Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Is she lying?

The latest website: 416 is good at hypnosis and mental strangulation.

Hypnosis, as the name implies, is to make people fall into a dream and fall asleep, and it can also be used to extract confessions, let the other party speak his mind, or the world guides the other party to commit suicide; and mental strangulation is a higher level. If you encounter difficult hypnosis, you can Use this method to drag people into the spirit world, and then kill the target with whatever means can be used.

This completely depends on the strength of the spiritual force.

Both of these mental attacks are actually preventable. The researchers here have already thoroughly studied the capabilities of 416. In order to prevent it, of course, there are corresponding defense methods.

They developed a special synthetic metal.

This metal is extremely malleable.

It can be pressed as thin as gold foil and painted on the wall one by one to block the penetration of spiritual power; it can also be made into small but strong metal threads, if it is woven into clothes, or built into a helmet, it can be completely sealed. Dead spirit penetrates.

416 told Lin Mo about this, and 418 quickly discovered the problem.

His attack was hindered, and he could no longer use his mental power to control the target, and in some places, its mental power could not penetrate at all.

It should be that special metal interlayer inside the wall.

In addition, there are probes for monitoring mental power everywhere in this base, just like before, after Lin Mo used mental power, the alarm system was triggered immediately.

"Not only are there mental fences and monitoring probes all over the place, but there are thousands of well-trained soldiers, and if it's just me, even if they don't wear mental protection gear, I'm not an opponent. But now with you, I think we have to escape, it's not a big problem, we can even try to kill all the people here."

416 had a touch of excitement on his face, as if this matter had a great attraction to her.

Obviously, the long-term experiment and the influence of drugs have made 416 a little abnormal. She seems to know that, but she feels that this is not a disease, but a gift from God and a release from nature.

I don't think there is anything bad.

Perhaps seeing Lin Mo's silence, she seemed a little hesitant, and she immediately said: "Don't think this kind of thing is cruel, in fact, every one of them has blood on their hands. They arrested a lot of people and used those people for experiments. Most were tortured to death by them, they all deserve to die."

"Besides, if you just leave, whether you take me or not, they will not let you go. They will keep chasing you until they kill you. Instead, it is better to start first!"

I have to say, 416's words are very convincing.

"Later, I will go out and tell them that I have killed you, and they will send someone to confirm, and then they will enter the nightmare world to continue chasing you. Now everyone knows that only if you die in the nightmare world, then It is called real death. So they have to kill people, basically twice, once in the real world and once in the nightmare world. To be honest, they are stronger in the nightmare world than here, so we can only attack Its weakness, avoid its edge..."

Lin Mo interrupted the other party at this time.

"I'm also pretty strong in the nightmare world."

This is the truth.

But the other party obviously didn't believe it.

"There is no comparison between an individual and a regular army of thousands of people. It's not me who hit you. In the real world, we can still have a little advantage by using mental power, but in the nightmare world, you don't have the slightest advantage and chance of winning. ."

"No, they have more people and more people, but I am really strong, and I may not lose to them."

"Can you stop raising the bar." At this moment, 416 felt that the person in front of him was a bar.

It is said that the people in this base are not weak in the nightmare world, and with the advantage of the number of people, if they fall into the dream, they will not have any chance at all.

In the real world, they can still use some unconventional means. In the nightmare world, everyone has means, and the concepts are of course different.

"I didn't raise the bar, I think your plan needs to be changed. Since you know that the opponent is a regular army, and there are individual equipment specially designed to protect against mental attacks, it is too unwise to continue to do it in the real world."

"Why don't you know how to hypnotize them? You can hypnotize them all and pull them into the nightmare world at the same time. You can leave the rest to me."

Lin Mo came up with a more radical method.

Even 416 was stunned by this bold idea.

"Are you alright? You're alone, and I'll give it to you, isn't that nonsense? Plus I'm not enough, I've told you, those people are very powerful in the nightmare world, and there are many of them... "

"I have a lot of people too. If you don't believe it, you'll find out later in your dreams."

"What do you mean, you still have subordinates, and they all followed you in?"

416 was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"Where?" Lin Mo asked back.

"Of course it's a laboratory."

"No, they are still on the boat. They are probably still floating at sea at the moment, but they will be able to dock soon."


Isn't this bullshit?

416 do not believe a word.

She has begun to doubt whether her decision to cooperate with the other party was impulsive.

She wanted to persuade, but Lin Mo was very stubborn, so he let her follow the plan.

After leaving the spiritual realm, 416 didn't say much, turned around and walked out.

"This woman is very motivated." The scientist controlled by 418 came over and said at this time, with a wretched expression, because Lin Mo had already told it just now that he had reached an agreement with 416 for a win-win cooperation.

"Since you feel motivated, then follow her and see what she will do." Lin Mo ordered.

Although an agreement has been reached with 416, the agreement is very fragile at present, and if the other party does not comply with it, there is no way for him to do so.

Assuming that 416 betrayed himself when he went out, then Lin Mo had to think about his way out.

418 is indeed very strong, but if there is that kind of equipment that can shield mental power, there is no need for more, a few soldiers with guns can rush in and kill him and Zhang Xu.

418 may be able to escape.

But in this case, where can you escape?

Have to plan ahead.

Lin Mo closed his eyes, fell into a dream instantly, and entered the nightmare world.

