Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 916: Older gingers are more spicy

The young palace maid Lin Mo and Xiao Lu let them into the yard.

This yard is not big, and the houses on both sides are no different from those of other palace maids and eunuchs. It is simple and unadorned, nothing special.

An old **** in front of him had his hands behind his back, standing in the yard watching Lin Mo and Xiao Lu who came in.

Not surprisingly, this old **** is the old Taoist priest mentioned by the feng shui master, who is also the senior brother of Taoist Zhu Yun.

"I take the liberty to visit!" Lin Mo said politely.

"It doesn't matter." The old Taoist was also very polite.

It doesn't really feel good.

The reason is very simple, it is the first time to meet, but the other party seems to know that he is coming, whether it is true or not, it is a bit pretending.

Lin Mo doesn't like to go around at critical moments.

He likes to be straight to the point.

"Zhu Yun's senior brother, an old Taoist?" Lin Mo asked.

Although I guessed it must be the other party, it should be confirmed.

"Yes, it's me." The old Taoist readily admitted.

Lin Mo asked why you knew we were coming, not surprised at all, and not curious about what the two of us were doing.

The old Taoist smiled and said, "You don't know anything, little brother. Except for the ghosts that have been assimilated by this palace, people like me who can still maintain their own self, basically know it as soon as they come alive. After all, in this place It's been too long, and the two of you are too conspicuous in our eyes, like the candlelight in the dark night."

Lin Mo imagined the scene.

In the dark room, the two of them walked around like two 100-watt light bulbs on top of their heads.

Basically, every move is under the control of others.

This is a little embarrassing.

"So, from the moment we came down, you knew?" Lin Mo asked.

The old Taoist nodded.

That's what it means.

Lin Mo understood why Daoist Zhu Yun could find them so easily.

Why did the five-member feng shui master group attack them just after Daoist Zhu Yun left, and after they failed, they argued that they had hit the wrong person.

It is estimated that these things, the old Taoist priest has already seen it.

So when I and Xiao 6 came over, the old Taoist was not surprised at all. In the dark environment, two big light bulbs came and knew it in advance.


This saves a lot of talking.

If you have something to say, you can say it directly.

"So, do you know what our purpose is?" Lin Mo asked.

The old Taoist nodded.

Saying that you have a strong aura of living people means that your body is not dead, and you must be trying to get out of here.

"I mean, you two should not go out."

The old priest said something.

Lin Mo asked why.

"The feng shui formation here is set up by Mr. Chunfeng. It is used to seek good luck and avoid evil, and to resolve the evil spirits. Once you come in, you can't go out again, and there is no way out."

What the old Taoist said was decisive.

As if this were the truth.

Lin Mo said it's not right, even if according to what you said, you can't go out under normal circumstances, but you can break the formation and get out of trouble.

It's like being trapped in a house without a door.

You can't just be so sleepy.

Gotta have an idea.

The easiest is to break a wall so you can get out.

Hearing this, the old Taoist shook his head repeatedly, saying no, no.

"Why not? Can a living person suffocate urine? You have to try." Lin Mo was still very optimistic. The old Taoist said that you have misunderstood. I'm not saying that you have the ability or that you can't get out. .

"I mean, you can't do that."


"Because I won't let you do that."

After the old Taoist finished speaking, Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and looked at the old Taoist. The old Taoist also looked at Lin Mo.

Just at this time, the palace maid came out with tea.

Just now, the old Taoist asked her to make tea, which is now ready.

"Your daughter?"

Lin Mo thanked first, and then asked.

"Daughter, say hello to these two."

After the old Taoist finished speaking, the young palace maid gave a graceful salute.

It looks pretty good.

Has that kind of gentle and virtuous temperament.

It is estimated that it should be very similar to her mother, otherwise it will not break the Taoist heart of the old Taoist and let him meet the doom.

After that, the old Taoist asked his daughter to go back to the house.

The three of them were left in the yard.

Xiao 6 looked at the tea on the table, picked it up and took a sip, and said that he still wanted to drink it.

"I'll give you this cup too."

Lin Mo handed it over.

Then he looked at the old Taoist priest and said, "What if I have to do this?"

The old Taoist laughed.

He knew what Lin Mo was talking about.

Not angry, but calmly said: "Little brother, I understand your mood, but there are many things in this world, and you can't be completely satisfactory."

"Just like me, I was brought up the mountain by my master when I was seven years old. That is the ability to learn a whole body. I am proficient in all aspects of gong, law, art, rationale, and art, but even me, after all, I still have to submit to numerology. It was really uncontrollable for a long time. I only understood this truth after a head of blood, so I hope you, little brother, don't follow me, struggle for a long time, only to find that the result has not changed. It is better not to start from the beginning. Struggling well."

Lin Mo smiled and said that if you hit your head with blood, that's why you have to hit your head against the wall, it's your own problem, how can you say that other people are the same as you?

"You can't pick up a hair on the ground and say it's from a rat, maybe it's from a cat, right?"

Lin Mo obviously didn't want to listen to the other party's reasoning.

