Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 948: Is there such a possibility

The devil's head was sealed.

Zuo Bai did it himself, and the craftsmanship has nothing to say.

Unless someone rips off the talisman on it again, this head will never get out of trouble again.

The old Taoist priests in Yuanfeng were naturally overjoyed. A matter that was enough to cause a serious disaster was easily resolved by Lin Mo in a few words.

There was a moment when the old Taoist priests in Yuanfeng felt that they were useless, that is, the matter of giving the talisman at the end helped a little.

Although the devil's head was sealed, Lin Mo and Zuo Bai couldn't be happy at the moment.

"Did you hear what the head said just now?" Zuo Bai asked.

Lin Mo said he heard it.

"It said he felt the breath of his left leg and left hand."

"How true do you think this is?"

Zuo Bai asked.

He asked this because he was actually worried that the man was lying or was setting a trap.

But it doesn't feel like it.

The devil was fooled by Lin Mo, and when he finally sealed his head, he didn't resist at all.

In this case, Zuo Bai would not believe what traps and tricks the other party could use, let alone Lin Mo.

Lin Mo also told the truth, he felt that the devil did not lie.

Zuo Bai immediately pointed at Yuan Feng and the others and said, "You all know the locations of Demon Sealing Head's body, aren't there people watching? Hurry up and ask."

An old Taoist nodded and hurriedly woke up to go to work.

Now the head has been sealed with talismans, and the right leg has also been sealed, and the crisis is lifted.

The right leg can continue to stay here, but the head certainly can't.

The **** figure who had held the head before had fallen to the ground, and it was originally a manipulated corpse. Aunt Liu's condition is also not very good. She is motionless and unresponsive to the outside world.

Obviously being controlled by the devil before will have some effect.

No solution for now.

Zuo Bai repaired the formation again, but it will take some time for Yongan Community to return to its original state.

This thing is like a time bomb. Once the formation fails, the residents in the community will change into ghosts.

Lin Mo and Zuo Baiyi discussed.

Not leaving for now.

It is safest to stay in Yongan Community first.

For Lin Mo, he had to ponder this matter and explore the clues of his brother.

For Zuo Bai, it was simply because of the responsibility of the Taoist sect.

This time, the Taoist priests in Yuanfeng's Zhenggan Palace did not dare to leave.


Lin Mo remembered that he met Jiang Shang on the way.

The young expert group member was injured and obviously stimulated. Lin Mo asked the other party to stay outside and be quiet for a while. When Lin Mo came, he was also anxious and didn't ask what was going on.

When I went out to take a look, Jiang Shang was holding a pistol that shot empty bullets, and a blood-stained dagger in his hand, sitting on the ground, his eyes blank.

There are a few ghosts walking on the ground.

This was left by Lin Mo, and he was afraid of another accident.

Lin Mo walked over to ask, but Jiang Shang didn't respond. When he asked where Zhang He was, the other party finally responded again.

"Old Zhang, he is dead."

Jiang Shang's eyelids twitched, obviously this incident had stimulated him too much.

After Lin Mo asked what was going on, he also sighed.

"There is no way to deal with nightmare events, there are dangers everywhere, sometimes it is because of lack of strength, sometimes it is simply bad luck, this is the reality. So don't care who encounters it, as long as you do your best, you don't need to have any more. What guilt."

This is the experience that Lin Mo has summed up over the years.

For him, it's actually the same.

There were many times when he actually almost lost his life, and it was not easy to survive until now.

In fact, it was the hardest time in the beginning.

After that period of "novice period", it will be safer.

Because of strength and experience, in the nightmare world, these two things are the most important.

This time Zhang He died, but Jiang Shang survived.

It can't be said that Jiang Shang's strength is stronger, it can only be said that he has better luck.

If he could easily kill a senior expert like Zhang He, it would be easy to kill Jiang Shang. In fact, Lin Mo knew who did it, the devil.

That devil is extremely powerful, and he has no chance of winning against him, as can be imagined by others.

Jiang Shang also got up from the ground at this time. He said that he wanted to become stronger and continued to live with Lao Zhang's share, because Lao Zhang also had a family and he wanted to take care of it.

Lin Mo thought about it for a while, and then said so, let me say hello to you, you go to the General Administration to receive an intensive training, I believe there will be a lot of new gains.

Hearing this, Jiang Shang felt much better.

At this time, the residents of Yongan Community also came out.

The formation was reactivated, absorbing the resentment and malice from them, and they became normal again.

But this normality is false.

As long as the formations stop, they will be stained with resentment faster.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to arrange the ten thousand rune formation, and it is impossible to promote it on a large scale. After all, as long as it is a formation, it cannot always exist, and it will disappear sooner or later.

At this time, reinforcements from the Jinjiu City Security Bureau also arrived, and Lin Mo greeted them to check the Yongan community together.

In the past, this place was a restricted area, no one dared to control it, nor did normal people dare to come in.

So no one knows what's going on here.

No one knows how many "ghost residents" there are.

Lin Mo said that this is not possible.

Criticism of the work of the local security bureau.

