Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 959: Reward: Jailer Skin

The end begins with a nightmare Chapter 959 Reward: Jailer Skin

Lin Mo and Zhou Li were stunned.

He hadn't reacted yet, but he got up, slammed, and fell again. This time Zhou Li was directly stunned by the fall, and Lin Mo also felt that his mouth was full of blood.

Feeling nauseous.

The jailer's strength was too great.

The two vital points of the neck and the lower back were stabbed, yet he still had such great strength.

But although his whole body seemed to fall apart, Lin Mo knew very well that the more this happened, the less he could relax.

Otherwise, it is likely to fall short.

The jailer was half-kneeling on the ground, panting heavily.

Obviously the two bone spur attacks also caused huge damage.

But even so, the evil ghost jailer still did not loosen the chain.

Really very conscientious.

In this way, Lin Mo and Zhou Li can only fight.

The two blows just now shattered the flail.

This brings convenience to both of them.

Although it is still locked with iron chains, it is more convenient to move around than before.

No need to ventilate, the two rushed forward, one stabbed at the jailer's neck and the other at the jailer's back.

One after another.

The jailer threw the two out with great force, but the two of them seemed to be unaware of fatigue and pain, and continued to stab and stab them.

Several rounds in a row.

Lin Mo and Zhou Li were already bruised and bruised, and they didn't know how many bones were broken.


But the jailer was even worse.

The whole body was poked like a shower head for a bath, with holes.

The most ruthless is the one in the eye socket at the moment, the bone spur pierced in, but it broke inside, and the blood was blurred. It was obviously a fatal attack, and the jailer was already on the ground at this moment.

"It really worked!"

Lin Mo looked at the jailer on the ground. At this moment, he thought about a lot of things.

The first is that if this is discovered, it will definitely be a crime plus one, and it will definitely be punished more terribly.

But thinking about it carefully, this Lin Mo doesn't need to worry.

For him, this game is not good, just start a new game.

But Zhou Li certainly couldn't escape.

Also, in this case, it should be considered that the jailbreak has been successful.

After all, he has come out of the cage and got rid of the jailer.

Just thinking of this, Lin Mo saw the prompt of the scene task.

"Congratulations, the hidden scene death escape clearance."

"Player: a mental patient, it took 2 hours, 17 minutes and 1 second;"

"Operating role: Ghost criminal Dong Jiao; plot completion rate 35%; prop collection 1%; number of deaths 3 times."

"Comprehensive evaluation s-level."

"Reward 2 lives, 5 coins, special character skin: Evil Jailer Li Si."

"Do you want to leave the game scene immediately?"

Seeing this prompt, Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

He chose not to leave.

Just kidding, this time he didn't come to play games at all, nor was it for that little reward, the attraction to him was negligible.

What he wants is to explore some secrets about the person who is exactly like him in this scene.

To put it bluntly, Lin Mo thought that this had something to do with the elder brother Lin Yuan, so he had to find out what was going on.

Before Lin Mo might have thought about how to continue his exploration, after all, he and Zhou Li had killed an evil ghost jailer. Once discovered, he would definitely be wanted by the entire underworld.

At that time, in all likelihood, it will be impossible to move an inch.

But now with this time's mission reward, it's different.

"Special character skin, the evil ghost jailer, this is simply dozing off and someone giving a pillow."

Lin Mo glanced at Zhou Li.

This guy lost his strength and was sitting on the ground gasping for breath. He was probably frightened and scared, and his mind was blank.

With Zhou Li's mind, it is impossible not to think of the next situation. It is because he knows, so he doesn't know what to do. At this moment, Zhou Li also looked at Lin Mo and asked what to do.

"Hold on."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he started to use the rewarded skin this time.

He saw a mist emerge from his body, and when the mist dissipated, Lin Mo, who was originally a ghost prisoner, was transformed into a ghost jailer.

"Gene Era"

No matter its appearance or imposing manner, it is no different from other evil ghost jailers.

Even, there are waist cards.

Lin Mo picked up his own waist card and looked at it, it said 'Li Si'.

Obviously, this skin has already prepared the 'data', and it is not afraid of checking, and there is no problem.

Lin Mo is very satisfied with this new skin.

Zhou Li even looked stupid.

He guessed that he would never have imagined that the big guy who escaped from prison with himself would change his body and become a ghost jailer.

What's the situation?

Fishing Law Enforcement?

Or is this big guy a genius?

Because he was too shocked, Zhou Li's brain was blank, and he immediately shut down. He didn't know what to say, so he just looked at it stupidly.

