Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 844: it's squatting down

69 Net 69, the fastest update Doomsday begins with a nightmare! 418 dare not think otherwise in this cozy spiritual cabin.

Even if there is, Lin Mo can correct it as soon as possible.

So the little things that 418 knew were squeezed out at this moment.

On the floor, 418 sat there pitifully, and it didn't dare to move, the sharp dagger was still stuck on its feet, and it was closely connected to the ground.

Lin Mo fell into silence again.

He was thinking about what to do next.

Regarding the Sea of ​​Fear, Lin Mo has already figured out a lot of details. Maybe he knows more than the captain on the Gluttony.

According to 418, the sea of ​​fear is a kind of spiritual collective, and it also belongs to some kind of weird small society.

Since it is a small society, there are high and low distinctions.

418 wanted to engage in nzt-4, and also learned the power of this drug from the memory of Bob and some research institutes, so he wanted to use the method of "cheating" to enhance its right to speak in the sea of ​​fear.

"So, the sea of ​​fear is actually not limited to a certain place?" Lin Mo finally came to his senses at this time.

"No, only around the core of the Sea of ​​Terror can you be affected by the Sea of ​​Terror." 418 corrected.

Lin Mo counted with his fingers at this time.

The Sea of ​​Fear is just a kind of spiritual aggregate, a special kind of monster formed by using the fear of millions of people around the world.

It is invincible.

This is what 418 said. Although Lin Mo doesn't agree with it, as of now, he really can't find a way to kill the sea of ​​fear.

It's like destroying a huge group of people.

Who can kill the mosquitoes in the world?

Of course, from the outside, the sea of ​​fear is a whole, and from the outside, it is indeed impossible to do anything about the sea of ​​fear.

But it should be much easier to disintegrate from within.

Lin Mo has another question.

He described the huge black shadow on the bottom of the sea of ​​fear that he saw last time when he entered the dead room game scene.

Ask 418 what that is.

"That, it's a mental illusion. It's usually scaring people, but it is said that it has recently absorbed the fear ability of a powerful nightmare. This illusion really has the ability to attack. Anyway, whoever dies and whoever dies."

Lin Mo was speechless for a while.

He didn't expect that the huge black shadow under the sea of ​​fear, the terrifying giant with countless eyes and touches that he saw in the way of the game scene, was actually just a mental hallucination.

418 emphasized at this time, saying that in the sea of ​​fear, spiritual power is the most important.

It is like a powerful nightmare, but if the mental strength is weak, the status in the sea of ​​fear is not high.

In fact, Lin Mo had already made plans just now.

He told 418 that he also wanted to join the big family of Sea of ​​Fear.

418 immediately agreed: "No problem, I'll arrange this."

Promised too soon.

There was no hesitation at all, which was clearly not normal.

"Then how to join the sea of ​​fear?" Lin Mo asked directly.

"As long as you step out of your own spiritual realm and go outside, you can see it. In fact, you are already within the confines of the sea of ​​fear," 418 said.

Lin Mo didn't speak, just stared at each other like that.

418 is a little guilty.

"This, let me make it clear in advance. If you go out from this safe spiritual cabin, you will definitely be at risk. This cabin is very special, and other monsters may not be able to get in. Even if they do, they will have nothing to do with you, but if you Going out would mean losing the shelter of this little house, so I suggest you think."

It may be that Lin Mo's eyes are very scary, 418 is a little scared, and he speaks all his heart.

"It turns out, just get out of this hut!"

Lin Mo got up at this time, walked to the door, and looked out through the small glass.

Of course it was pitch black outside, and nothing could be seen.

418 secretly squeezed his fists behind, muttering in his heart to open the door and go out, open the door and go out.

As long as the other party opens the door and goes out, nine out of ten, it will be attacked by the spiritual body of the sea of ​​fear outside, and at that time, it will escape by itself.

Or, think of the dove occupying the magpie's nest and take this cozy house as your own.

However, this sentence killed it, and it did not dare to say it.