Seeing that it was in the nightmare projection of this laboratory, Lin Mo sighed.

There is no cage curse on the Silence. Even if there is, with his current super authority, it is impossible for the ship to imprison its 'soul' on the ship.

As a result, after forcibly awakening, he arrived here.

Not a big problem though.

Lin Mo took out a few folded paper cranes and wrote the paper crane biography for the dancer, the captain and Xi Wenjun respectively.

When they received the letter, they only needed to write their names, and the paper crane could fly back.

In this way, following Zhihe, you can find this place.

The plan is perfect.

What Lin Mo and 416 said before that they should make use of their strengths and circumvent weaknesses is not boasting, but a fact.

In the real world, even if there are 418 and a noose of spiritual power, Lin Mo is still facing a situation of fighting more with less and fighting with the weak.

Not to mention that the other party also has equipment and equipment that can shield and monitor mental power.

If you can maintain a relatively stable situation and prevent the other party from rushing in and smashing yourself, it is already burning high incense.

Lin Mo then asked 418 to search the entire laboratory to see if there were any fish that had slipped through the net and had not been found. If there were, they should be controlled.

In addition, Lin Mo asked 418 to give up control of the scientist, and Lin Mo had something to ask the other party.

Soon, the scientist with the appearance of a servant shuddered, and the original wretched expression suddenly became a little dazed, and then maybe he came back to his senses, and when he saw the situation in front of him, he wanted to run away.

Lin Mo pointed a gun at each other.

"Be smart, you don't even look at what's going on now, can you run away?"

The other party looked bewildered.

"By the way, I forgot that you don't understand Chinese, so let's chat in the nightmare world!"

Lin Mo reached out and pushed.

Use the hypnosis ring to instantly push the opponent into the nightmare world.

Here belongs to the communication between soul and soul, and there is no so-called language barrier at all.

Here's a little interlude.

After entering the nightmare world, the scientist was quite mad and confident. In the words he later confessed, he also felt good about himself in the nightmare world, and even felt that he could take this opportunity to turn the tide and turn it into a victory.

But within two seconds, he realized that the idea was very naive.

In the real world, he is a dish, but in the nightmare world, he is not even a dish.

In an instant, Lin Mo pressed it to the ground and rubbed it.

When he understands what's going on and asks for mercy, he will stop suffering.

What followed was an in-depth understanding between Lin Mo and the top scientist of the White Eagle Country.

The other party carried forward the fine traditions of their ancestors of the White Eagle Kingdom. Once they were arrested, it would be revealed in full. He could answer all the questions he asked, and some of them hadn't asked yet.

As a result, Lin Mo has a deeper understanding of the 'Skua Base', the projects researched here, and even 416.

This base is one of the many military bases in the White Eagle Country all over the world.

It belongs to a relatively high level of confidentiality.

The initial research is biological weapons, bacteria and viruses.

Later, the nightmare invaded and turned to the nightmare world. They discovered the use of mental power in the nightmare world, so they continued to explore, and they really got a lot of results.

Specifically how to study, the 'Professor Bill' gave an example.

"When people are in a state of ease and comfort, their mental power is very stable and has almost no fluctuations; but if they are in a state of fear and pain, the fluctuation curve of their mental power will be very large. Moreover, people are in such pain and torture. Among them, the brain center will secrete a special substance, we call it n-enzyme. Interestingly, this n-enzyme itself is of little value, but if it is transformed by dark matter in the nightmare world, it is the projection of the same substance in the nightmare world. This is the most important raw material for making nzt series of psychotropic drugs..."

Lin Mo probably understood.

What 416 said is true, Professor Bill and the guys are indeed experimenting with people and refining medicinal materials.

Professor Bill said a bunch of very professional content, but most of Lin Mo couldn't understand it.

But it means he knows.

The first is that there are many kinds of psychotropic drugs in the nzt series.

The 47 Lin Mo has seen is just one of them.

Other numbered medicines, some die as soon as they are eaten, some turn a normal person into a lunatic and a monster, and some will affect the 'soul' in the nightmare world.

In other words, these lunatics and monsters, in the nightmare world, are even more terrifying.

This is similar to what 416 said.

So she said that the opponent's strength in the nightmare world is very terrifying, which should be referring to the nightmares created by these drugs.

And about 416, Professor Bill also said some details.

After Lin Mo heard it, he could describe it as tingling in his scalp.

"416 grew up in the laboratory. She was originally a test item in our biological experiments. Of course, we did not write this in the experimental report. After all, this kind of genetic modification experiment on human embryos is contrary to human ethics. Which country? And the region is illegal, it is not visible, once the media knows it, then…”

Lin Mo frowned: "Don't talk nonsense, focus on the OK, OK!" Professor Bill hurriedly said: "416 was born two years ago, a genetically modified monster. , her genetic sequence has been edited and modified, and she is different from normal people. She grew to adult size in less than two years, but we edited her memory to make her think that she is a normal person and is volunteered to participate in the trial.”

"Later, we found that she has a very high fusion rate with the nzt series of psychoactive drugs. It can be said that she is a super human being transformed by us in the true sense. You can also see that she is perfect in every aspect, no matter Appearance, size, intelligence and ability to learn..."

Lin Mo interrupted the other party at this time.

"Does 416 herself know about this?"

------off topic-----

The late morning chapter is finally here. I poured a cup of coffee today, and the state is restored. Ask for a ticket!


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