Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 880: peculiar safe zone

Sitting in the co-pilot, Lin Mo chatted with 416 quite comfortably.

On the dark road, only their car was moving fast, like a streamer slowly sliding through the darkness.

Lin Mo told 416 not to be too obsessed with having parents.

"Some people are born without parents. I didn't tell you the story of the Monkey King just now. Sun Dasheng has no parents. He was born to raise him, isn't he also a leader, and he has a good life?"

In terms of comforting people, Lin Mo is not an expert, he can only say where he thinks.

416 didn't say a word, and he didn't know if he heard it or not.

"No one gave you birthday gifts before, but there will be in the future, at least I will, and so will other friends. When I bring you home next time, you will meet more friends. Not only will you get gifts, you will also Gotta give them gifts too."

Speaking of this 416 finally came to the spirit.

Then he asked about the house called Lvyuan Community, his face full of longing.

Lin Mo said in his heart that little girls are easy to coax, isn't it good to coax them?

"By the way, the cat you are going to pick up this time, you have to call her Sister Cat Cat, and she is also a family member of our Green Garden Community."

"How is she?"

"I love to play, sometimes not very serious, but people are very nice."

"I like this character very much, and I also like to play."

"I guess you will definitely become very good friends."

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, something appeared on the road in front of him. Fortunately, 416 responded very quickly and handled it very well. An emergency lane change, the thorn of the tire rubbing against the ground, slammed into the tree next to it. .

Fortunately, Lin Mo and the others were wearing seat belts. Under inertia, they were also tightly bound to the seats by the seat belts. Otherwise, they would both have to fly out and make a hard landing.

Lin Mo held his breath for a while, and finally snorted.


There was nothing wrong with 416 next to her. She looked sideways at a shadow on the road and said, "It's a deer!"

Since the nightmare came, human activities have been reduced by more than half, and the environment in the wild has improved immediately. Many places are covered with trees and weeds, and the wild animals that were almost extinct are slowly recovering.

There are wild deer here.

I thought there was only one, but after a while, a group of deer ran over there, and there were a few deer.

Xiaolu looked curiously at the person in the smoked and deformed car, found the other person crawling out, and immediately threw it away in shock.

"Are you okay?" Lin Mo rubbed his shoulders and asked.

416 said that her physical function and strength are two to three times that of a normal adult male. According to this calculation, even if you are killed, I may only be slightly injured.

Lin Mo was speechless for a while.

Now the car is scrapped, and in the wilderness, I can only walk.

Fortunately, they had already walked most of the way before, and the rest was not too far away. With the moonlight, they could see the spark lights of the big city in the distance.

It was not until the middle of the night that we entered this former big city.

Before the nightmare came, it was a world-famous big city. Of course, this large does not refer to the area, but the population is very large and the density is very large.

It's an obvious exaggeration that one city has one-fifth of their country's population.

After entering the city, you can see some sporadic lights.

The lights are dark in most places.

In this special period, all kinds of resources, especially energy, are in short supply, so it is not bad to be able to maintain the power supply.

Walking on the cluttered streets full of rubbish, it can be seen from the billboards on both sides of the road and the neon lights that have been extinguished that it was quite prosperous in the past.

It is imaginable that the lights are feasting, the pedestrians are woven, the fashion front line, full of vitality, but now, it is dark and silent, and the horror film set designer sees it as a professional.

This kind of place, you may think that there is no one here.

Actually not.

From the moment Lin Mo and 416 entered the city, people were found, and they were numerous.

Some were walking aimlessly on the street.

Some are sitting on the ground in a daze, or they are muttering words that others do not understand.

There are more people hidden in the building, the number is unimaginable.

Lin Mo was very curious. This is the capital of the neighboring country and the most economically developed place. Why don't everyone go to the safe zone?

If you don't go to the safe area, you can't sleep safely, and it's hard for your body to rest.

But people here seem to be used to it.

Some people walk back and forth on the road, not just to prevent falling asleep, but after all, this is a temporary solution.

If you are sleepy to the extreme, you still have to fall asleep. This is due to your physiology, and you can't bear it by willpower alone.

