Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 956: It's really the underworld

The Doomsday Begins From A Nightmare

It is the so-called once born and twice cooked.

This time, Lin Mo became more familiar with him than last time. When he woke up again, Lin Mo found that he had become another prisoner. Fortunately, he was still in the previous cage.

This start is much stronger than last time.

Not to be pulled over and executed as soon as he came up.

But according to Singyangzi and Duoduo, even staying in a cage is dangerous, and they were killed here.

After analysis, the possibility of other prisoners in the same prison is the greatest.

So Lin Mo has to guard against this.

With the experience this time, Lin Mo first checked his random occupation of his body.

Good luck.

Pretty strong.

It belongs to the kind of Confucian force.

In this case, other prisoners would not dare to bully him easily.

Lin Mo needs to explore this scene further, and he doesn't want to spend too much life. The last time he met the ultimate BOSS judge, he was slapped to death by someone who saw the clue, so this time Lin Mo made up his mind, absolutely not Contact the judge again.

If you are seen by the other party, even if you do nothing, the problem will be seen.

And to expand according to this logic, does this super-sensitive perception ability only exist in the judge, or does it also exist in other beings?

Because here, any props and abilities accumulated in the previous game cannot be used, so it is easy to be killed.

Be careful.

Lin Mo didn't move, he lowered his head and looked around.

The cage was bigger than he thought.

I used to think it was only tens of square meters in size, but at this moment, it was just the tip of the iceberg, maybe hundreds of square meters.

There are many prisoners.

Just a simple glance, this cage can only have hundreds of them.

Lin Mo noticed that there was blood on the ground.

very fresh.

But in addition to the fresh blood, there are also some bloodstains that have long since dried up, the kind that have been accumulated in layers that have not been cleaned up for many years.

Stepping on the ground with bare feet, you can feel a sticky nausea, and an inescapable, pungent stench.

Here, it is more like a cage, not to mention the smell.

I could see a lot of vicious prisoners eating around.

Holding and chewing.

Lin Mo looked at the prison, and it didn't seem like they were still providing food, let alone big bones.

But what the prisoners gnawed were indeed bones.

This is something worth savoring.

Lin Mo's own brain is relatively big, and he almost immediately guessed what kind of bone and what kind of meat it was.

"Looks like this is for a buffet."

Lin Mo is not surprised, let alone scared.

Isn't it just that people eat people, it's nothing special.

Maybe Duoduo and the sick seedlings were treated as food before.

Lin Mo felt that he would definitely not, even if he wanted to eat it, he would eat others, and no one would want to eat him.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed that a prisoner beside him was staring at him with unkind eyes.

A pair of eyes with each other.

Lin Mo immediately felt the other party's intention.

It's about doing it yourself.

No, I should still be hesitating, I may feel that I am relatively big, so it is risky to fight.

But for Lin Mo, he felt that this was an opportunity to stand out.

Immediately, a decision was made like lightning, and with a punch, the opponent who was still in a daze was knocked to the ground.

This time, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

One does not do the other endlessly, Lin Mo rushed over, and twisted the opponent's neck skillfully.

Looking at the prisoners around him, there was already fear in his eyes.

Li Wei was very successful.

Lin Mo walked to the side, and the surrounding prisoners immediately rushed up to dismember and eat the food on the ground. In that scene, even a pervert would have to pee his pants.

It's so cruel to do that.

But Lin Mo is very clear that if he wants to continue to explore this place, he must first survive. To survive, he has to be intimidating and intimidating others, and he can't let others do it for him first.

The weak eat the strong.

Adapt first, and Lin Mo feels that he adapts very well.

Just like now, those who have evil intentions and plans don't dare to look at them again.

Of course, even if you don't do this, you won't necessarily die, but if you do, it will definitely be safer.

Lin Mo noticed that Zhou Li was also in this cage.

And just now, the other party was also looking at this side.

After finding that his eyes were swept over, he immediately moved away.

Maybe a little scared of myself.

Lin Mo smiled and walked towards Zhou Li.

The last time Lin Mo could confirm that this person was Zhou Li. Although he used to be an enemy, he was also an acquaintance. If we could chat, the other party should know some things here.

