Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 914: You are killing yourself

The five feng shui masters obviously wanted to convince Lin Mo and Xiao 6.

Of course, the main reason is because Lin Mo and the others are not easy to mess with.

If it was easy to bully, the opponent was already dead when the crossbow shot just now.

Not dead, it means that people are very cowhide.

not to be trifled.

The five people are still talking about some things, mainly about Daoist Zhu Yun, saying that the other party is perfidious, and that the other party is deliberate and sinister.

But I guess it can be seen that Lin Mo doesn't quite believe it, the middle-aged man who takes the lead among the five immediately said: "I know that we meet by chance, Brother Lin must be suspicious, so, Brother Lin, the two of you will go to the same place with us, and when we arrive at the place, Just look at it."

It was very sincere.

"Really?" Lin Mo had reasonable doubts.

"Absolutely true, let's use the head of the item to guarantee, Brother Lin, you believe me this time, you will never let you run away in vain."

Several other feng shui masters also immediately helped.

Lin Mo thought about it, but the main reason was that he had a lot of trump cards and backhands, so he wasn't afraid of the opponent playing badly. On the contrary, Lin Mo hoped that they would play badly.

Because that's what's fun.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Lin Mo agreed.

The situation here is obviously getting more and more complicated. The five Feng Shui masters, Lin Mo, do not believe it, but Daoist Zhu Yun, Lin Mo also understands that the other party may not be trusted.

Anyway, you can't follow what others say, you have to listen to what they say and watch what they do, and you have to have your own judgment.

Since the five feng shui masters are conclusive, of course they have to go and see.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to know a little more about this eerie Hidden Dragon Palace.

Seeing Lin Mo's agreement, the five feng shui masters were naturally very excited. At the moment, they were leading Lin Mo and Xiao 6 out of this small courtyard. They didn't go out. meter high wall.

Lin Mo can't do it, and Xiao 6 is almost mean, so they choose to go out.

But going out is risky.

Some palace maids and eunuchs may be encountered.

But the advantage is that these maids and eunuchs can be hypnotized by Xiao 6.

So there was no danger along the way, and out of the palace of the imperial concubine, five feng shui masters led the way, looking at their appearance, they were indeed quite familiar with this place.

These five feng shui masters are essentially the same as Daoist Zhu Yun, who have not been assimilated by the influence of this Qianlong Palace, and know that this is not a real world.

even know that they themselves are dead.

Lin Mo asked them on the road if they knew about the 'ghost change'.

They say they know.

But 'Ghost Change' is only aimed at ordinary people who are completely integrated into Qianlong Palace, those who are confused every day, do not notice the abnormality here at all, and still think that they are still alive and living a normal life. Once such a person knows the 'truth', he will immediately detonate the Yin evil energy that has been accumulated in the body for hundreds of years.

And the five feng shui masters said that this was actually caused by the Feng Shui Bureau. Originally, the Feng Shui Bureau had a formation eye to remove evil spirits, but Taoist Zhu Yun destroyed the formation eye, just like a stream with smooth flowing water, which would not accumulate pools of water. However, if the creek is blocked, water will be stored in low-lying areas, and eventually more and more will be stored until the embankment bursts and collapses, causing disaster.

"The evil spirit that has been accumulated here for hundreds of years has reached its limit and has begun to leak out, but the embankment has not yet burst. Once the embankment breaks, it will inevitably lead to catastrophic disasters. This is all thanks to Daoist Zhu Yun. Brother Lin, you said. , Zhu Yun Yaodao should die or not?"

Five feng shui masters asked questions.

Lin Mo said that if what you said was true, then Daoist Zhu Yun really deserved to die and go to hell.

And at this time, Lin Mo suddenly remembered why the aura here didn't leak out before, because it didn't reach the critical point.

As the five feng shui masters said, it is like an accumulating and increasing reservoir, which only flows in but does not flow out. Sooner or later, it will overflow due to fullness.

Talking to the place.

Lin Mo wanted to see what the five feng shui masters were going to show him to prove that Daoist Zhu Yun was a badass.

In front is a small secluded courtyard, open the door.

"Come in!" The five Feng Shui masters pointed to the inside.

Lin Mo looked inside, then looked at the four strange stone beasts standing around the yard, and asked what the four stone beasts were doing.

"Don't worry, it's decoration!"

"Then, the bronze mirror hanging on the door is..."

"You know, we are Feng Shui masters. Isn't it normal to put some bronze mirrors where we live? Very reasonable."

"It's true, sigh, there seem to be skeletons piled up under the corner of the wall, what's the point of this?"

"Mourning the deceased, praying for peace, we are Feng Shui masters, and sometimes we have to use these arrays, there is no fuss."

"Understood, understood, the picture of the evil ghost pasted on the door must also be used to control the house."

