Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 875: Confirmed that the eyes are the person it can't provoke

Some of the newspapers on the wall have turned yellow.

Some of them are so badly damaged that they cannot be identified because they have experienced wind and rain.

But the recognizable newspaper, read continuously, is like a horror novel, and some of the details are described in a vivid picture.

Coupled with the picture, the sense of horror immediately emerged.

"Look at the date, it was at least six months ago." 416 said.

In other words, there were people living here six months ago, and what was recorded in the newspapers should be what happened here at that time. Of course, in addition to that terrifying ghost incident, there were other news in the newspapers.

From these things, you can feel the atmosphere of life here.

Quiet, peaceful, and of course, the ghost-Buddha incident clearly broke this layer of peace.

But anyway, this is a thing of the past.

There is a bus stop next to it, with a map drawn, simply compared with the stop signs related to the hospital on the bus line, and immediately determined the location here and the location of the nearest hospital.

Go to the hospital first.

If you are lucky, you can find something useful.

"Wait a minute, I'll explain to Liu Gao and the others in the dream." After Lin Mo finished speaking, he stood still in the dream.

The location where he fell into the dream was naturally a nightmare world, and it was also the same bus stop.

But when Lin Mo opened his eyes, he found that something was wrong.

Why so many people?

The bus stop was full of people at the moment.

It felt the same as a bus stop on a Monday morning rush hour.

This is quite sudden!

These people are clearly not normal people.

Take a closer look, one by one with their heads lowered, blood dripping down their eye sockets. Lin Mo is very curious. Of course, he knows that if you are curious, you are not afraid, but if you are curious, you are still weak.

This is sin!

Only when you have enough strength to support your curiosity can you truly satisfy yourself.

Lin Mo felt that he had worked hard for so long, and it was time to enjoy it, that is, to satisfy his curiosity anytime, anywhere.

For example, he wanted to see why these people were bleeding.

Changed to such a strange environment a long time ago, he would never look at it, but how far and how far he went.

But now, Lin Mo directly bent over, turned his head, and took a closer look.

"Oh, it turns out that the eyeballs are all broken up, no wonder it's bleeding!"

Lin Mo suddenly realized.

He had seen eye sockets without eyeballs, but it was the first time he had seen eye sockets like these that seemed to be crushed by fingers.

Quite dismayed.

Look no further, everyone else must be the same.

Isn't this the same as the suicides who have been in contact with ghosts and Buddhas that the newspapers say?

Is it such a coincidence?

Just saw the newspaper on the front foot, and saw these eye-popping suicides in the back foot?

It's well connected.

If I were an ordinary person, I would be scared to pee at this moment.

Lin Mo, however, giggled.

"I've seen this pattern before, it's nothing new, are you ready to suddenly look up at me?"

Lin Mo murmured in a low voice.

Not to mention, I was looking forward to it.

But to Lin Mo's disappointment, these ghosts kept their heads down, motionless, just like silence.

Lin Mo looked around, through the ghost ring, he could vaguely feel the location of Xiaohu and the others, it should not be too far away, just nearby.

"Come on, I'm sorry, let's go!"

Lin Mo squeezed away the blood-eyed ghost who was blocking the road in front of him. He was going to find Liu Gao and the others to join them and tell them his plans.

Go ahead along the road.

Lin Mo found that there were a lot of blood-eyed ghosts on the road. The newspaper said that there seemed to be more than 70 victims.

But along the way, Lin Mo found that there seemed to be more than that.

There must be at least one hundred.

From what he saw, there were more than a hundred of them.

These guys stood on both sides of the road and looked very weird.

But they didn't pay attention to Lin Mo, so Lin Mo didn't make it difficult for them.

Going around the intersection in front and turning left, I saw Liu Gao and the others, mainly Xiaohu, who were huge and very conspicuous.

They stood at the intersection over there, some hesitant to continue forward, because further forward, there are blood-eyed ghosts on both sides of the road.

"Come here, come here, come here, it's alright, these ghosts don't care about their business." Lin Mo waved his hand hard, and when Xiaohu saw it, he immediately ran over.

Having followed Lin Mo for so long, Xiaohu naturally behaves very similarly to Lin Mo.

No matter where you are, since the road is facing the sky in half, you are still afraid of a ball.