Seeing Lin Mo approaching, Zhou Li was obviously a little nervous. He wanted to escape, but was blocked by Lin Mo.

To say that the other party is also a ruthless person, he actually planned to attack first, and Lin Mo was forced to fight. Fortunately, when they were entangled with each other, Lin Mo called the other party's name again.

This time Zhou Li showed doubts.

"How do you know my name?"

"We knew each other before."

Lin Mo let go of the hand that was holding the opponent's neck. Zhou Li didn't resist any more, but stepped aside and looked at Lin Mo up and down.

"But I don't know you."

"The specific situation is a long story. Find a safe place to talk."

Lin Mo made a suggestion.

This time Zhou Li did not refuse, he led Lin Mo to a corner.

The dozen or so prisoners here were all vicious, and Zhou Li nodded at them.


Lin Mo felt that he was getting into someone else's trap.

But it doesn't matter, this little battle still can't scare him.

"It's very safe here." Zhou Li stared at Lin Mo coldly at the moment: "Tell me, in this place, except for those jailers and judges, no one knows my real name, how do you know?"

Obviously, people like Zhou Li are not easy to fool. This guy is cunning and treacherous, and he needs some means to get rid of the other side's mouth.

Lin Mo didn't answer the other party's question, but instead asked, "Do you want to escape from here?"

What is certain is that one of the prisoners here will definitely want to escape.

Who wants to be in a place like this?

As a result, Zhou Li's eyes turned cold.

"kidding me?"

Looks like it's about to start.

Lin Mo reported Zhou Li's information.

It's not like he can think of this. In fact, after the last character's death, he went out and took the time to check and consolidate it.

Because Lin Mo felt that this time the scene had to rely on this Zhou Li to open up the situation.

Naturally, you must first clarify the other party's information and write it down.

As soon as this information was reported, Rao was a cunning and insidious murderer like Zhou Li, and he was a little embarrassed at the moment.

He looked at Lin Mo suspiciously, with disbelief and some fear in his eyes.

"You, are you sure you're not a clone of the judge?" Zhou Li asked carefully.

It turns out that this thing was messed up.

No wonder he showed fear.

This misunderstanding is actually quite good.

Lin Mo didn't explain either. Instead, he took the plan and deliberately sank his face: "Zhou Li, I have something to ask you."

"What do you want to ask?" Zhou Li was in shock at the moment, of course he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Aren't you dead, why are you in this place?"

Lin Mo knew that asking this question was not very good, and it was easy for the other party to notice the problem, but then he thought about it again.

Especially in this situation now, Lin Mo needs an exact answer.

On the opposite side, Zhou Li looked strange.

In his opinion, it was as ridiculous as a person asking him earnestly how much one plus one equals.

But is it funny?

Do not.

Not funny at all.

At this moment, in the face of such a strange person, he knows all his information, and even knows where his primary school is.

Zhou Li felt that most prison guards did not know.

Only the judge knows.

He was even more certain that the judge in front of him was pretending.

As for why the terrifying judge did this, Zhou Li didn't know, and he didn't dare to ask again. The appearance of the judge in the hall caused a huge psychological shadow on him, and just thinking about it made him feel powerless.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Zhou Li could only answer this ridiculous question.

"I'm here because I'm dead."

"This is the underworld underworld?"

"Yes." Zhou Li wanted to say why you asked knowingly.

Sure enough.

Lin Mo had already guessed it before, but he still felt a little incredible when it was confirmed.

This is really the legendary underworld.

Doesn't that mean that there is a king of **** here?

Yes, there should be.

There are bull-headed and horse-faced, and there are judges, how can there be no Hades.

But Lin Mo didn't want to see Hades.

The main reason is that the judges are so terrifying, if the King of Hell sees them, they will die faster.

At this moment, the cage over there was opened, and the jailer drove a prisoner in.

Lin Mo glanced at it and felt a little familiar.

But I am familiar with the specific place, but I can't say it.

At this time, another prisoner went over and asked, "Liu Su, what did the judge say when he saw you?"

Liu Su?

Isn't this the role you played before?

It wasn't shot to death, why did it come back?

Lin Mo immediately realized a possibility.

He asked Zhou Li, are there some people here who have the curse of the undead, can't they die, and even if they die, they can be resurrected again?

