Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 903: Back to headquarters

In the office, Wang Zixin sat opposite 416, next to Lin Mo, who was sleeping in a wheelchair.

Before, 416 and 418 protected Lin Mo and avoided the pursuit of the Redemption Society in the city, but they didn't suffer any loss. Instead, they killed waves of people from the other side.

Later, the chase was gone, 416 found a place to hide for a while, and let the people controlled by 418 go around to inquire about the information, accidentally knowing the whereabouts of Mao Mao, so he went directly to find it.

416 heard Lin Mo said that the cat is his own.

That is of course trustworthy.

After introducing himself, 416 told Wang Zixin about the general situation.

Including the other party in the weird community has become another man's business.

The latter was stunned.

"Me? Become a man?"

"Looks like you don't remember." 416 said.

It's fine.

Some bad memories are really unnecessary to keep in mind.

Forgetting is also a kind of happiness.

But obviously, women's curiosity is quite strong, there is a kind of heroism of moths to flames, in other words, it is a bit silly.

Wang Zixin began to ask, and 416 didn't want to say it at first, but he couldn't stand the stalking of the other party.

The heart said that since the other party wants to know so much, then say it.

So she told everything she knew in detail.

Anyway, Wang Zixin shivered while listening, and her face turned blue and white.

It is estimated that some regret knowing these things.

After all, he was someone who had been in the expert group of the General Administration for a long time, and Wang Zixin immediately realized one thing.

Able to transform themselves and even other colleagues into another person, and then create a non-existent community in which they can live normally.

What means is this?

Fortunately, Wang Zixin followed Captain Zhou and the others to help investigate the events of the Redemption Society in response to the official help of the neighboring country, and she naturally knew the tricks of the Redemption Society.

Although they are all secretly investigating, but it is estimated that they were discovered by others, otherwise why would they be caught in one pot?

If it wasn't for Lin Mo's shot this time, they would definitely be hanging.

Because of the investigation, I know how terrifying this place's redemption will be and those gods.

Only when you actually get in touch can you understand it.

Because of this, Wang Zixin was more curious about how Lin Mo did it.

416 said she didn't know the specifics.

Wang Zixin didn't say a word, 416 didn't speak, and the scene fell into a short period of silence.

"By the way, what happened to them?"

Wang Zixin looked at the few people standing still, among them three of her colleagues.

The three colleagues were obviously talking, but she didn't know what was going on.

"It's 418, come, little 8, say hello to the cat."

416 said something.

I saw the four people over there waving at Wang Zixin at the same time and saying hello.

So scary.

416 said that she and Xiao 8 are both spiritual bodies, the difference is that she has a body and Xiao 8 does not.

The spiritual body can travel between the real world and the nightmare world, so it is possible to control normal living people through special means.

"You can also call me Little 6." 416 smiled.

Wang Zixin hurriedly waved his hand.

"No, you are the sixth sister, he is the eighth brother, and I am Lin Mo's apprentice, dear, if there is anything in the future, the two elders will have to take care of you."

After speaking, Wang Zixin stood up and bowed.

The four people controlled by 418 over there tilted their heads at the same time, and then said to 416: "Her social skills are very similar to the boss."

416 also laughed, saying that this is normal, otherwise how could it be a teacher and apprentice.

Wang Zixin said that the two elders laughed. She didn't learn anything by herself, but she still learned a lot about social skills.

"Don't call me elder, I'm only two years old." 416 told the truth.

"You, two years old?" Wang Zixin's eyes widened, and his eyes swept across the other's chest and buttocks.

If this is a two-year-old girl, wouldn't she have lived on a dog for 20 years?

After this chat, Wang Zixin and the two spirits were quite familiar with each other, and they began to chat seriously.

The content of the chat is naturally related to Lin Mo.

Wang Zixin was talking about her and Lin Mo in the past. 416 was talking about the previous experience at the Skua Base. The two sides communicated with each other. They also talked about the process of dealing with the gods of the Redemption Society this time. Only then did Wang Zixin know the current Lin How strong it has become.

Because they were so engaged in the chat, they didn't even notice when Lin Mo in the wheelchair woke up.

In the end, there was no way, Lin Mo deliberately coughed twice, which made them react.

Seeing that the cat was all right, Lin Mo was actually quite happy.

Before, he once thought that the cat and the others were dead, after all, he was completely transformed into another person by Yedi using special means.

