Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 878: I want to make a wish too

The latest website: Meat Angel has a talent for storytelling, the horror of the Faceless Woman is described in its mouth vividly, and sometimes, this guy will be surprised.

But after finding that Lin Mo was not scared at all, he was a little disappointed.

Lin Mo was thinking.

From the beginning, he discovered a problem.

Whether it is a ghost Buddha, a flesh angel or a faceless woman, it seems that they are all "made" with the same template and routine. Using reports, flyers and horror stories, these three horrors were created. After such thoughts and memories are deeply ingrained in many people's hearts, these nightmares can be truly created in the nightmare world by borrowing the power of the nightmare world.

This is almost the same as the 'Tianjin Project' of the White Eagle Kingdom.

The Redemption Society itself was born from the White Eagle Country.

This is certainly no coincidence.

Is that understandable.

Are the three terrifying nightmares here actually part of the plan of the gods?

This needs to be confirmed.

Lin Mo asked the meat angel if he had heard of the gods plan, and the meat angel shook his head blankly.

The other party doesn't know, this Lin Mo believes.

It's impossible to lie about something that even the Redemption Society's top-secret sacrificial ceremony can confess.

Don't know, just don't know.

But this will not hinder Lin Mo's cognition and judgment on this matter.

He was sure that they had something to do with the plan of the gods.

Lin Mo still remembered their main purpose this time.

That is to go to the only safe area in the neighboring country, find and bring some scientists and members of the expert group from the General Administration back safely.

It's just that this task is the first step, and I ran into trouble when I was on the road.

The plane was shot down by an unknown missile.

Lin Mo and 416 were lucky and escaped from the dead. It stands to reason that they should avoid the edge for a while, or figure out before taking action.

But Lin Mo felt that the mission still had to continue. After all, they came here. If you don't know who beat them down and don't bring Maomao and the others back, wouldn't it be in vain?

I can't even take this breath.

According to the information obtained before, the expert team where Maomao is located is responsible for protecting the scientists, and it is in the security zone of the neighboring capital.

Although it has been lost, and it was someone else who communicated via satellite phone later.

But Lin Mo judged through the paper crane that the cat was still alive.

So in the end, we have to go to the only safe zone in the neighboring country.

Lin Mo looked at the map. It is still 150 kilometers away from the safety zone of the neighboring capital. 416 has already got a car, so it can be reached in about three hours.

But before you go, it's definitely not harmful to know a little more about the situation here.

In addition, Liu Gao and the others are no longer suitable to go together.

One is that the cost of traveling in the nightmare world is too high, and it is much more dangerous than in the real world. On the way, there may be some ghosts. The second is that even if they safely reach the safety zone of the neighboring capital, who will Can you be sure that there is no more terrifying danger there?

So it's best to let them stay here and wait for them to come back.

Meat Angel is pretty good here.

"Do you have a name?" Lin Mo asked the meat angel at this time.

The latter said it was called a flesh angel.

"It doesn't sound good, and it's too formal. I'll get one for you, let's call it Xiaorourou."


Xiao Rourou obviously likes this new name.

"Little meat!"


"I have a few friends coming over later. I plan to arrange for them to stay with you for a few days. You will treat them well, protect them, and wait for me to come back?" Lin Mo asked with a smile.

Xiao Rourou immediately said, "That's not necessarily true. I didn't dare to do it when you were here. Once you leave, I'll probably eat them."

This guy's frankness makes you want to punch him hard.

"Of course you can, but think about it, if you do that, you will definitely be killed when I come back."

"That's true!"

Xiaorourou nodded and admitted this.

"So you might as well make friends with them, and then you set up a rule for yourself. You must not start with your friends. That's fine. As long as you want to eat them, think about this rule, and you can restrain yourself?"

Lin Mo gave the other party an idea.

Xiaorourou said it can be tried, but it does not guarantee that it can be done.

Obviously, relying on the self-restraint of this nightmare is still very difficult.