Lin Mo didn't open the door and go out.

If he looks reckless, it means that he has considered the consequences of recklessness before.

How terrifying the sea of ​​fear is, Lin Mo has a steel scale in his heart. He will not completely listen to others, and he will evaluate it himself.

For now, his understanding of the Sea of ​​Fear is not complete.

In his words, the full stop can't be drawn yet.

He planned to go to the old white on the island first, and then try to find a way to drag the Gluttony out.

At least, find Lao Bai first.

Old White is a very special nightmare.

Since it can follow itself into the game world, Lin Mo reckons that it might be fine to bring Lao Bai to the spiritual realm.

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Ok, deal!

Lin Mo turned around and walked back.

418 tried his best to suppress the disappointed expression on his face. At this moment, he was very honest, and he hoped that Lin Mo would not embarrass him.

"You don't have to show that expression, don't worry, I will definitely not kill you now."

Lin Mo's words sounded to reassure the other party, but after hearing this, 418 was even more afraid.

If you don't kill it now, then you will?

It panics even more.

"For the time being, you can stay here first." Lin Mo waved at the other party, then disappeared.

418 looked around and waited for a while to make sure that Lin Mo was really gone, and it began to think about pulling the dagger on its foot.

But no matter how hard it used, the dagger could not be pulled out.

As if welded to the feet and to the floor.

This is equivalent to a lock, which locks it here.

And after Lin Mo left, the light in this cozy cabin suddenly dimmed, and 418 was too frightened to come out. Something is peeking at it.

"I haven't been to that hut for a long time. I thought it didn't exist, but I didn't expect it to be still in my spiritual realm. Thanks to 418, otherwise, I wouldn't have noticed it myself."

Lin Mo opened his eyes in the sunken ship.

The exploration has been completed, and there is nothing else, so I took the corpse here and swam out. When I went outside, I saw the old ghost ship swimming out from behind a boulder in the distance.

A bubble spurted out, trapping both Lin Mo and the old spokesperson.

"Brother, how is it?" the old man asked.

"It's good, let's go, go up." Lin Mo didn't want to stay at the bottom of the sea any longer. This place was very depressing. The old one nodded and agreed, and he didn't want to stay here.

If it wasn't for Lin Mo, it would have gone up by itself.

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to sleep on your stomach in the Silent?

In other words, next time there is such a chore, kill it, and it will not come.

It's the turn of the eldest and the second.

Lao was very fast in the water, he took Lin Mo, dragged a corpse, and quickly got to the surface, then Lao climbed onto the deck, and Lin Mo jumped off Lao's body.

On the deck, the boss of the ghost ship, the second child and the dancer, as well as the little girl who is obsessed with the top Pamir are all there.

The latter glanced at Lin Mo, then looked at the unrecognizable corpse that Lin Mo dragged up, and suddenly, she walked towards one of the corpses.


Pamir called out.

It seemed that her voice had some kind of powerful magic power. At this moment, there were faint lights on the corpse, and then a figure slowly emerged.

Lin Mo recognized at a glance that it was Kant.

Pamir's father.

"Pamir? My little angel, is it really you?" Kant seemed to have just woken up from a slumber, and he was still blind at first.

But then, after seeing Pamir, its eyes immediately changed.

Full of love and caring.

"Dad, I finally found you." Pamir rushed over, and the poor father and daughter hugged tightly.

The old man over there secretly wiped his tears and muttered, "It's very touching."

It can be felt that Pamir's obsession has weakened.

She got her wish.

Reunited with her father.

Obviously, the best way to make a top obsession harmless to humans and animals is to let them achieve what they want.

As long as the wish is fulfilled, the obsession will naturally disappear.

The next moment, the bodies of Pamir and Kant became dim at the same time, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Lin Mo sighed at this moment.

"I'm still thinking about letting you father and daughter stay on the Silent, but it's better, it's better to be free than to stay in this place."

This is what Lin Mo said in his heart.