Zhou Li frowned, and then told Lin Mo that everyone here was cursed by the undead, and they could not die and could be resurrected again.

"That's why it's called the 18th hell, to endure endless criminal law and pain, to live and die, and there is nothing more despairing than this."

Is that so?

After Lin Mo heard this, he was quite shocked.

That is to say, after Zhou Li was killed by himself, he went to this place, and then he was sentenced to criminal law based on the crime he committed in his lifetime, and then he has been tortured here.

Lin Mo continued to ask.

Anyway, if you don't understand anything, ask what you don't understand.

Zhou Li over there is also used to this kind of mentally retarded question, which is common sense to him. Anyway, I will say whatever you ask, thinking that the judge's clone is really sick.

Is this fun?

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

About why someone eats people in a cage.

Regarding this question, Zhou Li told Lin Mo that it was a ghost prisoner who was sentenced to the 'Hungry Ghost Punishment'.

"They're going to be hungry all the time, no matter what they eat, it's pretty painful, you think about it.

Lin Mo thought about it, it was really painful.

A normal person is hungry without a meal. If you feel the strongest hunger all the time, it is indeed more uncomfortable than death.

The problem is, even eating is useless.

No matter how much you eat, you won't be full, you know that, but you can't stop. There is no good food, and they feel disgusted by eating human flesh, but they have no choice but to eat it.

But Lin Mo didn't sympathize with these guys either.

There is cause and effect.

According to Zhou Li, the people in this place are all wicked people, and the crimes they suffer now are all well-deserved.

Lin Mo asked Zhou Li, what punishment did you receive?

"Break your belly!"

There was fear in Zhou Li's voice.

Lin Mo continued to ask and said several times.

"More than a hundred times, I forgot the specifics."

Zhou Li said that every time he was tortured, he would slowly recover, and then continue to be tortured, as if it were never ending.

That was really miserable.

But for Zhou Li, it is also a matter of course. This guy killed the victim like this when he was alive, and was treated by the same criminal law after he died, which is very reasonable.

Now Lin Mo has figured out the general situation here.

The next step is to figure out who the person who looks especially like him is.

I have seen it a lot, and I have also seen the sick seedlings.

But the second time I came here, I never saw this person.

Obviously the other party does not come every time.

Lin Mo intends to continue to ask Zhou Li.

Zhou Li must remember what he looks like, and if he sees someone exactly like him, he must remember it.

This, Lin Mo also asked directly.

I asked Zhou Li if he had seen 'Lin Mo' here.

It's very direct, without any bewildering.

Zhou Li's expression immediately felt a little wrong.

You can see, there is a play.

"You've seen him, haven't you?" Lin Mo immediately continued to ask.

Zhou Li's pupils vibrated at this moment, as if he had recalled something, and then nodded.

"You know Lin Mo?"

"You don't need to worry about this, you just need to tell me the situation carefully."

"Okay, that was before. Lin Mo was my enemy. I will never forget his appearance. He was standing on the suspension bridge over there that day. When I saw him, I was very happy. Thought he was dead too, and would suffer endless pain here like"

"But I was wrong, so wrong, he's not a criminal... Why, why is it so unfair, why am I suffering here, why doesn't he use it, it's not fair, it's not fair."

At this moment, Zhou Li gritted his teeth.

A ghostly appearance gradually condensed on his face, resentment surged all over his body, and his anger was full of anger. All of a sudden, the whole person behaved extremely dangerously.

It was obvious that Zhou Li couldn't figure out why he had to suffer while the enemy could get away with it. He was envious, jealous, and full of hatred.

Zhou Li said this, proving that what Duoduo and Sick Sangzi met were indeed people who looked exactly like him.

All Lin Mo could think of was his brother.

Now we need to grasp the rules of my brother's coming here.

This also has to ask Zhou Li.

At this time, the jailer came over and began to use iron hooks to hook people out, and those who hooked out would be executed.

"Ultimate Chaos"

Unfortunately, Lin Mo was hooked.

But he didn't panic at all, while being dragged out, he said to Zhou Li over here: "Zhou Li, think about it again, think about the cycle and regularity of that Lin Mo's coming, I will come again next time. I ask you, but it will be changed at that time."

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