To say it nicely, this is the truth; to say it badly, it is a fallacy.

"Young people, it's not a bad thing to do things with meaning. On the contrary, I appreciate it. Just like my incompetent junior brother Zhu Yun, and those five feng shui masters with ulterior motives, they like to use their motives. I don't blame them for doing something wrong, even if I'm sorry for me, and I don't even seek revenge from them, but there is still punishment."

"What punishment?" Lin Mo asked.

Hearing what the old Taoist meant, the other party seemed to know what Taoist Zhu Yun and the five feng shui masters had done.

He even knew that his daughter was framed by these guys.

Otherwise, you will not lose your life.

This is definitely a **** revenge, but I didn't expect that the old Taoist did not take revenge.

Especially if he is capable of revenge.

Even more incredible.

"That is naturally to take away what they deliberately wanted to get, but not tell them, let them plan for it for hundreds of years, and at the end, it is found that it is empty, this is the punishment I want to give them."

When the old Taoist said this, Lin Mo felt a little murderous.

And listening to the old Taoist's meaning, the other party has already obtained the things that Zhu Yun and the five feng shui masters planned.

But he didn't tell anyone, just watched them play monkeys.

This level of revenge and revenge is indeed very high-end.

Lin Mo thought about it, what Zhu Yun and the five Feng Shui masters planned was the emperor in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

In other words, the yellow robe and the jade seal.

With these two things, the new emperor in the Qianlong Palace has supreme power and can absorb the yin and evil spirits that have been accumulated for hundreds of years in the entire feng shui formation.

Then according to the meaning of the old Taoist, these things have already arrived in his hands?

Lin Mo looked up and down at the old Taoist priest.

"Anyone can talk big, just prove it."


The old Taoist nodded, he stretched out his hand and pulled off his coat.

The other party was actually wearing a dragon robe.

Golden yellow, very rich and powerful at first glance. Originally, the old Taoist was not tall and had a bit of a hunchback, but at this moment he changed into the dragon robe, and suddenly he became stalwart.

It really fits that sentence.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

Dressing up and dressing up, it's just different.

Before, it was a wretched old eunuch, but now, the proper honor of the ninety-five, the emperor himself.

The old Taoist priest in the dragon robe looked majestic.

Lin Mo didn't know what to say for a while.

"Little brother, you see, isn't this what they are trying to get?"

The old Taoist opened his arms and displayed his dragon robe.

Then he put down his hands and said again: "Let's be honest, the overflowing yin and evil energy here is just some of my means to deceive them. My junior brother and the five feng shui masters think they are smart, but in fact they are not stupid. Now, how could I not know that they planned all this in the first place?"

"According to my original idea, I was to play with them for a few more days, and then take action when they thought the victory was in their hands, and let them taste the bitter fruit of despair, but I didn't expect that the two of you would appear unexpectedly."

"Just show up. In the past few hundred years, it's not that there are people who have accidentally strayed into this place. Most of them have been assimilated here and become ghosts and ghosts. It's not surprising. But the two of you are obviously the same as the people before. Different."

"You guys are a lot more powerful than I thought. In the formation arranged by five feng shui masters, the counterattack was successful, and it was a crushing victory. This thing is quite beautiful, and I have to admire you. "

"Smart and powerful. I can't keep you guys like this. Don't blame me for being ruthless. If I leave you two, it will definitely be troublesome in the future. As a person, what I fear most is trouble."

Following the voice, Lin Mo noticed that someone pushed the door in. In addition, the surrounding walls were filled with people at some time.

The emperor's guard with a sword.

These guards were dressed in armor, with gloomy expressions, without any superfluous expressions.

The knives in their hands glowed with a cold light, and there was no need to doubt their destructive power.

Lin Mo guessed that even if the gods of the Redemption Society came, they would have to die under this chaos.

Obviously, the old Taoist will kill him if he disagrees.

And the other party is obviously much more powerful than the five feng shui masters. Before coming, Lin Mo really didn't notice anything, but he didn't expect to be surrounded without knowing it.

"Master, what do you mean?" Lin Mo asked immediately.

"Can't you see it? It's so obvious." The old Taoist spread his hands.

Lin Mo said it was obvious.

"It's not necessary, really, do I think there is some misunderstanding between us? You're in a hurry after just saying a few words. What's the matter, why can't we discuss it properly? What is this for?"

Lin Mo persuaded well.

Tell the other party not to be impulsive, how can you still be so restless at such an old age.

The old Taoist smiled and asked Lin Mo, can we talk?

"Of course we can talk?" Lin Mo nodded.

"Then you gave up the idea of ​​breaking the formation?" the old Taoist asked again.

Lin Mo immediately shook his head: "No, I have broken this feng shui formation."

"That's still talking about a A murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the old Taoist.

"Of course we have to talk. If you don't talk about it, how do you know I don't agree?" After Lin Mo finished speaking, he took out the pencil, pulled out Sister Yue, and threw a bronze mirror to the old Taoist priest.


"Kill me!"

Lin Mo and the old Taoist shouted almost at the same time.

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