The more I observed, the more I felt something was wrong.

Lin Mo has been to many safe areas, and even he has been to the White Eagle Country, and has been exposed to the situation there, but it is different from here.

There is an unspeakable strangeness here and there.

But for Lin Mo to say what was wrong, he couldn't say it right away.

At this moment, the two were stopped by an old woman.

The other party was well-dressed, his hair was meticulously combed, and he was carrying a cloth bag in his hand. At this moment, he nodded to greet Lin Mo and 416.

Very kind.

Then the other party took out a leaflet and handed it over.


Is the employment pressure in neighboring countries so great that even the elderly have come out to hand out flyers?

Fortunately, the other party did not say fitness swimming to understand.

Lin Mo took the flyer and looked at it. 416 next to him might think that the other party only gave it to Lin Mo but not her, and felt left out, and now he reached out to the old woman to ask for it.

The other party nodded with a smile and handed another one.

Lin Mo and 416 watched together.

After seeing this, I realized that it is not a swimming fitness, but a missionary list.

It reads: The Redemption Society, save the common people, only by joining the Redemption Society can one obtain asylum and survive this catastrophe.

There are many words like this, and they are very deceptive.

416 next to him showed disdain, just wanted to speak, but was pulled by Lin Mo.

She was also clever, and she swallowed what she was about to say.

Lin Mo asked 416 to tell the other party that they were willing to join the Redemption Society and obtain asylum.

416 still had the expression that you know how to play, and started to talk to the old woman in a fluent neighboring language, which soon became hot.

The old woman was very happy when she saw the success of pulling people in. It is estimated that this is the same as pulling a member in a gym. If she can pull a member in, she will get a commission.

Can you not be happy.

Since you want to join the club, you must go to someone else's place, go through the process, and go through the formalities.

The old woman said that their stronghold was not far away, and chatted with 416 in a low voice along the way, chatting happily.

The other party was right. It was not far. After walking a few hundred meters at most, they arrived at an old man.

The building has three floors, other windows and doors are blocked, there is only one entrance, and there are several people sitting at the door.

Seeing the old woman, these people gave way, showing friendly smiles to Lin Mo and 416 at the same time.

When going upstairs, 416 whispered to Lin Mo, saying that many of the people here have joined the Redemption Society, and only by joining the Redemption Society can they gain asylum in the nightmare world.

But even in the Redemption Society, there are many branches. The old woman told her that this one they believed in was the God of Meng Tian in the Redemption Society.

Of course, Lin Mo has never heard of this, but he has already learned through Xiaorourou that there are as many gods created in the Redemption Society as the hair of a cow.

So it's not surprising at all.

There are many people in the small building.

Judging from some text decorations on the walls inside, this place may have been a cram school with classrooms in the past.

But at the moment the classroom is full of people.

These people sat on the ground, men and women, old and young.

He closed his eyes, shook his body at the same frequency, and muttered a paragraph at the same time.

Lin Mo couldn't understand and glanced at 416. The latter said that these people were reciting a similar incantation, which seemed to be praising the Meng Tianshen.

There is also a picture hanging on the wall of that classroom.

There are candle offerings around.

The painting is of a majestic old woman.

It is estimated that this is Meng Tianshen.

But Lin Mo felt that Meng Tianshen in the painting was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

I remembered!

"Damn, isn't this my godmother?"

Lin Mo was stunned.

It's her, it's her.

In the diner restaurant on the Silent, Lin Mo had met each other. At that time, this terrifying nightmare was very rare for Doudou, and he wanted to accept Doudou as his grandson.

Doudou is a smart and filial boy.

It knew that if it didn't agree, it would be bad for Lin Mo, so the child agreed, and even urged Lin Mo to become the other party's godson.

It's just that after that Meng Ganma left with Doudou, there was no news. Except that the other party said that he was in the eleventh district, there were no other clues.

Lin Mo also searched for a long time, but couldn't find it.

I didn't expect to see this godmother in this place.

"Meng Tianshen, Grandma Meng, that's right, that's right!"

