Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 889: 'People' are the scariest

Lin Mo felt good in the big meat worm.

Not only can it relax the muscles of the whole body, but there is also a feeling of fluttering.

In the end, when the big meat worm spit him out, Lin Mo was still a little unhappy.

After coming out, Lin Mo felt something thrown into his arms.


Lin Mo shouted.

"Dad, I miss you!"

At this moment, Doudou hugged Lin Mo and didn't let go, crying, and Lin Mo's nose was a little sore.

I haven't seen Doudou for some days, and this little guy seems to have grown a little bit more.


It can be seen that this little guy is eating well and living well here.

Lin Mo was very pleased.

But he still secretly asked, "Doudou, is Grandma Meng treating you well?"

Doudou is obviously much smarter and more discerning than before.

The little guy whispered: "Dad, don't worry, Grandma Meng is very kind to me."

Lin Mo nodded.

It looks like the little guy has grown a lot.

Although it's still purple, but I don't know why, the more I look at it, the more I think this kid is cute.

Lin Mo only had time to look around at this time.

The place where they are located is a very special cave, surrounded by walls of flesh and blood, which are infiltrating people, and in the blood vessels within these walls of flesh and blood, blood like magma flows, not only looks very Cowhide, there are practical functions.


This makes the inside of the huge cave very bright.

You can clearly see the huge meat worms lying on the walls and the ground.

Basically, it is what the maggots look like when magnified hundreds of times.

Of course, the biggest one here is Lin Mo's godmother, Grandma Meng.

The other party's body is a larger meat worm.

Occupying at least one-third of the space of this huge cave, the sense of oppression is suffocating.

Lin Mo smiled at Grandma Meng over there, and then secretly asked Doudou, and then asked what you do on weekdays.

Lin Mo had to figure this out.

Grandma Meng won't recognize Doudou as her grandson for no reason. If she thinks Doudou is cute, Lin Mo won't believe it.

Strictly speaking, Beanie is not cute at all, and even very scary.

Only when he is very familiar with it and gets along day and night, such as Lin Mo himself, will he think this kid is cute.

How can a top nightmare who has never met before recognize his grandson just because he is cute for no reason?


So the other party must have other reasons to take Doudou away, and the purpose is too obvious.

Then ask Doudou what he did after he came here, and you can figure out what Grandma Meng's purpose is.

In the end, Doudou said that it did nothing but eat.

"Just eating?" Lin Mo asked.

Doudou nodded.

Obviously, if it wasn't for Grandma Meng who had nothing to do when she was full and wanted to take her grandson, then the problem must be the matter of eating.

"Doudou, what do you eat every day?"

"Baozi, stuffed with meat!"

"anything else?"

"No, just buns!"

Lin Mo was certain in his heart that there was something wrong with the buns.

I wanted to ask again, but Grandma Meng couldn't help but said, "Ask me if you have anything. I think you're working hard enough, so don't make it difficult for the child."

"to make!"

Lin Mo nodded.

You can hear me when I speak so quietly, your ears are really smart.

Lin Mo asked Doudou to play, and he walked towards Grandma Meng.

At this moment, the light is sufficient, and you can clearly see the fleshy intestines behind Grandma Meng's humanoid body, which are connected to the giant meat worms behind.

At first, Lin Mo thought that the image of the humanoid Grandma Meng was just a 'mask' for the meat worm, a spokesperson, just like the three ghost ship bosses talking with corpses.

But at this moment, Lin Mo found that the situation was more complicated than he thought.

The humanoid grandma Meng has an extremely powerful aura of resentment and nightmares, and the worm-shaped grandma also has it. It doesn't feel like who is subservient to whom, but more like a powerful alliance.

This is the first time that Lin Mo has seen this kind of nightmare.

Lin Mo went over to say hello first, and sweetly called godmother.

This is called filial piety.

If you say the wrong thing or ask the wrong thing in a while, the elder of the other party will have to bear some of it.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo asked about the buns.

