Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 835: drunk man

Latest website: As a witch who has acquired some kind of ancient inheritance, and has been fused with darkness, the power of 'Jane' has almost reached the ceiling of a witch.

She felt that it was already invincible.

At least after she completed the dark transformation ritual, she never encountered anything that could truly threaten her existence.

The Dark Ritual brought some terrifying beings of the same dimension, and these beings were regarded as allies by 'Jane', whom she called 'Diners', and every day, the Silent would provide the diners with exquisite food.

Naturally, 'Jane' can also gain some convenience.

For example, she can gain the power of diners through some kind of dark ritual.

But she has just come into contact with this kind of ceremony, and she is not very skilled, but I believe that with time, after she has mastered it completely, she can truly become an invincible king at that time.

At that time, no one can stop her footsteps.

This time, she did run into some trouble.

Someone wanted to challenge her control of the ship.

But no matter what they do, the outcome is the same.

'Jane' actually heard the plans of Lin Mo and the three ghost ship masters, and she didn't care about it.

Because she has absolute power to suppress the opponent.

On the contrary, she can also take advantage of the plan and kill the three ghost ship masters who have been hiding and dare not come out.

Everything is going according to her plan.

Until the belly of her body transformed by the dark ritual was burst open by something.

If she had a blood bar, then this one blow directly killed more than 70% of her blood volume.

A crit within a crit.

But 'Jane' couldn't understand this matter. After she was transformed by a dark ritual, her body could devour all existence and then slowly digest it.

In the past, there has never been an accident.

Why was there an accident this time?

Where is the problem?

Is it the woman in the black dress, or the foolish man with the sickle?

This question did not last long, and soon, she got the answer.

At this moment, the man standing on the side of the ship, who was looking at her smiling, answered the question of 'Jane'.

"How did you get out?"

'Jane' asked a question. In her cognition, the other party could not escape. She ate too many powerful monsters, and no one could escape.

The man on the opposite side giggled, didn't answer at all, and rushed up directly.

At that speed, 'Jane' was a little too late to react.

But she was no small matter after all, and immediately opened up her force field.

In the past, no one could break through her force field.

Witches have natural weaknesses.

That is, their bodies as human beings are too fragile, and enemies can easily destroy them.

So she engraved a spell on her body, and she can release the force field at any time to resist all attacks.

But this time, the originally indestructible force field was destroyed in an instant.

The next moment, 'Jane''s body was torn apart.

Like being hit by a train traveling at 200 kilometers per hour, his body was instantly torn apart.

His head turned several times in the air, then with a thud, he landed on the deck a dozen meters away, and rolled a few times on the ground.

too fast.

The people present basically did not respond.

This attack is completely destructive.

The three ghost ship masters only reacted at this moment. They all looked at Lin Mo with round eyes. One of them was probably excited and screamed.

"Brother, brother, I knew you could do it, the three of us finally didn't pay."

"Brother, you are fast and hard, and you killed that woman in one fell swoop. I admire, admire."

"Don't say anything, just give you a thumbs up."

Killing 'Jane' in an instant, the man who was praised by the three ghost ship masters for being quick and hard was naturally Lin Mo.

But at this moment, he looked at the three ghost ship masters, giggled, and was about to come over, but the next moment, he was smashed by a huge black tentacle and pressed down.

The three ghost ship masters glanced at each other and got up one after another.

"It's the body of that woman."

"No, she should have transformed her form through some means to become the same existence as us."

"So she's parasitic on the bottom of this ship?"

"It looks like this. Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Let's join forces. This time we must kill her. When she is dead, we can get on the ship."

"Yes, yes, it's a pity for that brother."

"Do you have **** in your head? How could that brother die so easily?"

It seems that in response to the ghost ship owner who just spoke, the next moment, the thick black tentacles on the deck exploded directly and broke into two pieces.

Lin Mo rushed out from below, still giggling.

Then he ran to the side of the boat and jumped straight off.

The body of 'Jane' is at the bottom of the outboard of the Silent at the moment, so it can be directly attacked.

The masters of the three ghost ships were not idle either.

What are you waiting for if you don't do it now?

Immediately, they rushed down together.

After that, the Silence vibrated again and again, and you could see that there were countless iron chains glowing with stars and flames dancing frantically. The light reflected the situation of more than ten meters below the sea surface, and it was faintly visible that a huge and terrifying thing was adsorbed on the Silence. Bottom of the boat.

To say that the three ghost ship masters is big enough.

One by one is similar to the North Sea Giant Monster, belonging to the giant beast level.

But compared to the behemoth under the Silence, it was nothing.

There is no comparison at all, and the body size is almost ten times worse.

The sea is like boiling at the moment, surging endlessly. As time goes by, large tracts of flesh and blood and broken tentacles float up, covering the sea.

With the blood and tentacles that kept coming up, there were bursts of terrifying roars and screams.

The man is screaming.

The woman is screaming.

Lin Mo woke up in a daze.

He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the deck, his previous experience like a dream.

"Damn it, I know it's broken, what's the situation now?"

Lin Mo immediately got up and looked around.

At first glance, he saw the three ghost ship masters lying not far away.

The three original parasitic wooden boats were all destroyed. The three were lying there, motionless. Lin Mo thought they were dead and went over to take a look.

Not dead, just seems to be exhausted.

"Three friends, what's the matter with you? Isn't it just a fight with each other, how tired you are?" Lin Mo didn't ask, but when he asked, the masters of the three ghost boats immediately became angry. Come in one place.

One of them even cried in embarrassment.

"You still have the face to say, are we tired of fighting?"

"Isn't it?" Lin Mo was curious.

"of course not."

"How did you get so tired?"

"You have to ask yourself that."

"Ask me?" Lin Mo shook his head: "I don't remember anything, the woman appeared before, I went up to chop, but she was dragged to a dark place full of corrosive liquid, and after that, I found Xiaoyu , and then drank the demon soup..."

Obviously, he must have done something after drinking the video to make these three guys tired like this?

"What about the woman?" Lin Mo decided to change the subject. He was afraid that if he really did something to these three brothers, he should not mention it again. How could he sprinkle salt on other people's wounds.

"She was besieged and killed by us. Now her corpse has covered the surrounding area of ​​​​more than ten kilometers." said a ghost ship owner.

"It's a good thing." Lin Mo lined up his thighs.

This is the hardest thing to do, and then you don't have to worry about it.

There were footsteps over there.

The dancer came over.

She glanced at Lin Mo worriedly and came up to inquire about the situation.

At this moment, Lin Motte wanted to know what happened to the three ghost boat bosses, so he secretly pulled over the dancer and asked her if she knew.

The dancer looked embarrassed, but she said it anyway.

"You, like a drunkard, were drunk and crazy. After crawling back from the sea, you had to force the three ghost ship masters to dance. You dragged them and danced for more than three hours, and then it slowly subsided. Well, I see, they're really tired."

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Mo was startled. He didn't expect that he was so drunk that he was so incompetent.

The dancer nods that this is what you did.

"Why didn't you stop me?" Lin Mo began to throw the blame.

"I stop you? Are you kidding me? If I stop you, it's not just the three of them lying on the ground now."

"That's right, you're smart!"

Lin Mo mumbled.

Xianmo soup, this thing, I should drink less in the future. Unless it is a real dilemma, Lin Mo thinks about it, and in general, it is absolutely impossible to drink it again.

After all, in that state, no one knows what extraordinary things can be done.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!


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