"Yes, Brother Lin has good eyesight, okay, don't ask so many questions, come, let's go in and talk."

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, without hesitation, followed the five feng shui masters into the yard.

As soon as he entered, the other party closed the courtyard door.

Then he started spraying things on the ground.

A blood-red viscous liquid with a stench.

Lin Mo asked what is this?

"Black dog blood, it's used for the formation, sigh, Brother Lin, don't see the outside world, please take a seat, we'll be busy for a while, you can sit for a while."

A Feng Shui master was busy with his work while answering Lin Mo.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Lin Mo asked kindly.

"No, how can I keep the guests busy, Brother Lin, you sit with this girl first, and we will entertain you when we are done. Come, sit, and don't be polite to us."


"Wait a minute, if you have something to say, let's talk about it later."

As soon as he heard this, Lin Mo stopped asking.

Xiao 6 pulled Lin Mo over at this time, no surprise, these five people should have no good intentions, and they were setting up in front of their faces, which obviously didn't take them seriously.

It's like we are Kaizi.

"It should be like this, but I'm curious, where did they get this confidence."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, thinking about being idle anyway, he was idle, so he asked Xiaoyu.

So he took out the pencil and muttered, "Xiaoyu, you said who of the five Feng Shui masters and Daoist Zhu Yun lied and who didn't?"

Xiaoyu's divination is sometimes very clever, and sometimes not.

This has to be tried.

Basically, if the opponent is stronger than her, it will be difficult for divination, and if the opponent is weaker than her, it will be good for divination.

The reasoning is easy to understand.

This time, Xiaoyu's little hand stretched out from Lin Mo's cuff, then held it in Lin Mo's hand, and then began to write.

After writing, Lin Mo picked it up and took a look.

"It's all lies!"

Lin Mo nodded, and talking to Xiao 6 was as he expected, whether it was Daoist Zhu Yun or the five Feng Shui masters, they really didn't tell the truth.

I have to say, people are wicked.

Lin Mo is very sincere, but people don't take his sincerity seriously.

These five feng shui masters are especially hateful.

At the beginning, shooting arrows to kill people was already very annoying. Lin Mo also suppressed his temper and wanted to see if the other party was really sincere. If there was, then the previous small festival would be over, and he would not be held accountable.

But the other party treats himself as a monkey.

Not only cheated out, but also in front of the array.

This is unbearable.

Little 6 still understands Lin Mo's thoughts. She asked in a low voice at this time, and planned to kill a few in a while.

"Except for the leader who was maimed, all the others were killed."

Lin Mo is not a soft persimmon either.

He has been able to live in the nightmare world until now, and the more he lives, the better. It is not because of kindness and kindness, and there is no absolute hard way. He has grown several grasses on his grave.

At this time, the five feng shui masters seemed to be in formation, looking at Lin Mo with a grin.

It doesn't seem to be installed.


Lin Mo said loudly, "Brothers, things are not authentic, you just take my trust as a donkey's liver and lungs."

"In this way, I will give you a chance to explain."

Lin Mo said.

The feng shui master on the opposite side smiled strangely.

Not one person, but five people are laughing.

"Brother Lin, and this little girl, you are not weak, but you have too little experience in the rivers and lakes. We will deceive you. If Daoist Zhu Yun wants to break into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he has no other helpers and can only come to us. Brother, when the time comes, he has to agree to our conditions, and he has to agree if he doesn't agree, as for the two of you..."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand to say stop talking, I understand.


He gave an order and Xiao 6 rushed out.

Following Xiao 6, Xiao Yu and Sister Yue were also there.

Even Lin Mo, who attacked Wenjun, was dispatched.

That's how Lin Mo works. If he can talk well, he will never be ruthless. However, if the other party doesn't talk about martial arts, then there is nothing to say.

If you really do it, it will definitely be the kind that makes the opponent unable to resist.

No matter how fierce the formations and Feng Shui bureaus in this yard are, Lin Mo only needs one result.

Roll over.

This is true.

The five Feng Shui masters obviously miscalculated Lin Mo's combat power.

They didn't even know that Lin Mo had more powerful backhands and trump cards.

As a result, it was directly played.

The Feng Shui Bureau's offensive was covered by Xiao Yu's black dress at the very beginning, and it was crushed directly. Before the evil ghost in the picture of the evil ghost on the door could climb out, it was torn in half by Sister Yue.

The evil spirit on the bronze mirror was swallowed by Xiwen Jun.

It's crushed anyway.

When the five feng shui masters met, they looked like they were winning, confident, triumphant and cruel, as if perverts were ready to enjoy their torture and satisfy their twisted desires.

But Lin Mo didn't let them enjoy this feeling for long.

A few slaps back to reality.

Let them understand that the previous feeling good was a master illusion, a distortion and misunderstanding of perception.