"Next, you have to register all the 'residents' here, and you have to check regularly. If you find out who has a problem, you must respond as soon as possible.

Saying that, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

For ghosts controlled by resentment and malice, the best way is to kill them.

Because if you don't kill it, it will kill you.

There are many residents in Yong'an Community, and it is difficult to keep such individual problems, especially at this time, because of the attack of the devil, the formation is blocked, and some residents are re-contaminated with resentment and cannot go back.

At this time, if you change your ruthless hand, you must not be merciful.

With Lin Mo, a special expert from the General Bureau, the local security bureau dispatched all staff to register and check the registration and check, and eliminate hidden dangers.

Everyone is very busy.

Go back to Building 4 and meet Doudou on the first floor.

Doudou said that the child on the first floor is now well educated and very obedient, and now he gets along very well with his father.

"That's good."

Lin Mo expressed his appreciation. As for how Doudou was educated, Lin Mo didn't care.

4 floors up.

A group of old Taoist priests from Zhenggan Palace were chatting in a low voice. When they saw Lin Mo coming back, they hurriedly surrounded them, saying that they wanted to see their Zuo Bai ancestor and that they had something important to talk about.

Lin Mo asked God to go up and let Zuo Bai see them.

As before, Lin Mo listened in.

What to do next, he also wanted to see what insights these Taoists would have.

Also, the devil said that it sensed its own left hand and left foot. Whether this is a bluff or a fact must be confirmed by these Taoist priests in Zhenggan Palace.

After confirming that Zuo Bai appeared, several old Taoists knelt on the ground and talked a lot.

Lin Mo understood.

The first thing they said was that the other two places where the formations were arranged to block the demon head's limbs, and sure enough, something went wrong.

The Taoist priest guarding there has been lost.

Nine times out of ten, he was killed.

In other words, the devil finally sensed right.

Its left hand and left foot did break out, so it could sense it.

Obviously, there are big problems here.

who did it?

The devil himself is definitely not.

Because the head of the devil is here, and it has been banned by the talisman again, it can only be someone else.

But there are very few people who know the specific location of the banned demon head. Even in the Zhenggan Palace, only a few old Taoist priests know about it, and the rest of the disciples do not.

At this time, an old Taoist named Yuan He had a whim and said, "Everyone, is there such a possibility that Mr. Lin did not deceive the demon before, dismembering the ban, in fact, it was really to improve the demon The power of the head, after all, Mr. Lin also knows the location of the banned limbs, maybe he is the one who released the left hand and left foot of the devil..."

Before he finished speaking, the old Taoist felt that everyone's eyes were looking at him.

"I'm just speculating, everyone is discussing it, it's just guessing, don't take it seriously."

The old Taoist was a little embarrassed.

What he said might be a conspiracy theory, and he obviously called Lin Yuan a big black-bellied villain.

Indeed, Lin Mo is still here, questioning the other's brother in front of others, which is really not good.

Other Taoists also felt that this statement was a bit ridiculous.

That Mr. Lin back then came up with a method of dismembering the ban for the sake of better banning the devil. If there is no evidence to question it, this is really not good.

While thinking about it, Lin Mo suddenly patted his thigh.

Started everyone.

"Master Zuo, wait a minute, I'll say something."

Lin Mo gained control of his body at this time.

Then he said, "I think what Daoist Yuan He said just now is quite reasonable, it's not that there is such a possibility."

The crowd was stunned.

I don't know what Lin Mo means.

Ridiculously ridiculed for being angry?

They didn't understand, but Zuo Bai and Lin Mo had been together for a long time, and he knew that Lin Mo was not sarcastic and sarcastic, but really thought so.

"You think, the place where the demon was banned is a top secret. Even in the Zhenggan Palace, very few people know about it. Except for you, only my brother knows. And the big formation was my brother. He did this, definitely There's a reason. You think, how did the devil's head come out in the first place?"

No one can answer.

Because no one knows.

"Maybe, when the formation was deployed, a gap was left. This gap will expand in a few years, so that the head can break out of the formation. Only my brother can do such a thing. So I said, What Yuan He Taoist said is very reasonable, maybe the one who released his left hand and left foot is my brother."

Hearing this, many Taoists were heartbroken.


If this is the case, then Mr. Lin was not an accomplice of the devil?

What is he going to do?

I didn't dare to think about it carefully, and when I thought about it, it was extremely frightening, and my scalp was numb.

"Of course, I'm just guessing, but whether it's my his ultimate goal must be to release all the limbs of the devil. I have a head here and a right leg in the room. Now that the left leg and left foot are released, there are still three places left, the right hand, the body and the heart, right?"

Lin Mo asked, everyone nodded.

"You tell me the other three locations, and I'll take a look."

"Ah, this..." Several old Taoist priests looked at each other and said that it was a secret and should not be reported at will.

Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense and asked Zuo Bai to ask.

Zuo Bai asked, they dared not say anything.

"In addition, I have to take the head and right leg. If it's really my brother, I'll take it for him, so he can run over and take it."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.


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