Fortunately, Lin Mo has a big brain and a lot of crazy ideas. He thought about it for a while, and then he immediately started, suddenly beating Xiaorourou violently. The latter was directly beaten and wanted to resist, but was immediately bound by a chain of cursed chains. In addition, it was afraid of Lin Mo, and the result was a solid beating.

"Rourou, does it hurt?" Lin Mo asked with concern after finishing the fight.

Xiaorourou nodded with a look of grievance.

"It hurts, you look at me now, what do you think?" Lin Mo asked again.

"Scared!" Xiaorourou answered honestly.

"Want to eat me?"


"Okay, that's not enough beating!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo continued to get started. This meal was even more tragic than the previous one.

After the fight, Lin Mo continued to ask.

As an ordinary person, with a clever mind, even if it is a lie, he will not say that he wants to eat you.

However, Xiaorourou is a straightforward boy who will not lie.

The result was being beaten over and over again.

After a few rounds of fighting, Lin Mo forgot. Anyway, he was tired, so let Xiaoyu fight. When Xiaoyu was tired, he let Sister Yue play, and Sister Yue was tired, so he changed to Wenjun.

Xiwenjun is tired, and then change to Lin Mo.

This is a round, I don't know how many times it has been round, Xiao Rou Rou finally shivered and said that he didn't want to eat it.

If it says it doesn't want to eat it, it means it really doesn't want to eat it.

"Then do you want to eat someone else?"

"I don't want to eat, I just want to lie down and recuperate."


"Brother, you know me well. I never know what it means to lie."

"That's good."

Lin Mo was relieved.

It stands to reason that it is the safest to kill Xiaorourou directly, but Lin Mo needs the other party to live.

Only the little flesh that is alive will have a deterrent.

If it's dead, it's worthless.

After finishing this, Lin Mo went out to find Liu Gao and the others.

With Xiaohu following, they would not encounter any trouble along the way. Outside the hospital, Lin Mo could easily find them.

Obviously Liu Gao and the others have been here for a while.

Lin Mo came over and briefly explained the situation.

"For now, you'd better stay here and wait for me to come back."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo called the action team member to his side again, and told him apologetically that he did not find any valuable medical equipment or doctors here.

This means he is helpless in the real world.

The action team member was stunned for a while, and then smiled: "Expert Lin, you don't have to be sorry, I didn't have much hope for this matter, I know my injury must be very serious, you can take me from the wild all the way to the Here, I have accepted this intention. I can only say that I am unlucky, fortunately, I can continue to exist in the nightmare world, but it is a different way of living, it does not matter. "

The other party looked very open.

Frustration and disappointment are there, but more of a relief.

There are many things in this world, and it is impossible for everyone to be happy.

More helplessness and regret.

"That's why I arranged you here. Now everyone has two lives. If your life in the real world is gone, you can't let your life in the nightmare world also be lost. Then I can't go back and deal with the director. ."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he brought everyone into the hospital.

Xiaohu was admitted to the ghost ring by Lin Mo.

Otherwise, given its size, you wouldn't even want to come in.

Everyone felt the terrifying aura in this hospital, which was terrifying and suffocating, but Lin Mo wanted everyone to relax a little. When it came to this place, it would be safe, and the nightmares outside would not dare to come in.

"Is there a nightmare here?" Liu Gao asked curiously.

"Yes, come, let me introduce you." Lin Mo led everyone into the terrifying room, and then pointed to the nightmare who was lying on the ground and humming: "This is a little meat, and everyone will be friends from now on. , it will be responsible for your safety in the next few days."

Only Lin Mo saw that Xiaorourou could maintain a normal heart.

When other people saw this little flesh, it was a two-year-old who poured into the soles of his feet from the top of his head, and then rushed back from the soles of his feet. Every pore of the whole person was cold.


It was so scary.

Even in the nightmare files of the General Administration, I have never seen such a terrifying nightmare.

