's like this. Once it's real, it won't work. Hey, you can't speak so hard."

At this time, the fat man calmed down.

He thought about why he had the same knowledge as this rich girl.

The other party is very beautiful, and he also agrees with his own aesthetics, which is the kind he likes.

But her mouth is too poisonous, and she is unreasonable. It is also a hassle for such a girl to really catch up.

At that moment, Fatty had already thought about their married life after giving birth. If he was scolded and despised by the other party every day, he would be depressed in the future.

Got it.

Let's not talk about it, just ignore it.

At the moment, I sat down and started watching the arena.

At this time, in the iron cage, Nightmare Eviscerate and Aunt Snake also appeared.

Eviscerate is a murderer, with a knife in his hand, the fat man glanced at it and felt like a butcher on the second floor, of course, far worse than a butcher.

Aunt Snake was an old woman with a strange appearance and a gloomy face, standing there motionless.

The voice of the commentary sounded at this time, nothing more than to drive the atmosphere on the field, and everyone's attention was attracted.

It's just that Eviscerate and Aunt Snake didn't attack each other. The two of them looked out of the surrounding iron cage at the moment, with strong killing intent in their eyes.

Evisting went to the edge and tried to grab the iron cage, only to be electrocuted by an electric current.

Apparently the cage was electrified.

Under the power-on state, they can't get out of this nightmare.

The commentary starts to threaten at this time, usually the kind of brainless nightmares, who are locked in a cage will definitely attack each other; if they encounter such a brainy nightmare that is unwilling to kill each other, they will threaten them.

If you don't do it, the iron cage will shrink and squeeze in a while, and then a strong current will kill them all in the iron cage.

So if you don't want to die, you have to do it.

According to the usual experience, if you threaten a few words, the nightmares inside will attack each other.

This is true.

At this time, Eviscerate shifted his gaze to Aunt Snake, swooped on it the next moment, raised his hand and stabbed at Aunt Snake's neck.

Fast, accurate, lethal.

In general, homicidal nightmares are smart.

They know that they can only fight with other nightmares at this time, otherwise, they will definitely be killed.

Since they will definitely kill each other, it is better to strike first.

As soon as the bone was removed, the surrounding audience immediately screamed with excitement.

Some even stared at each other with ferocity, as if it was not others but themselves who were about to kill in the iron cage.

The next moment, Eviscerate stopped.

"Did you get stabbed?"

"I can't see clearly."

There are guests below talking, and they are all pressing forward at this moment.

Seeing Eviscerate's body trembling, and then looking closely, at this moment, Aunt Snake on the opposite side opened her mouth, and a poisonous snake came out of its mouth, already biting on Eviscerate's wrist.

Then more poisonous snakes quickly swam out from Aunt Snake's cuff and neckline and began to attack and bite and eviscerate.

The murderous murderer quickly fell to the ground, twitched twice, and didn't move.

Obviously the venom is ferocious.

The battle ended in an unexpected way.

very fast.

No one responded.

Then there was a burst of cheers, obviously those who bought Aunt Snake to win.

The odds of Aunt Snake are very high, and this time, you can naturally make a lot of money.

Some people are happy and others are worried. Those who bought the deboning and won, naturally lost, and they all cursed and said that the deboning was not useful.

At the position closest to the central iron cage, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

They are security personnel.

They are people who have experienced many nightmare events, are professionally trained, and are hired to watch the scene and prevent the occurrence of nightmare escapes and injuries.

Among them, the security captain immediately arranged to transfer Aunt Snake back.

People outside didn't know that the security captain was terrified just now.

Aunt Snake's strength is stronger than what they estimated.

And much stronger.

Originally, Eviscerate and Aunt Snake were evenly matched. The organizer arranged this kind of gladiatorial competition, of course, hoped that the fight would be exciting, so that more people watching would benefit.

Such a crush-level spike is obviously not in their interests.

Mainly because Aunt Snake had clearly hidden her strength before.

The security captain looked at Aunt Snake at close range at this time, and always felt that something was wrong.

The opponent is too strong.

Can the iron cage withstand it?

I hoped that I thought too much, so I opened the passage and asked Aunt Snake to quickly return to the cell inside.

But Aunt Snake didn't move.

Someone stabbed it with a live pole outside, but it didn't move.

Just stand there.

The ominous feeling in the security captain's heart became stronger.

He felt something was going to happen.

The next moment, Aunt Snake suddenly raised her head and opened her mouth wide. What happened next made his scalp numb, and fear came out of his heart.

From Aunt Snake's mouth, countless small snakes with the thickness of fingers crawled out.

It's like flowing out of a fountain.

This kind of small snake is too small. At the moment, it is moving in all directions. Although the hole in the iron cage is small enough, it still cannot stop these small snakes.

They got out.

"No, press the alarm!"

The security captain saw this scene and immediately realized that something had happened.

He hurried a few steps and pressed the red button on the wall.

Immediately the alarm sounded.

The audience around didn't know what happened, and they were all stunned at the moment.

At this time, the countless little snakes had already broken through the second line of defense and rushed out. Several security personnel who were close to each other were the first to suffer. They were bitten by the little snakes, then got into their noses and began to fall to the ground and twitch.

"Run, run!"

The security captain shouted.

No one expected the accident to happen at this time, and in this way.

Seeing more little snakes swimming around, some of them had climbed up the security captain's trouser legs. At this moment, the security captain knew that he was dead.

In an instant, he began to look back on the past.

It's just that the expected pain didn't come, and the security captain was very surprised. He looked again, and the little snake on the trouser leg actually quickly retreated.

Not only these, all the little snakes around, like the sea at low tide, started to retreat quickly, and the scene was quite Everyone was stunned.

Not sure what happened.

No one dared to make a sound, for fear that these terrifying little snakes would be shocked again.

All the little snakes gathered together outside the iron cage at this moment, and then turned into the appearance of Aunt Snake again.

I saw Aunt Snake's eyes staring in one direction, with surprise and fear.

When everyone saw this scene, they all followed Aunt Snake's eyes and looked over there.

But I saw a child who was covered in purple and autumn was crawling in through a window.

He looked around, and then jumped up in front of Tao Xin, spreading his arms.

"Godmother, hug!"


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