Lin Mo had already thought about his next plan.

Of course he won't go to the judge.

Seeing the judge, that's looking for death. The judge is an extremely powerful existence in this scene. It may be impossible to see the judge according to the normal game flow.

Now that Lin Mo has the skin of a jailer, he will pretend to be a jailer and walk around with Zhou Li, a 'ghost criminal'.

In this way, you can investigate the situation and find the person who looks like yourself. If you encounter cross-examination, you can also say that you are escorting the prisoner.

It is perfect.

It can only be said that the reward this time is very powerful, and other rewards have absolutely no such effect.

Lin Mo told Zhou Li that he would walk around with him next.

Zhou Li asked if he was looking for an exit to escape from the underworld.

Lin Mo said about the same.

Zhou Li said he would definitely cooperate.

It's not good if you don't cooperate. They're all on the same boat. If the boat capsizes, it won't do anyone any good.

The shackle was broken, but luckily the lock was still there, tied with an iron chain, Lin Mo moved around a bit, then dragged Zhou Li with the iron chain and started to walk.

As for the corpse of the jailer just now, if there is no place to deal with it, it will be left in the gray fog.

Even if someone finds out, he is not afraid.

There are no surveillance cameras, who knows who did it?

Originally, Lin Mo was going back and forth on the same path, but after walking about ten steps, his eyes suddenly became clear, and he found that he had walked out of the gray fog.

It's just that it doesn't seem to have returned to the previous cage and execution ground, but to another place.

It's like a **** of fire.

You can also see the cage, but the cage seems to be built in a volcanic crater. The ghosts inside are all barbecued, and they are screaming and screaming all the time.

Can this be called.

It has been roasted, burned, and everyone has to cry.

There are also execution scenes.

A huge, red-hot iron pillar lay across the other side, and the ghost was forced to walk up and down on it.

If it falls, there is also a fire below.

The top is also burnt, and the bottom is also burnt.

Simply dead.

I also thought that the ghosts here are all cursed by the undead.

It was simply life and death, life is better than death, at this time, death is really a relief.

But this kind of relief is hard to come by.

Lin Mo looked at the red-skinned jailer here, and then at his cyan skin, and knew that he had gone to the wrong place.

He is very natural, without saying a word, back and forth.

Before anyone asked him, he walked back into the gray fog.

This time, Lin Mo didn't walk around in a hurry, but asked Zhou Li if we were going back and forth just now.

Zhou Li thought for a while, and said that maybe, maybe, probably, he went off a bit.

"Understood, these gray fogs are actually similar to a special crossroads, which are portals, which can greatly shorten the distance between various areas, but they must be familiar with the route, otherwise they will go to other places if they deviate slightly."

It's obviously a bit late to understand this now.

Because Lin Mo can't find Bei at all at this moment.

There is no reference in this place, and Lin Mo has no idea where to go next.

Usually, when encountering such a situation, Lin Mo will make a decisive choice and go blind!

"Go over there."

Lin Mo pointed in a random direction, and then strode forward.

This time it took about ten steps.

Suddenly again.

Ice and snow are flying, and the wind is biting.

The temperature dropped so much all of a sudden that even Lin Mo shivered from the cold.

"No, it must have gone wrong again."

Just by looking at the temperature, you can tell it's wrong.

Only to go back and forth again.

The current situation is a complete loss of sense of direction.

You can only move forward by feeling.

This time, I chose a direction, and after I went out, I found that it was not a flame hell, not a cold hell, but another place.

There is no gloomy hall here, but there are pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and the scenery is quite good.

It feels very Lin Mo thinks he can explore it here.

Zhou Li expressed a different view.

"Brother, this place is not right."

"What's wrong, I think it's pretty good, you see, the pavilions here are all carved beams and painted columns, very artistic."

"It's not right because of this. What do you think, where are we? The underworld, the eighteenth level of hell, there must be something wrong with such a comfortable and luxurious place suddenly appearing. I think, let's go."

"What you said makes sense."

Lin Mo nodded.

In fact, he also thought of it, but because he didn't notice any danger, he wanted to investigate briefly.

But on second thought, if you really encounter trouble and then react, it will be too late.

That's it.

Anyway, I didn't see any figures here, and the person who looks like me will definitely not be here... Hey, wait a minute, isn't that the person walking in the corridor in the distance?

Lin Mo looked into the distance, his eyes lit up.

------off topic-----

A chapter in the early morning, ask for monthly ticket support, and in the new week, ask for recommended tickets!

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