Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Alluring? Beauty reposts?

From the entrance to the front laboratory, a woman walked in.

In fact, before the other party came in, the footsteps could be clearly heard.

The woman did not deliberately hide her voice.

Very confident.

What Lin Mo saw was a very tall-looking white woman, wearing a researcher's white coat, with a work card, and looking like a special Victoria's Secret supermodel.

The top one.

Very energetic!

The job card on her chest has her name on it.

The name column reads 416.

Sure enough it was her.

When the woman came in, she turned her head and looked at the pillar over there.

Because Zhang Xu was hiding behind this pillar with a gun.

Zhang Xu hid well, breathed evenly, and didn't lean over to see it, all of which were discovered by the other party, indicating that 416 had superhuman-level perception ability.

But this 416 didn't seem to care about hiding Zhang Xu, she paused for a while, and walked straight towards Lin Mo.


A shot went off.

There was a bullet hole on the floor in front of the woman's feet.

Lin Mo held a gun, and there was a little gunpowder from the muzzle.

Faced with this naked warning, the woman could only stop, she looked at Lin Mo, and Lin Mo looked at her too.

A wave of spiritual power came slowly, somewhat silently, like a drizzle, and it had fallen on him without noticing. And this mental force obviously wants to do something to Lin Mo.

As a result, Lin Mo was unmoved, and his mental power could not affect Lin Mo.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand, and the woman opposite immediately felt as if something was wrapped around her neck.

It was like being strangled by the **** of death.

At this time, Lin Mo raised the report document in Yang's hand.

"I know you are good at mental hypnosis, but this is useless to me. It's like 418 can't control you. This is the first warning. If you play yin again, then we won't pity Xiangxiyu anymore. ."

Lin Mo said this to tell the other party that I already know the details of yours, so don't be rude. In fact, Lin Mo still wanted to talk to the other party and learn more about the situation here.

Lin Mo speaks Chinese language, this is not a nightmare world, there is no natural language exchange. But Lin Mo knew that the other party could understand, and it was written very clearly in the experimental report. This 416 has unimaginable learning ability and has mastered multiple languages.

So what you say, the other party will definitely understand.

416 was obviously a little surprised.

Feeling the rope around her neck, she knew that the other party could break her neck with a single thought.

But she was not afraid.

The next moment, her eyes shone brightly.

In an instant, Lin Mo was pulled into the spiritual realm.

Lin Mo was not at all surprised by this trick.

418 has used it on himself before, and those spirits in the sea of ​​fear have also used it. Now 416 has also used it, and Lin Mo has long been accustomed to it.

Cozy cottage.


416 looked at the cozy cabin in front of him, a little confused.

She knows a law of the spiritual realm, and the location and area after entering the spiritual realm depends on the party with stronger mental power.

It is equivalent to that she has her domain, and Lin Mo has Lin Mo's domain. If she pulls the other party in, her mental power will be stronger, and she will pull the other party into her own domain.

In this way, it occupies a favorable location and has an innate advantage. If you want to play with each other, you can play with each other.

Or evenly matched, so that the spiritual realm of both will appear.

And the last one.

The spiritual realm of one party is very strong and can completely suppress the other party, so that the realm of the other party will not appear at all.

416 turned to look behind her at this time.

It was empty, pitch black, and there was nothing to see.

It seems that there is only such a weird two-story cottage in the whole world.

416 has an absolutely calm and calm state of mind, and even at this time she did not panic.

Fortunately, she is not completely powerless to fight back.

Because she didn't directly enter the cabin.

This shows that she does not have the ability to resist at all.

The tactics were adjusted immediately. 416's cold expression, as if others owed her millions, immediately turned into a smile.

Kind, gentle and very friendly.

She started knocking on the door.

"come in!"

Hearing the sound inside, 416 walked in.

"The house is really nice!"

She complimented.

It feels as relaxed and comfortable as the neighbors come to visit.

In the room, Lin Mo was sitting on the sofa, with Erlang's legs crossed, looking like an old man.

The other party pulled him into the spiritual realm, which is a good thing.

Outside, Lin Mo was also afraid of the opponent's so-called 'superhuman-level' combat power, thinking that if the noose could not strangle the opponent, it would be difficult to deal with.

But in this place, it is the dragon who has to be coiled or the tiger who has to lie down, and everyone has to be honest with me, otherwise I will teach him how to be a man in minutes.


Lin Mo is also very enthusiastic.

At this moment, there is no one in the living room, and the passengers are all in the attic.

418 is also not there, so there are only Lin Mo and 416 here.

The latter first sat on the opposite sofa, and then looked around.

Immediately afterwards, 416 said a word, which directly confused Lin Mo.

"Take me away!"


Lin Mo felt that the script was wrong. He planned to talk to 416 and then obtain some valuable information and information.

If the other party is ignorant and still wants to do it, then Lin Mo plans to solve the other party in the cozy cabin.

It doesn't matter if it's a supermodel figure or a star face, it doesn't matter to Lin Mo, as long as it's an enemy, it's definitely right to start first.

Of course he also imagined many possibilities.

Only this, he did not expect.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't say a word, 416 said another sentence.

"Take me away."

Lin Mo finally came to his senses, and he asked in surprise, "Why?"