At this moment, Lin Mo's heart was surging. He didn't expect that it would take no time to find a place to find it, and he actually met here by chance.

Hey, wait a minute.

If you say that the cheap godmother you recognize is in the capital of a neighboring country, doesn't it mean that this is the eleventh district.

Lin Mo immediately asked 416 to ask the old woman to see if the other party had heard of District 11.

416 went to ask, and then came back and told Lin Mo.

"The other party has never heard of it."

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes.

Locals don't know?

Or is it just that this old woman doesn't know?

do not care.

Since it happened by chance, this time it will be solved together, and he has to bring Doudou back.

Of course, this matter has to be well planned, at least to understand the situation here first.

For example, is Meng Tianshen the grandmother that Doudou recognized, or whether this is District Eleven.

If so, then the cats and cats lost contact and were trapped here, and did they have any connection with the Redemption Society or District 11?

All of a sudden, Lin Mo was a little lost in thinking about the question.

The old woman over there took them to a room and started registering.

Just let 416 make up a fake name to fool him. This is to take a form.

Have to pay membership fee.

It's hard to find 416. On the way, they got some currency from neighboring countries. In Lin Mo's eyes, these things are like waste paper, and they don't feel bad for them.

Finally, the real initiation ceremony.

"This needs to be done in a nightmare world."

The old woman spoke.

Take two people to a very special room.

This room is not big.

Up to eight or nine squares.

There are so many ribbons hanging from the ceiling, colorful, and many hanging down like willow branches.

The room was empty and no one was there.

The old woman said that as long as they fell asleep inside, the initiation ceremony would be performed automatically.

Because Lin Mo wanted to find out whether this Meng Tianshen was the cheap godmother, he must have a dream to see it. 416 has no objection to this. Lin Mo does what she does.

Just follow it blindly.

The two sat down as required. At this time, a few more people came in and stood by. The old woman said that these were for observing the ceremony, so don't worry about it.

Unfortunately, Lin Mo didn't believe these words at all.

It is estimated that it is for insurance. If you resist the ritual or are unwilling, it is estimated that these people are the ones who are used to force you to perform the ritual.

Basically, when you enter this house, you must become their person, or you will never be able to get out.

Lin Mo will not tear his face with them now.

There are 418, if these people have any attack after they and 416 fall into a dream, 418 will directly send them to see their Meng Tianshen.

Lin Mo doesn't have to worry about this.

Close your eyes and dream.

very smooth.

He and 416 went to the dark side of the house.

Then again, this house is a lot scarier than it is in the real world.

The main scary point is that there is a big bug lying on the ceiling.

It's the kind of maggot that's bigger than a human being.

416 saw this for the first time, and immediately exclaimed with excitement.

It's like a child who goes to the zoo for the first time. Everything feels fresh.

The next moment, the big maggot head stretched out a few tentacles and stretched out towards the mouths of Lin Mo and 416.

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Mo reached out and grabbed a few tentacles, ripped off the big maggots on them, and beat them violently.

He understood that the other party was planning to implant something in his body.

Can be understood as parasitic.

Get some larvae parasitic in the human body.

How could Lin Mo agree to this kind of thing? The beatings are all light. If it wasn't for the fact that he was the godmother's subordinate, Lin Mo would have chopped up the big meat worm directly.

After being beaten, the big meat maggot was obviously much more honest than before. It crawled over and rubbed against Lin Mo's leg with its body.

It felt like saying that my brother was beaten, it was me who was wrong, and that's all.

As for Lin Mo, he is not a person who holds grudges. Since the other party has admitted his mistakes and has not suffered any loss, then forget it.

At this moment, the big meat maggot seemed to smell something.

It sniffed at Lin Mo.

Then there was a shiver, the fat on his body was twisting rapidly, and the next moment, it rattled and didn't move.

Lin Mo went over to take a look.

"Looks like he's dead!"

"Why did you die? Smoked to death?" 416 asked curiously.

Lin Mo rolled his eyes at 416, this little guy is hard to learn, and the words that are offensive are learned one by one.