The truth is.

Under the attack of the three evil nightmare ghosts, their feng shui formation lasted for about two or three seconds, like a watermelon that was crushed by a 300-pound brawny man, and the soup with the skin and flesh of the broken melon flowed all over the floor.

The smug look on his face didn't even have time to take it back.

Then, the first Feng Shui master was dragged into the black dress by Xiao Yu.

It's going to be pretty miserable.

The second Feng Shui master was made into a doll by Sister Yue, and then twisted his head and limbs off.

The third Feng Shui master was skinned by Xi Wenjun.

The fourth is to die under the assassination of Xiao 6's spirit.

Before, Xiao 6 was only hypnotized, and he didn't kill him. This time, he was not so polite. He used ruthless hands, and nine times out of ten, the fourth torture was the most terrifying.

Because the spiritual realm goes straight to the soul, you can also play with tricks according to your thoughts.

Relatively speaking, it is not as refreshing as the previous ones who died so happily.

Lin Mo said that if one feng shui master's life is left, then one will remain.

The other party wanted to resist at first, but found that the four companions died tragically, and his legs went weak, he knelt on the ground, and began to kowtow.

Bleeding all over the forehead.

Looking at his appearance, it is estimated that his intestines are regretful.

"Okay, okay, don't knock. I don't have any regret medicine here. Can we talk? If you don't want to talk, I can send you away for free."

"Don't, don't, don't, Brother Lin, oh no, Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin, spare your life, I'm willing to talk, I want to talk, you can talk about anything you want, you can kill me."

Continue to kowtow after speaking.

Lin Mo asked him to talk about what he was doing now.

"I said, our main purpose is to deceive the two of you, and then kill them. You are dead, and Daoist Zhu Yun can only find us to cooperate."

Lin Mo asked, is it cooperation to kill the emperor?

"Yes, yes, to kill the emperor."

"Then kill us, why are you killing us?" Lin Mo got angry again. He stared at each other up and down, thinking whether to behead or skin first.

Feeling the murderous aura, the feng shui master hurriedly said: "The situation here is more complicated, that Daoist Zhu Yun is not a good thing, and most of what he told you was false and lied to you. Did he tell you, kill After the emperor, the situation here will be broken, and you can get out of trouble?"

Lin Mo frowned and nodded.

Daoist Zhu Yun really said so.

"Actually not at all. He wanted to take the Huangpao Yuxi. He killed the emperor. If he took the Huangpao Yuxi, he could become the emperor and order the guards. He tried before and failed. He wanted us to help him, but we know him. His plan was to share power with him equally, but he refused, so..."

When Lin Mo heard this, he said to Xiao 6, "Hey, this place doesn't feel like there are any good people.

He asked the other party whether it was true or false to assassinate Daoist Zhu Yun before.

"Fake, we are going to kill both of you, Daoist Zhu Yun, we wanted to kill him before, but we couldn't beat him, this demon is very powerful, he doesn't kill us, and we are deadlocked, because we both know we can use each other, but you Come, the balance will be broken, we are afraid that he will kill us first, so we will do it first, as long as he kills the two of you, he will not dare to kill us."

"You guys are really nothing."

Lin Mo went up and slapped the other party.

The opponent did not dare to resist when he was beaten.

"Yes, yes, you are right, we are indeed not good things, we are rubbish, we are bastards, we are the sores on the mouse's tail, we are black maggots in the ditch, we are..."

"Okay, you're not disgusting, I still feel sick to my stomach. Let me ask you, what's going on in this place?"

Lin Mo squinted his eyes and asked, "Let me remind you, if you tell the truth and lie, I know that if you say another lie, I will make you die ten times more tragically than your four brothers."

The head of the Feng Shui master shivered, and hurriedly said that he did not dare, absolutely dare not.

Then he began to explain.

In general, it is similar to what Daoist Zhu Yun said before.

Obviously, what Daoist Zhu Yun said before was also mixed, not completely nonsense.

At least the formation of this weird Qianlong Palace, what the other party said is true, is based on the overall situation of Feng Shui laid out here when it was first built.

Of course, these five feng shui masters were bragging before, saying that this game was arranged by them.

Actually not at all.

"If we had that ability, we wouldn't have been killed like this by you."

Feng Shui master said so.

Lin Moxin said this.

The other party understands Feng Shui, but the level is average.

There is one more thing that the other party said is It is about the evil spirit here, which has accumulated too much, just like the fruit on the tree is beginning to ripen.

They all want to take it off and eat it for itself.

But this fruit must be picked, otherwise, there is a risk of bursting the embankment.

If that happens, disaster will surely occur.

And 100% can spread to the real world.

------off topic-----

There is still more than a day to go, I looked at the number of votes, there are still more than 100 votes, the last point, shock, shock again!


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