Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 925: Weepers and Sound-seeking Arrows

Screaming Chicken is a prop.

Don't look at its very shrill voice, but its characteristic lies in this shrill voice. When the black people got this prop, it was very clear that this prop was designed to interfere with the sound of ghosts and monsters.

Hypnosis, illusion, bewitching, curse.

Such weirdness transmitted through sound can be cracked with this screaming chicken.

This stuff is so useful.

Not advertised, but tried and true.

Because of Lin Mo's advance notice, the black man prepared the screaming chicken early in the morning, so as soon as he heard the strange singing, he immediately squeezed the chicken.

The crowing of the rooster immediately lifted the spirits of the sick and black people at the same time.

But at the same time, the bizarre singing seems to have not stopped.

still singing.

"Uncle Rihe, continue to pinch, don't stop!"

The sickly seedling shouted.

The black man didn't need him to remind him, he was squeezing hard at the moment.

In the Nether Dao, the voice of the screaming chicken and the sound of the play complement each other, and it actually feels a little bit complementary to each other.

It's like a disco dance group from the white and red things in the village got together, and they are fighting and dancing with the best music.

That's a hilarious one.

It is the ears and nerves that suffer.

At the beginning, the crowing of the chickens and the singing of the opera were still separate, and they did not interfere with each other, and no one could control the other.

The more he squeezed the screaming chicken, the more the screaming chicken sounded like an opera. When he finally squeezed it again, the sound of the screaming chicken came from the opera.

Obviously, it is very obvious who is stronger and who is weaker.

Sick young people and black people are also recruited almost immediately.

The game was force quit.

Because their characters are dead.

After logging into this Nether Dao scene through the game, if you encounter a 'coma' or a state similar to 'dreaming', the game will directly determine that the character is dead.

very strict.

But because the game character is the concept of life, so in the case of a lot of life, in the same scene, it naturally occupies a very big advantage.

In the preparation room, the sick seedlings and the black people are summing up their lessons.

"Screaming chicken is not powerful."

"This kind of thing has never happened before. Who would have thought that the singing voice could actually be transmitted to screaming chickens. I like this prop very much, but this time it's useless."

"By the way, black man, you have a few lives left."

"Me? There are quite a few, maybe four or five. Let me see, um, five, and five lives."

"I have seven more!" said the sickly seedling.

"Damn, why do you have two more than me?"

"What I have accumulated in the past, let's talk about the real business. At present, you can still try five times, and I can still try seven times. I hope that I can find enough clues in these few times to explore the Nether Road. complete."

"But now, we can't even get past this first level."

"Try again, if the screaming chicken doesn't work, change it to something else. There is always something that can restrain that playful sound."

"I'm thinking, or call the wailers out, or use sound-seeking arrows."

"That's what I meant too."

At the moment, the two got ready and made a second attempt.

The Weeper is a very special nightmare controlled by the sick seedling.

Nothing else.

Just cry.

But the other party's voice can suppress all other voices. Although it is not a good thing to listen to this guy's cry, if the singing can be suppressed, even if there are some drawbacks and side effects, it is acceptable.

As for the sound-seeking arrow, it is a special weapon.

Used in a special environment, whoever makes a sound, it will attack whoever, almost invincible.

These two things are the treasures of the sick seedlings and the black people in the bottom of the box, and they are also the props that they exchanged for at a great price, and they are reluctant to use them on weekdays.

But this time, it should be used, it must be used.

The second attempt was relatively familiar, and it was still the same route. After arriving at the place, I heard a strange singing sound.

'The Weeper' was released immediately.

Immediately, a woman with her head bowed appeared in the passage. The woman was barefoot, wearing a **** white dress, covering her face, and was crying.

I cried very sadly and very miserably.

This makes its voice extremely disturbing, and at the moment it just appeared, it actually suppressed the singing.

Whether it is a sick seedling or a black man, it is a great joy.

Obviously, this is a good start.

"Hurry up and rush forward."

The sick and black people had discussed it before, and this time if the wailers could suppress the singing, they would need to dash forward and explore.

Because according to experience, most of the times, the wailer can't do it.

So fast forward to explore, you can get more clues.

Of course, it would be best if the wailers could take out the singing, and it wouldn't hurt to speed them up that way.

The two quickly ran forward one after the other.

The wailer is always at the front. The other party seems to have the ability to teleport. Whenever you pass it, leave it behind, but soon you will find that the other party is still standing not far in front, with his back to you. cry.

At this moment, there were wailers escorting the two of them. The sick and black people arrived in an area they had never set foot in before. Maybe, even Lin Mo had never been to this area.

At this time, the sick man remembered something, and said that when Lin Mo said that he came, he came to a dead end, and then he heard the singing.

But this time, after they entered the corresponding game scene, they did not encounter the dead end that Lin Mo said.

If it wasn't that Lin Mo remembered it wrongly or was lying, then the problem must lie in the ghost tunnel itself.

Continue to move forward, still did not find a dead end.

At this time, the sick and black people feel that something is not right.

Soon they discovered that it was the singing voice that seemed to disappear.

And the same disappears, and the cry of the wailer.

How is this going?

The wailer actually stopped crying, which is really out of the norm.

You must know that this weeper has been crying since the day he was acquired.

That is anytime, anywhere.

It can be said that crying is the meaning and value of the existence of the weeper.

But unfortunately, the other party stood in front of them with their backs to them.

The atmosphere at the scene was very strange. The sick man and the black man looked at each other, and then moved forward together. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Just then, the weeper started to cry again.

But the voice seemed to sound like another person.

The most important thing, this time it didn't continue to cry, it cried twice, and then it slowly turned into an opera and began to sing.

This is so scary.

"Come on, even the female ghost is infected." The black man's expression changed and he became worried.

This is the second time.

The first time before was screaming chicken.

The sick man immediately stopped the other party and asked the black man not to make any noise.

Then the sickling took out the sound-seeking arrow from his pocket and activated it immediately.

The arrow will look for the voice and attack the singer, but at this moment, the black man thought of something and hurriedly wanted to stop it.

But obviously, one step too late.

The sound-seeking arrow flew out at this moment, directly killing the female ghost wailer who was singing in front of her.

This is obviously normal and reasonable.

Because just now, the only sound here was the wailer.

------off topic-----

One chapter in the early morning, asking for a monthly pass, and fell asleep on the code table again, hey!

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