"I don't want to be in the lab anymore, they thought I didn't know, in fact, they were guarding me everywhere and using me constantly. They thought I forgot the pain I suffered in the lab in the past, but I didn't, I remember it very well , they don't see me as a person, they see me as a monster, and I have long wanted to get rid of their control."

Lin Mo said that this is a conflict between you and them, and what does it have to do with me.

You come up and say come with me, what is this called?

"I can feel it, you and I are very similar, we are a kind of people, we are all monsters."

Lin Mo didn't expect this answer either.

Of course, he probably understood what 416 meant.

Lin Mo asked her to stay silent.

"I'll give you a stroke first. You said that you want to follow me, definitely not because I'm handsome, nor because I'm attractive. In fact, it's because you found out that you couldn't beat me, so you admitted it, right?"

"Yes!" 416 answered very cheerfully, and gave Lin Mo a wink.

"What if you can beat me?"

"You don't need to ask, it will definitely kill you. You can't even beat me, let alone escape. I have to kill you for myself."

416 is really honest.

Not only are there questions and answers, but they are also not hidden.

Lin Mo smiled.

"Then why did I promise to take you away? Since you can't beat me, I'll kill you. Why carry a time bomb by your side? You can betray the White Eagle Country so quickly, and you can also use a faster speed. betray me."

"What you said is quite reasonable, yes, if you encounter a stronger enemy in the future, I will not hesitate to betray you and turn to the other party. As for why you promised me, at least for now, you still need me, This place is very dangerous, they have other weapons, you bring me, for now, there are only advantages and no disadvantages, so why don't you agree?"

Straightforward a bit too much.

Lin Mo didn't say a word, he was considering whether what the other party said was true or not.

According to 416, this guy actually has no sense of belonging and loyalty at all. She is here because she has to stay here.

She is willing to go with herself because she knows that she has enough strength to leave here.

It's like a hitchhiker, why not ride if you can.

Of course, it is also possible that all this is the other party's disguise, first use this method to gain their own trust, and then attack when they are not prepared.

This is also possible.

The point is your choice.

In this matter, Lin Mo made up his mind almost without thinking.

That's killing her!

Although Lin Mo wanted to get some information from the other party, this 416 was an extremely smart person. According to the test report, her IQ far exceeded that of normal people.

It is too easy for such a person to make up some lies.

So the safest way is to kill her when you can kill the other party.

That way nothing will go wrong.

Lin Mo, who had made up his mind, naturally burst out with a chilling air.

The opposite 416 clearly felt it, her complexion changed, and she was even more puzzled.

"You want to kill me? But why? I've already confessed to you, you take me away, I'll help you, destroy this place, kill everyone here, we each take what we need, and no one suffers, You have no reason to kill me."

After speaking, she seemed to have figured out something, and said: "I understand, you are too suspicious, you belong to the kind of person who would rather believe it or not, don't do it, let's discuss it later. discuss."

"That's good, you are a man, I am a woman, and I can be your girlfriend, right?"

Saying that, 416 pointed to her long legs, her chest, and her face.

"Think about it, you won't suffer!"

"Come on this!"

Lin Mo stood up from the eucalyptus, a group of upright gentlemen, who were just and righteous.

"I can also help you get what you want. There are many drugs that can enhance your mental strength. Don't you want it?"

These words scratched Lin Mo's itch.

"for example!"

"Just like NZT-47..."

"make a deal!"

Lin Mo agreed very simply.

Drugs to improve mental strength are indeed what Lin Mo needs most at the moment. If 416 can really help him get this drug, there is no problem with taking her away.

The two came together and shook hands.

This is even an alliance.

Lin Mo curiously asked 416 how did you know that I needed a mental boosting drug.

416 said very simply, your cozy hut is so solid, but your current mental strength is simply not enough to create a spiritual hut of this level.

Either someone else did it, or you did it, but for some reason, your mental power declined.

Hypothesis is the second, mental strength decline, that is, mental strength is weak.

That is sick.

If you are sick, of course you have to take medicine.

"I'm just making some educated guesses based on what I've seen and heard so far."

Lin Mo nodded.

The 416's observational abilities are meticulous and noticeably cooler than the 418's.

She is a little different from 418.

418 is just a spiritual body, and she is a person.

Next, Lin Mo and 416 had an in-depth understanding.

She said that she was really a model before, and then because she felt that life was very So she joined the army, because her physical condition was very good, she was also smooth sailing in the army.

"After the nightmare incident, I understood the impact this incident would have on the world. Later, the military chose a secret drug test, and I took the initiative to sign up for it, and I was lucky."

Lin Mo said that you are indeed lucky. The people you are with are either dead or disabled, or become mentally ill.

"You said that your good model is inappropriate and you have to be a guinea pig. What do you think?"

"It turns out that I picked the right one. The models I worked with died six months ago."

Lin Mo was powerless to refute this.

If you look at it in terms of results, her choice is indeed very correct.

After understanding, Lin Mo asked her about the next plan.

"There is a mental fence around the base, a special device that can prevent the spiritual body from leaving. I am actually trapped in this place. I can't destroy these devices by myself. I need your help."

------off topic-----

Today is full of mundane things, and there is not much content. Let's work hard to solve the troubles!

Just ask for a ticket!

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