Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 927: Who are you?

"I really want to go!" Lin Mo nodded.

It was impossible for him to stay here before, but now that he has such a pillar, of course he has to try to see if he can climb out.

The old Taoist nodded.

He understands.

Think about it from another perspective, if it was him, it would definitely be this choice.

"I'll let the guards **** you." The old Taoist was about to give an order. Lin Mo waved his hand and said that your guards are also very precious, so there is no need to spend so much.

"Besides, this is just a pillar, and it's not dangerous, so what's the point of escorting."


The old Taoist was silent for a while, saying that those of them who were used to living in this place actually didn't want to go out. Others were confused and thought this was the real world.

As for the old Taoist himself, he has already put on a dragon robe. If he leaves, there will be chaos here.

Besides, he didn't want to go out either.

Chat with Lin Mo, he already knows what the outside world is like.

To be honest, it was very unfamiliar to him.

Even if he went out, it was difficult for him to adapt.

Compared to the outside, he is very familiar with this place where he has lived for hundreds of years, so it is best for him to stay here.

"Third brother, I don't know if we will meet again after we say goodbye."

The old Taoist was a little emotional.

Lin Mo sighed and said there should be.

At this time, the old Taoist took out a booklet and stuffed it into Lin Mo's hands.

"This is what I have learned all my life, there are martial arts, Taoism, and talisman. You say that you don't understand the skills of ten or twenty years. You don't want to learn it because you know you can't stay here for that long. So I wrote it down. You have nothing to study after you go out, as the saying goes, you don’t overwhelm yourself with more art, and you can learn a little more, there is no harm.”

This is a statement from the heart.

"Thank you second brother." Lin Mo put it away solemnly.

"Let's go up and take a look, maybe, this may not be an exit." The old Taoist also said a possibility.

That means, if it's not an exit, you boy will come down again.

Lin Mo nodded.

At this time, Xiao 6 and the four action team members are ready. This pillar is suitable for climbing, but it will definitely consume physical strength. Fortunately, the action team members also have some special means, and their physical fitness is not comparable to ordinary people.

Lin Mo told the others that in view of the possible danger, he would be first, then the small 6, and the four action players at the end.

Now Lin Mo is the fourth special expert of the General Administration, and his ability is beyond doubt.

People are really not polite.

The four action team members naturally had no opinion.

"Second brother, then I'll go up."

"Go, come down if you can't do it."

"Take care of yourself."

"You also take care."

After speaking, Lin Mo grabbed the bulge on the huge pillar and began to climb upwards.

Behind the small 6, they are also closely following up.

Below, the old Taoist priests looked up and waved at Lin Mo.

Continuing upwards, it was relatively easy at first. After about fifty or sixty meters high, it already feels very high when you look down. The old Taoist priests and the others are just like the villains.

But at least it's still visible.

When I continue to climb up and feel a little tired, I look down and I can't see clearly.

Even the entire Qianlong Palace seems to have a panoramic view at this moment.

Right down there, it seems big, but it doesn't seem to be big.

Reach out and slap all the buildings of Qianlong Palace.

Lin Mo asked the following Xiao 6 and the others, if they were okay, or if they wanted to rest.

Xiao 6 said she had no problem at all.

The four operatives also said that the problem was not a big deal.

"Then continue."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he continued to climb up.

Then online into the cloud.

This cloud layer is dense, and when you are in it, you can't see the surroundings clearly, even the little 6 below him can't see it.

Lin Mo shouted and asked everyone to follow closely, because there is no accident, as long as you leave this dark cloud layer, it is reasonable to say that you can reach the outside world.

What will happen to the outside world is unknown.

But even so, Lin Mo had to take this risk.

I continued to climb up again for an unknown amount of time.

Lin Mo stopped to rest.

As before, he shouted down.

"Report the situation."

"I'm fine."

Xiao 6's voice came.

This is an appointment with them before, and they have to confirm each other's situation every once in a while. The same is true for the following four action players, just like counting.

"I'm fine."

The action team members below Xiao 6 shouted.

"I'm fine, too." Another player shouted from below.

But the sound has been much quieter.

Dark clouds can block not only sight, but also sound.

"I'm fine."


"I'm fine!"

Voices came one after another.

After listening, Lin Mo nodded, ready to continue upward.

But he stopped just after taking a step, and then looked down with a strange expression.

If he heard correctly, he seemed to have heard six responses just now.

Counting Xiao 6 and four action team members, there are only five people.

Five people, how can there be six responses?

This is obviously wrong.

Lin Mo immediately touched down and touched Xiao Lu's hand.

He didn't speak, but patted each other.

Xiao Lu was also smart and reacted immediately. She didn't stop, but continued to climb up.

Lin Mo climbed aside and stared at the action team members who followed Xiao 6 below.

The first player came up and looked fine.

The latter also found Lin Mo, who made a mute gesture to the other party.

The other party didn't say a word, and then followed Xiao 6 to continue upward.

Next is the second, third action player.

They were exhausted, but they persevered. And looking at their expressions, it seems that something is wrong, but the action team members are all trained, and they are calm enough at this time, that is, their expressions and eyes have a kind of fear of the unknown.

Seeing Lin Mo hiding aside, the two team members pretended not to see it.

They all know that the problem lies with the sixth person who responded just now.

Except for Lin Mo, there are only five of them, where did they come from?

So the sixth person who responded was definitely not a person, at least, not someone on their side.

The fourth operative also climbed up.

The other party obviously noticed that something was wrong, but he could only pretend not to know, after all, he was the closest to the 'person' under him.

When the sound came from below just now, he almost fell down in fright.

He remembered very clearly that he was broken, and there was no one under him.

But I don't know when it started, a figure followed and climbed up with them.

He really wanted to tell Lin Mo about this, but he was afraid that he would be scared by the grass, so he could only crawl in fear.

The feeling is actually quite scary.

Originally there was no one behind, but suddenly one appeared out of nowhere, and the other party followed as if nothing had happened, as if he was one of them.

Lin Mo gestured to the team member, indicating that the other party should not be nervous and just continue to climb up.

The other party nodded, his expression clearly showing a sense of the afterlife after being rescued, but he did not dare to stop and continued to climb.

The next moment, the figure behind him came up.

Because they climbed up following the team members above, it was as if they caught Lin Mo's eyes all at once.

The appearance of the other party is very blurred, and the appearance of the other party cannot be seen clearly.

Cloudy and twisted with a natural, frightening look.

At this moment, it also found Lin Mo, and turned its head sharply to look over.

You two look at me and I look at you.

Lin Mo didn't move, and it didn't move either.

Of course Lin Mo didn't have time to spend with this thing, so he asked with a stern face, "Who are you?"

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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