Just can't see.

I saw Lin Mo walked over and kicked Xiao Rourou.

"Get up and say hello."

Xiao Rou Rou shivered a bit, then tried his best to prop up half of his body, and said hello to everyone with three heads tied with iron wires.

Then lay down again.

"Okay, you will live here for the next few days. Come and chat with Rou Rou if you have anything to do. It will not heal for three or five days. I will try my best to come back within three days."

Lin Mo confessed.

"Also remember, no matter what happens, you can't leave this hospital. This is the territory of flesh and blood. Other nightmares dare not come in, but you can't do it outside."

That's what should be told.

"By the way, don't look in the mirror for any of you these days."

Lin Mo added another sentence.

The Faceless Woman mentioned by Rou Rou before seems to communicate with others through the medium of mirrors.

Although he had to read his name before he came out, Lin Mo felt that just in case, don't look in the mirror or something.

We're all men, and it's okay not to look in the mirror.

Naturally, Liu Gao and the others all agreed.

They are not stupid, there are many things that people can't do in the nightmare world, one of which is looking in the mirror.

Because no one knows, what you see in the mirror may not be you at all.

Lin Mo confessed not to let others look in the mirror, but he turned his head and went out, took out the mirror and looked at it himself.

"I think it's better to make a wish before leaving."

This time, Lin Mo had been in contact with ghosts and Buddhas, and flesh and blood, but the Faceless Girl had not.

If the other party has something to do with the plan of the gods and redemption just like the flesh and blood, Lin Mo feels that it is still necessary to get in touch.

So Lin Mo ran over to specifically ask the meat, asked the faceless woman's name, then found a room with no one but a large mirror inside, closed the door, shook the brick as a lamp, and then faced the room The floor-to-ceiling mirror chattered.

"Cui Shanyan, if you are here, I want to make a wish with you, Cui Shanyan, if you are here, I want to make a wish..."

Strange, I shouted several times, but there was no movement in the mirror.

"Despise me?"

Lin Mo was a little angry.

But he quickly remembered that Rou Rou had said that only women could call out the Faceless Woman. According to this logic, even if he broke his throat here, the Faceless Woman would not come out.

Where can I find a woman?

Let Xiaoyu shout?

It is estimated that the other party will not come out. Naturally, Sister Yue and Xiwenjun will not be able to.

This time, Lin Mo was a little worried.

Wait a minute, isn't 416 a woman?

Lin Mo slapped her thigh, 416 has a better advantage than others, that is, she is a living person, and a living person has a special smell, which is easier to attract and paralyze the other party.

Moreover, the power of 416 lies in mental power, but most nightmares cannot feel mental power under normal circumstances.

So let 416 try it, it is definitely better than yourself.

Just do it.

A detached bean, Lin Mo woke up, and after finding 416, he directly dragged the other party to the room.

"What do you want?" 416 glanced at Lin Mo.

"Hurry up, sleep with me, fall asleep!"

Lin Mo greeted 418 to stare outside, and then pulled 416 into a dream at the speed of light.

Tell her the specific situation, and 416's eyes also shine.

"There is still such a thing, you mean, you can make any wish?"

"Yes, any wish can be fulfilled by the other party." Lin Mo erased the price and conditions to be paid for it. In his dictionary, those did not exist.

"Then I must try." 416 began to wonder what wish would be better to make later.

Or say that only children make choices, 416 actually began to discuss with Lin Mo, she wanted a parent, she also wanted a birthday present every year, and finally wanted another sister.

She was entangled in these three matters, and finally asked Lin Mo to think of a way for her to make a choice.

Lin Mo said that only children make choices, you won't want them all.

"Can it be done?"

"What's wrong?"

"Okay, listen to you."

The IQ far exceeds the 416 of ordinary people. At this time, he is in a tangle because of which wish to choose.

Seeing that 416 was so serious, Lin Mo felt a little murmured in his heart.

