Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 933: scary neighbor

Because things happened in a hurry, there was no plan, no control area, no evacuation of personnel, and even the action team members who are now going upstairs are not quite sure what the mission this time is.

They were only asked to assemble urgently, wear combat equipment, and rush over as soon as possible.

Of course, everyone is very surprised. This kind of "sudden attack" has not happened before, but it has happened very rarely.

In fact, the operatives did not like such unprepared surprise attacks.

Unknown means danger.

Nobody likes danger.

So everyone was a little upset.

But this did not prevent them from executing the order, the speed of going upstairs was still fast, and the movements were still not sloppy.

At this time, a voice came from the communicator worn on the ear.

"Members of Squad 35, please note that I am Lin Mo, a special expert of the General Administration, and I will direct this operation."

The team members were stunned.

Special expert Lin Mo?

Of course they know who this is. The General Administration does not hide special experts now, and shows them openly, especially Lin Mo, a living special expert, who is unknown to everyone.

When they heard it was Lin Mo, the action team members were basically excited.

The previous unhappiness was swept away.

According to their words, this is more exciting than the direct command of the director.

"The task this time is to find a person named Zhou Xiaofei, female, 20 years old, who lives with her mother, don't knock on the door for a while, use the unlocking tool to open the door, if you find anyone other than Zhou Xiaofei and her mother, immediately control live."

Lin Mo gave the order.

"Also, try not to alarm other residents."

Added another sentence.

The action team members were very fast. At this time, they had already arrived at the door of Zhou Xiaofei's house. A team member stepped forward and took out a tool to pick the lock.

In less than thirty seconds, with a click, the door lock was opened.

The players rushed in immediately.

Lin Mo saw the whole process through the cameras on the team members.

There is no one in the house.

Lin Mo let all the players in, and then paid attention to the door.

"Leave a person at the door to observe the cat's eye, look at the situation outside the door, and the team members downstairs should pay attention to hiding."

Lin Mo was guiding.

The team members in the house immediately checked the small two-bedroom apartment.

Through the camera, Lin Mo has a panoramic view of the details in the house.

There are many things in the house, it is the home of ordinary people, the kind of living, there is no particularly expensive furniture, it looks ordinary.

The table was clean, but there were unwashed dishes and dishes in the sink. I checked the garbage bag and there was no garbage in it.

It should be taken out and thrown away when going out.

At first glance, the people in the house should have gone out and have not returned.

Maybe it's a bit of a fuss.

Maybe people just went out for a while.

Lin Mo asked the head nurse to call Zhou Xiaofei and her mother again.

But this time, it prompts to shut down.

Both phones are prompted to shut down.

"Search, look for something of value."

Lin Mo ordered.

"Personal computers, other electronic devices, cameras, or diaries, look for those things and see what you can find."

Although nothing unusual was found in the room, Lin Mo was obviously certain that something had happened to Zhou Xiaofei.

He asked the head nurse to find several nurses in the hospital who had the best relationship with Zhou Xiaofei, and he wanted to ask questions.

The head nurse felt that this was a bit of a fuss.

I even thought it was bullshit.

If they couldn't find anyone for such a short period of time, they went to war like this. Maybe Zhou Xiaofei's mother and daughter were just going out for something.

Of course, there was no omission on the surface, anyway, they would cooperate as Lin Mo ordered.

someone came.

Two female nurses of the same age as Zhou Xiaofei, Lin Mo asked them if they knew where Zhou Xiaofei was?

Both female nurses shook their heads.

Then they asked them if they had found anything unusual about Zhou Xiaofei recently.

"No, we are very busy with work, and we rarely pay attention to those."

A little nurse guessed that she had never seen the battle in the ward at the moment, and she was a little nervous.

The ward was filled with all kinds of equipment, and there were several operational team members and their officers, and even several middle-level leaders of the General Administration came.

It can be said that each of them has a dignified expression.

In fact, they didn't know what was going on, and they all felt that Lin Mo was idle.

But dare not say.

Lin Mo couldn't see what to ask at this time. After thinking about it, he changed his mind.

Ask them what Zhou Xiaofei has been talking to them recently.

"You are the best colleagues, it's impossible not to chat, right?"

Lin Mo gave them some tips.

Even if it is short-lived among parents, firewood, rice, oil, salt, and trivial matters will do.

At this time, another little nurse seemed to remember something, and told Lin Mo that when Zhou Xiaofei came yesterday, he asked him a question.

"what is the problem?"

"She asked me if there are two identical people in this world."

Before Lin Mo could speak, another nurse nodded, saying that Zhou Xiaofei had also asked her about it.

"She seems to have met two people who look exactly the same, but they are not twins, and they may not even be relatives."

Lin Mo asked them to continue.

"We told her that there must be. After all, the world is so big that there are no wonders."

"and then?"

"Then, she stopped talking," a nurse said.

"It's not that she didn't say it. She secretly told me something later. She said that her neighbor looked very much like a person. They were exactly the same."


Lin Mo moved in his heart and asked the other party to continue talking.

"At that time, I happened to have something to do, so I didn't ask her, and then we were all busy, so we forgot about it. I didn't mention it just now, I can't remember it."

The little nurse said.

Lin Mo pondered the importance of this matter.

First, let Zhou Xiaofei ask two people the same question, which shows that she cares about this issue very much.

even troubled by it.

But because of some concerns, I didn't make things clear enough.

However, Lin Mo felt that what I said just now, about two identical people and about her neighbors, must have something to do with the disappearance of her and her mother.

There is no evidence, it is pure intuition, it is a man's sixth sense.

Of course, it may also be affected by the light rain.

So, this is also a woman's sixth sense.

The operatives said they had discovered.

They found a diary under the pillow in the bedroom.

Very cute kind, with a small lock on the thick cover.

However, this small lock is completely a decoration, and it does not play any role in preventing theft and peeping.

Action players are easy to open.

The first part of the diary content is very common. This is what a young girl is used to recording the little things in life, some big and small things, and she likes to write them down.

Lin Mo himself does not like to keep a diary.

But he does know a lot of people who like to keep diaries.

Xiaoyu likes to write.

This Zhou Xiaofei obviously likes to write too.

Lin Mo asked them to turn to the end to see what was written in the most recent diary.

After reading it, the action team reported to Lin Mo, saying that the date of the little girl's last diary was yesterday, and the content was only one line.

"How can it be so similar?"

Hear the action team report.

That's all Lin Mo asked?

"Yes, you can see for yourself."

The operatives pointed the camera at the page of the diary.

Just as the other party reported, on that page, really only these six words were written.

Obviously Zhou Xiaofei is very concerned about this matter.

And can't figure it out either.

Lin Mo felt that what was written in the diary must still have something to do with her neighbor, who was like a certain At this time, he was behind the door, staring at the cat's eyes. The player reached out and made a gesture.

When the other team members saw this, they immediately cheered up.

Clearly, there was movement outside the door.

Listening to the sound, someone should have opened the door and walked out.

From this angle, Lin Mo couldn't see anything from the camera. He could only make reasonable analysis and reasoning based on everyone's reaction on the screen and the actual observed situation.

The team member who stared at the cat's eyes and looked out seemed to see something at this time. He suddenly widened his eyes, and his expression was also shocked.

At this moment, there is a person standing outside, staring at the opposite door, as if aware of it.

And the next moment, this person realized something and left immediately.

"Report, a person came out from the opposite door. It should be Zhou Xiaofei's neighbor. He seems to have spotted us and left immediately. In addition, I found that this person looks exactly like Expert Lin. What to do next, please instruct."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Mo's eyelids jumped, and he immediately gave the order.

"catch him!"

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!


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