Liu Gao also hurried over.

They were quite scared, but with Lin Mo around, they had to have the confidence they should have.

Besides, they are all people from the General Administration, and they are afraid of returning home. The professional qualities they should have are indispensable.

"Expert Lin, what are these things?" Liu Gao was obviously very curious. He saw that Lin Mo came out of it, so he asked.

"I don't know either, it doesn't seem like a threat at the moment."

Lin Mo talked about his plan, and said he would go to the hospital together to see if he could find any useful supplies.

"Okay, listen to you."

Liu Gao and the others are all like this. Of course, what Lin Mo says is what he says.

They walked towards the bus stop.

At this moment, Xiaohu suddenly noticed something, looked into the distance, and made an attacking posture.

It could be seen that the fur on the little tiger stood upright.

Situations that would obviously make it so tense were rare in the past.

Lin Mo also noticed something.

The breath of a certain nightmare.

very powerful.

Also very special.

It was not until he saw the source of this breath that Lin Mo understood what was so special about it.

is majesty.

There is a group of people in front, carrying a Buddhist platform.

On the altar, sits a Buddha statue.

Wherever they passed, the blood-eyed ghosts on both sides of the road were chanting words and then kneeling on the ground. This scene was quite spectacular.

But that Buddha statue, no matter how you look at it, feels weird.

But can't tell where is the problem.


This Buddha statue seems to be the one in the newspaper. There are pictures, and Lin Mo has seen them before. The only difference is the pictures in the newspaper. The eyes of this Buddha statue are pasted with many talismans.

And at this moment, the eyelid has no talisman, and the eyelids are half-closed.

Liu Gao and the others also saw it, and they also trembled unconsciously.

Their reaction is normal, even Xiaohu is so nervous, if they are not afraid, then it is not normal.

The only one who can remain calm is Lin Mo.

He knew that this Buddha statue was powerful, but after thinking about it, it was the best thing to do.

If the other party has any unreasonable thoughts about himself or the people on his side, Lin Mo will definitely not be vague when it is time to act.

At this moment, the blood-eyed people around were already kneeling on the ground, chanting words in their mouths, as if they were chanting some kind of scripture.

Lin Mo has listened to the chanting scriptures.

He has visited those Buddhist holy places. How should I put it, there is a sense of sacredness. If you understand the content of the scriptures, you will increase your wisdom and understand many truths.

But the sound of chanting sutras heard at this moment is only strange and uncomfortable.

Although I don't understand the scriptures, I guess it's not a good thing to say.

The Buddhist altar is slowly approaching, Lin Mo and the others are standing on the side of the road, so if the other party leaves honestly, it will be as Lin Mo thought, we will go our separate ways without interfering with each other.

Like two parallel lines, there will be no moment of intersection.

But I am afraid that one party does not follow this unspoken At this moment, the figures carrying the Buddhist altar suddenly stopped, and then a strange sound was heard. These figures were originally low He brushed his head together and slowly turned around, staring at Lin Mo with **** eyes.

The most annoying thing about Lin Mo is that others look at him when he has nothing to do.

In his perception, this was a brutal and unfriendly provocation.

In most cases, whoever has nothing to do with him, he will go back as soon as possible. If the other party is not convinced, it may turn into a fight.

Just like at this moment, Lin Mo wanted to turn the heads of these guys back.

However, Lin Mo would not directly embarrass the bearers by hitting the dog to see the owner.

He looked up at the Buddha statue.

"Your people are not following the rules, I count three, you don't care, I will help you!"


When he counted one, the Buddha statue turned his head instantly, and there was a fierce light in the half-closed eyes, but after a second, the fierce light turned into shock.

Because at this moment Lin Mo started to take out the pencils, dolls and mirrors.

He even brought out Lao Bai who was staying in the cozy cabin.

This is his ultra-luxury package.


Counting to two, the Buddha statue's expression did not change, but when he raised his hand and twisted it, he heard a few clicks, and the heads of the bearers who were staring at Lin Mo all fell to the ground.

Lin Mo was stunned.

This action is too fast.

Faster is yet to come.

From the surrounding crowd, a few more people ran out and lifted the altar in place of the previous bearer, and then continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, Lin Mo's last three was not counted after all.

off topic

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!

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