Grandma Meng said don't worry, it's almost time for dinner, you can see for yourself.

After speaking, he greeted Doudou and said that he was going to eat.

Doudou cheered, jumped over, walked towards a flesh and blood passage in front, passed through the passage, and arrived at a restaurant.

Doudou pulled Lin Mo to sit on the seat, and then he and Grandma Meng also sat down.

Soon, there was a creaking sound from the passage in the other direction, and a monster with twisted limbs came over pushing an old-fashioned dining cart.

Without speaking, he opened the dining car, took out a few cages and placed them on the dining table.

After finishing the work, push the dining cart back from the original road.

Lin Mo looked at the drawer on the table and reached out to open it.

There are really buns inside.

Still hot.

Doudou said nothing, just grab one and eat it.

Lin Mo also picked up one. He didn't eat it, but broke the skin.

It's really filled with meat.

But these minced meat exudes a terrifying hatred.

The inexplicable whisper of that hatred seems to affect the mind.

Lin Mo couldn't smell the smell anymore, so he hurriedly put the buns down.

"A collection of buns made with the most powerful hatred in the world, sometimes dumplings made with resentment, chaos made with pure malice, my hatred is full, and if I eat this kind of buns, accidents will happen. But Doudou is different, it has a unique talent, no matter how much you eat, it will be fine.”

Grandma Meng said something at this time.

This is the answer to Lin Mo's previous question.

That's why the other party brought Doudou back.

In fact, it is to make Doudou eat this hateful bun.

Lin Mo saw how delicious Doudou was eating. He had already eaten one, and was about to get the second one.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo said, "You can skip it."

"What?" Doudou looked at him incomprehensibly. Lin Mo said that he wasn't talking to you, and you continued to eat yours.

I said this to Grandma Meng just now.

"You can't eat it, someone is watching." Grandma Meng said.

Lin Mo was taken aback.

There is a lot of information in this.

That means that when Grandma Meng is here, she is also restricted by others, and even sighs.

"You're not only here to find Doudou, right?" Grandma Meng asked.

Just like Lin Mo wants to know something through it, Grandma Meng also wants to know something through Lin Mo.

Lin Mo thinks it's better not to hide some things.

Guessing each other's mind, too tired.

So he decided to set an example and confessed to Grandma Meng first.

He explained the purpose and reason for his visit this time, including his friend who, for some unknown reason, became a different person and lived a different life.

And that weird 'community'.

When Grandma Meng heard this, she suddenly realized.

"No wonder they want to kill you, you have run into their biggest secret."

Lin Mo immediately asked who 'they' were?

"Redemption!" Grandma Meng's answer was unexpected.

Lin Mo asked specifically what was going on.

Grandma Meng thought for a while and asked Lin Mo, what is the most terrifying thing in the world?

This question is broad.

Different people have different answers.

In order to prevent himself from acting too weird and perverted, Lin Mo thought about it and said it should be a nightmare.

This is the answer that most people will choose.

As a result, Grandma Meng shook her head.

"Nightmare is also nurtured by people's fear, and many people do things that are countless times more terrifying than nightmares. Therefore, the most terrifying thing in this world is not nightmares, but people."

Lin Mo thought for a while, and there is some truth to what he said, but it is not absolute.

"Godmother, look, people and nightmares meet in the alley, and people must be more afraid, right?"

"Not necessarily, let's say you met with other nightmares. I feel that the nightmare is more afraid."

"Godmother, you're wrong. How can you use me as an analogy? I'm not a normal person. I'm sick. This doesn't count."


"Don't believe me, really, I'm mentally ill."

"Okay, let's not take you as an example, the high-level committee of the Redemption Society is also a human being, but the nightmares here, and the so-called gods, will be afraid when they see them."

Lin Mo was the first to hear about the high-level committee of the Redemption Society.

Next, Grandma Meng carefully told Lin Mo about the Redemption Society.

"Those people on the committee are the real lunatics. At first, they used fear to create gods. Later, they decided to be gods themselves."

------off topic-----

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