Some obsessive wishes are easy to achieve because they are simple and pure.

Some obsessional desires are a bit difficult.

For example, the takeaway brother that Lin Mo once met, the younger brother has many obsessions and is complicated. At least at that time, he couldn't think of any way to satisfy it.

However, if we meet again in the future, Lin Mo will definitely find a way to unravel the obsession of his little brother, let him return to peace, and find the peace that belongs to him.

"Let's go, set sail."

Lin Mo gained a lot this time. Not only did he get various materials, but also many valuable clues. By the way, there was also a small bottle of nzt-4.

This thing can greatly improve mental strength.

But there are side effects.

Keep it for now, maybe when it will come in handy.

The Silent sailed into that cloudless area.

Lin Mo stood on the deck, he did feel a very complex mental power, as if he was in a busy downtown area.

Each spiritual force is like a separate person, and these people form a huge group.

This cloud-free area is huge.

Can't see the edge.


This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! The moon on page 2/3 in total hangs on it. Looking up, it is a bit like looking up from the bottom of a huge well, and you can clearly see the thickness of the clouds.

The scene is very shocking and spectacular, the boundary of the clouds, like the cross-section of a huge burger stuffed with meat and vegetables, sauce and cheese.

Layers can be seen, but they are attached to each other.

Some weird things that can fly should be drilled around. Anyway, Lin Mo doesn't want to go up and see it at all.

The nightmare world is as big as the real world. There are too many unknowns in the real world, and many places have not been explored. There will only be more unknown things in the nightmare world.

Soon, Lin Mo found that lonely island.

It looks like one.

This shows that the Gluttony is also nearby.

The same is true for the core of Sea of ​​Fear.

Lin Mo asked the dancers to slow down, and at the same time asked the master of the ghost ship to be alert and pay attention to the movement of the surrounding sea area. If something is wrong, or if he finds other large ships, he will report it as soon as possible.

The Silence then moved very slowly, almost like a drifter.

Slowly approaching the island, the dancer came over with an antique-grade monocular.

Lin Mo followed the direction pointed by the other party and looked through the binoculars.

Got it!

On the other side of Palm Island, there is a huge black iron ship.

Lin Mo could see clearly that it was the Gluttony.

Around the Gluttony, there are many smaller boats.

There must be hundreds of them.

It just stood there motionless, as if it was fixed.

Unlike last time, this time there is a telescope and it can move, so Lin Mo sees more things.

Next to the isolated island is a shallow sea area, and there are also many boats stranded there, and there are a large number of them. On the island, there are also some flying wreckage

418 said that the Sea of ​​Fear gathers people's various unknown fears about the sea, and missing ships and flying are one of them.

Lin Mo's plan was to find Lao Bai first.

Even if you want to leave the cozy house in the spiritual realm, you have to bring the old white with you first.

The island was surrounded by shallows, and the Silent couldn't get close, so the last section had to take a boat or swim across it.

Lin Mo pulled the old man up and let the other party carry him over there.

The process went smoothly.

But after going ashore, Lin Mo found that there was something wrong with the old breath.

Like being frightened by something.

"What's wrong?" Lin Mo asked.

The ghost ship said that you have been on the water just, so I didn't see the situation under the water.

"I see, there is a person below!"

"Isn't it normal to find a few corpses in this place!" Lin Mo smiled, thinking that the elder was ferocious, just like the Kraken, with such a terrifying appearance, but very little courage.

This is also a very strong contrast.

A corpse frightened the old man like this?

The old man immediately controlled the spokesman and shook his head in denial.

"It's not a few corpses, it's a person, a very big person. The palm-shaped island we are now on is actually this person's, and it squatted underneath and held it up, as if, it gave me a look. "

Lin Mo couldn't laugh anymore.

He thought for a while, made a squatting motion, and lifted it up.

"Is that so?"

"That's right, that's it!"

For a while, Lin Mo didn't know what to say.

A strong oppressive cold came out, and he could imagine the scene.

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