All are self-taught.

"Don't touch it, it died by itself, it has nothing to do with us." Lin Mo directly put aside the responsibility.

He really didn't know how the big maggot died, maybe he really had his own disease.

After staying for a while, Lin Mo felt that the time was almost up, and it was time to leave after eating the beans.

It was still in that room, seeing Lin Mo wake up, the old woman came to congratulate, saying that from today onwards, they are all a family.

What can Lin Mo and 416 say, just smile and nod.

As for why the other party thinks that they are a family, it is estimated that the other party believes that 100% of the people who dream in this room will be attacked and parasitized by the big maggot.

As long as it is parasitized, it is their family.

So Lin Mo and 416 not only had a meal in this place, but also received a church certificate each.

The old woman told them that with this, as long as they were in the city, no matter what happened, they could ask their fellow brothers and sisters to help each other.

Lin Mo took the opportunity to ask 416 a few questions.

One is whether the other party has seen Meng Tianshen, and what is the big bug in the nightmare world.

The old woman said that Meng Tianshen is not someone who can see it if anyone wants to see it, and that requires good fortune. As for the big bug, it is not called the big bug, it is called the messenger.

In other words, it's like an angel.

Lin Mo didn't laugh a lot. The angels from other families are all very beautiful. Your family is very good. You have a big meat bug, and this big bug has died of a heart attack. It's ridiculous.

No, no, no, I can't think about it anymore, I'll laugh when I think about it.

Lin Mo immediately looked up at the sky, thinking about some horrible, bloody, and terrifying things, and doing expression management seriously.

He can manage, 416 can't.

The guy just laughed out loud.

"What's wrong?" The old woman was stunned, a little confused.

Lin Mo secretly stabbed 416 to make her collapse, and then said seriously: "We couldn't help laughing when we thought that we could live here safely under the protection of Meng Tianshen in the future."

Superb acting skills, very smooth to fool the old woman.

But as long as the other party falls into a dream and goes to the room to take a look, he will find the corpse of the big bug.

So I stayed here for a while.

Hearing that Lin Mo and the two were leaving, the old woman did not hold back. Maybe she felt that she was already her own family, so the other party would have no problem going anywhere.

Sent downstairs.

"May God Meng Tian bless you." The old woman said.


The two quickly left.

Chatting with the old woman just now, I also learned a lot about the situation here.

In this place, the so-called safe zone does not actually exist.

There are no huge There are no strict isolation measures. If you want to survive here, you must join the Redemption Society and be sheltered by the gods in the Redemption Society.

Otherwise, you will be attacked by nightmares after falling into a dream.

Of course not everyone is willing to join the Redemption Society.

There are still some people who are unwilling, struggling to survive here and choosing another life.

For example, some officials from neighboring countries have built many safe houses by relying on local nightmare response agencies. Of course, the security is much weaker.

When the old woman talked about this, she looked contemptuous and felt that if she joined the redemption meeting directly, everything would be solved, so why should she be so stubborn.

She couldn't figure it out.

Lin Mo knows why. For example, if he believes in Meng Tianshen, he must let the big meat worm angel come to parasitize you to be considered his own.

The problem makes the strange deworming parasite, and some people just don't like this kind of thing.

In a word, the forces in this place are very complex, mainly many. It is said that there are more than a dozen branches of the Redemption Society. In the past, it was an incremental increase, but now it is a stock competition. Coupled with the official forces that hate the Redemption Society, this place What a gibberish.

Lin Mo doesn't care about that.

His goal is clear.

Find the cats and those scientists and take them away.

Find Doudou, discuss with the godmother, and take it away.

If the other party does not agree.

Then turn your face!

This time, Lin Mo's wings are also hard. If he is not convinced, he will do it.

I found a hotel that is also under the control of the Redemption Society, showed the church card, and settled in smoothly.

The innkeeper was very warm to them, apparently taking them as his own.

With a place to stay, Lin Mo and 416 fell into a dream. Then he pulled out a paper crane with the cat's name written on it, took a breath, and the paper crane swayed and flew out.

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