The heart said that you had better be more reliable, if you swayed 416 and couldn't fulfill her wish, she would probably kill you.

Lin Mo has removed several of the 'Gods' created by this redemption club, but to be honest, none of them are reliable.

416 said with anticipation that she was ready, and Lin Mo talked about the process of the specific wish-making ceremony.

416 made an ok gesture.

Then she stood in front of the large mirror on the ground and began to say, "Cui Shanyan, Cui Shanyan, are you there? I want to make a wish."

She repeated the same words three times.

In such a dim place, it is quite exciting to say these words in front of the mirror, but the stimulation that Lin Mo understands is obviously different from that of normal people.

At this moment, there was movement in the mirror.

A figure suddenly approached inside, and the next moment, a woman walked slowly forward from the darkness in the mirror.

The other party was dressed like an urban white-collar woman, with black low-heeled leather shoes, stockings, a short skirt, a white shirt, and a small suit. The hairstyle was pretty, but she had no face.

The face of the other party is empty, like a figure painting, the facial features are painted out with a black pen.

Very weird.

But to say how terrifying it is, at least Lin Mo thinks it's still a little warmer.

"I'm coming!"

416 got excited.

Without waiting for the other party to approach, she couldn't help but say her wish.

"I want my parents who will give me a gift I like every birthday, and give me a lovely sister."

Or say 416 is smart, she can immediately understand what Lin Mo means, and directly change the three wishes into one.

This is the art of language.

After 416 finished speaking, the woman in the mirror obviously stopped a bit.

It is estimated that such a desire may not have been encountered.

Then it spoke.

A gloomy and hoarse voice came out.

"Don't you want to have a beautiful face, beautiful facial features, and an attractive figure?"

Listening to what it means, most of the women who made wishes in the past want these things, and it is estimated that these other parties can easily satisfy them.

416 shook her head and pointed to herself confidently: "Look at my face, my figure, and my legs, who can compare to me? A beautiful face, beautiful facial features, and an attractive figure. I have all these, and now I want my parents who will give me my favorite gifts every birthday, and give me a lovely sister.”

"..." The faceless woman in the mirror was obviously at a loss for words.

Indeed, 416 has basically achieved the ultimate in face and body, and people really don't need it.

But what the Faceless Woman can satisfy is only the ones it said before.

"Think about it again, I think your **** are not big, or..."

"Are you so deaf? As I said, I want to give me my favorite gifts every birthday, and my parents who will give me a cute sister. I don't want anything else."

"This wish is not good, you should consider other things..."

"I see, why are you kidding me?"

416's face turned gloomy.


A dim light flashed in her eyes, and Lin Mo knew that 416 was planning to pull the opponent into the spiritual realm to kill him.

"Little 6, don't do it yet."

Lin Mo shouted at this time and ran over from the side.

416 will still listen to Lin Mo's words.

"Don't be in a hurry."

"What do you want?"

"I want to make a wish too!"

416 took a step back and signaled for your convenience.

Lin Mo walked to the mirror and reached out to greet the faceless woman inside.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Liu is good everywhere, but she is a little violent. It's okay. I'll persuade her to be okay in a while. She, she still listens to me more."

The faceless woman in the mirror saw Lin Mo took two steps back and wanted to leave.

"Hey, don't go, what are you afraid of, I won't eat you, come on, listen to my wish first, what if it can come true?"

Lin Mo waved at the opponent.

But the Faceless Woman seemed determined to leave.

At this moment, Lin Mo shouted, "Sister Wenjun, please stop me."

At this time, the Faceless Woman had retreated into the dark depths of the mirror, but soon, it reappeared, but this time, it walked backwards, as if someone was forcing it back.

Then a tall woman in a red wedding dress came out from the opposite side and attacked Wenjun, she blocked the faceless woman's retreat.

"You really don't have to be afraid. I just want to make a wish. I want to see my brother. See if you can make it come true." Lin Mo looked in against the glass with a look of anticipation.


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