Fortunately, with the demise of Emperor Ye, everything twisted by the other party has been restored to its original state.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Lin Mo and Mao Mao naturally had a good chat, and they did not avoid 416. If Lin Mo took the other party as his own, he would definitely not avoid this and guard against the other.

He is worthy of his complete trust.

Until now, Lin Mo did not know the mission of Mao Mao and the others this time, and how they were in danger.

In the beginning, it was because of a secret request from the neighboring country's official government, the General Administration received an order from the superior and sent several members of the expert group and scientists to assist the other party in researching the gods.

Later, some people were sent over, including the cats and cats.

However, due to some reasons, the people who sent them lost contact one after another, and the officials of the neighboring countries were also crushed by the Redemption Council. Even some of their high-ranking ministers were ruined.

"Sword Comes"

The other side controls many key departments, as well as the military.

In other words, the plane that Lin Mo and the others took when they came was shot down by the other party.

However, it was too late for Lin Mo to take revenge on this matter. Mao Mao told Lin Mo that the senior management of the Redemption Society did not know the reason. They had already left yesterday, and their whereabouts were unknown.

The power of the entire Redemption Society has also collapsed seriously here, and the officials have begun to regain lost ground one after another. At present, it will not be long before the officials of the neighboring countries can completely control the situation.

Lin Mo smiled and said that this place is a mess, and it is not easy for the other party to achieve complete control, or it is impossible at all.

The reason is simple.

Most of the people here have believed in various gods, and it is a little difficult to make them change their beliefs.

Besides, the social order here, including the security in the nightmare world, is also related to various gods, just like houses built with various types of bricks.

The current situation is relatively stable, but if it has to be demolished and rebuilt, the purpose is to discard some of the problematic bricks used in building the house.

That cost and price plane is a bit too big.

Specifically, just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Fortunately, this matter has nothing to do with Lin Mo, and he does not need to be specifically responsible, let alone nosy.

So the headache is still left to the local officials.

After renewing his relationship with Mao Mao, Lin Mo immediately contacted the General Bureau, or the Director personally answered the call, which shows the importance attached to Lin Mo.

After a while of greetings and greetings, the director went straight to the topic and asked Lin Mo to return to Qianlong City immediately and report to the headquarters.

Lin Mo also heard about the matter of becoming the fourth special expert of the General Administration from Maomao, but he did not understand why he had to report on the job.

"Director, it's not an important meeting, so I won't participate."

Lin Mo said that he did not want to go.

With this time, it's not good to do something, run to hold a meeting, isn't that a waste of time?

"Besides, I still have things to deal with here."

Lin Mo really wasn't making up nonsense to evade it, he really had something else to do.

This thing is to integrate and control the gods of District Eleven.

Originally, he was planning to find someone from the Redemption Society to settle the account, but the other party ran so fast that he didn't catch it. There is no way, this matter can be let go first, and there will be a chance for revenge later.

In addition to this, it is to integrate and control the gods of the eleventh district.

This is my mother's advice.

She said that since **** has been integrated, if you can reach out to other places, you can reach out and grab it.

Not to mention whether it can be successful or not, at least it can get some benefits first.

When Lin Mo thought about it, he thought it was a good thing for the local residents.

From the side, if you can really integrate and control the gods of the eleventh district, then you can basically control the entire neighboring country from this aspect.

Talk to the director about this, and the director will definitely agree.

He really said it.

But the director's reaction surprised Lin Mo.

"You can do this later. I will arrange a plane to pick you up. In short, you have to report to my office before six o'clock tonight. This matter is not negotiable."

After that, I hung up the phone.

Lin Moxin said Is something wrong?

But it's okay.

I'll go back when I go back. As for things here, isn't there a godmother here?

Besides, Lin Mo also stuffed the victim's blood-red phone into the cardboard box. After returning to China, he can also have a teleconference remotely, and he can continue to do what he needs to do.

Does not affect.

So Lin Mo took the time to meet his godmother and took Doudou away with him. Originally, he planned to take the cat back, but the other party said that the work here was not completed and he could not go back.

"I asked you to go back. I'll see who dares to tell you when I go back."

Lin Mo is very tough and has a big tone.

But now he really has the confidence and strength to say such words.

"Do your due diligence and work hard. This is what you taught me. Besides, I also lost a lot of friends here. Things here must have a beginning and an end."

I guess the cat is talking about the curtain ghost.

Lin Mo also sighed and did not persuade him any further.

Next, he got on the plane, got off the plane, and when he arrived at the door of the director's office, Lin Mo looked at the time, it was five to six o'clock.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!

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