Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 832: Ghost Ship's Graveyard

Latest website: The black beetle is like a poisonous scorpion.

On the back is a curved, knobby tail with a thorn at the tip, with a faint glow.

Lin Mo has no doubt that being stabbed by this thorn will definitely end badly, and it may end immediately.

Another slash.

The black carapace poisonous scorpion was cut into two pieces by Lin Mo.

Strangely, this poisonous scorpion actually split into two, turning into two black armored poisonous scorpions, continuing to attack.

Looks like you can't use a knife.

Lin Mo changed the brick hammer and smashed the black poisonous scorpion to the ground twice in a row. The green flame scorched, finally destroying the strange curse.

Then Lin Mo looked at the dancer, who responded quickly and took off his clothes immediately.

They are all smart people.

If the real 'Jane' can plant a curse on the dancer in advance, it means that the other party has the ability to plant the second and third.

The dancer's own research on curses is not advanced, so she has never discovered the curse on her body.

But Lin Mo is obviously a master.

So if she still has a curse on her body, how to break it, you can only rely on Lin Mo at this time.

In a few seconds, the dancer pulled out all his clothes.

After thinking about that scene, Lin Mo felt blushing.

But at that time, he really had no other thoughts and distractions.

Because at that time he really found two more curses that were planted.

One on the dancer's lower abdomen is a tattoo that resembles a butterfly.

But this thing is definitely not as simple as a tattoo.

If activated, the butterfly may lay eggs in its body, using the dancer's body as an incubation chamber.

That scene felt terrifying just thinking about it.

In addition to the butterfly tattoo on the lower abdomen, there is a scar on the dancer's back.

There is a strong curse in the scar.

Lin Mo couldn't see what it was, but it was very dangerous.

His disposal was also very quick, and the tattoo, along with the surrounding skin, was peeled off.

The same goes for scars.

The process was very painful, but the dancers endured it, and her physique was not ordinary. After a little blood, the wound began to heal slowly.

Lin Mo knew that the Liangzi between him and 'Jane' was completely settled this time, and there was no possibility of easing.

After all, the curse arranged by the other party was broken by himself, and Lin Mo himself would be furious.

Next, is a life-and-death struggle.

And this fight may be more troublesome.

"When you fight with others, you should focus on your own strengths and your weaknesses, but I feel that the opponent is not weak whether it is casting spells from a distance or fighting close-quarters."

According to Lin Mo's analysis of the situation he knows so far, this enemy should be very terrifying, at least at the level of 'dinners'.

And the difference between the diners is also very large.

For example, Nightmare of Thousand Hands and Godmother are both diners.

But obviously, the latter is much stronger than the former.

But Lin Mo himself is not weak anymore.

He is also a diner now, and from the front, he killed the Nightmare of Thousand Hands head-on.

From this point of view, even if Lin Mo's comprehensive strength is placed among the diners, it is not considered the bottom.

Lin Mo naturally likes to deal with enemies he can see and touch, so that his advantages can be shown.

So, he had to find 'Jane'.

At this moment, the dressing room is obviously not safe anymore, the original mirror began to twist, and there were some ghosts that could not be seen clearly.

Not only that, blood kept pouring out from the vanity box placed on the table, flowing all over the table and all over the place.

Lin Mo kept the dancers away from the mirrors and the blood spilling out of those boxes. All of these things can release the curse. One cannot be seen, and the other cannot be touched.

"Get out of here!"

Lin Mo knew that the other party in this place had already set up all kinds of traps, and staying here would definitely suffer.

The dancer also understood this truth, and hurriedly dragged Lin Mo out.

When passing through a narrow corridor, dense thorns appeared on the carpet on the ground. If you walked directly through it, your feet would be useless.

Lin Mo picked up the dancer, protected himself with a steel curse, and walked through the corridor abruptly.

In addition, Lin Mo also noticed that the oil paintings on both sides were originally landscapes, but at this moment, one or two ghosts appeared on each painting.

And over time, the ghosts will slowly approach from a distance, seemingly eventually emerging from the frame.

"The real Jane must be monitoring everything on the ship. She knew that you and I were going to join forces, so she felt threatened and planned to strike first."

Lin Mo analyzed it.

In fact, just as Lin Mo thought, some terrible changes are taking place in the entire Silent.

In addition to the increasingly strong aura of curse in the air, all the paintings on the ship have undergone strange changes.

Lin Mo found Zhang Meng immediately.

The problem of painting has to be left to professionals.

Zhang Meng and the others were obviously surprised by this kind of change on the ship, and when Lin Mo said that we had fallen out with the big boss of this ship and started to turn our faces, Zhang Meng didn't ask you, why are you with others? Get over this issue.

She only made a gesture.

Lin Mo understood it, probably meant to say, leave the painting to me!

Zhang Meng is still reliable.

Now Lin Mo is relieved.

From the time they got on the ship to the present, all kinds of weird or normal paintings can appear in almost any corner.

Lin Mo even suspected that the real 'Jane' might be monitoring every move on the ship through paintings.

This is much more than the surveillance cameras at some intersections.

Therefore, Lin Mo doesn't need to worry about painting now, but he can't be beaten passively.

The real 'Jane' should be a terrifying witch, and the other party likes to hide in the dark, sneaking and attacking with some despicable means.

For such a large ship, it is difficult to find a specific target here, especially since the other party is more familiar with the layout of the ship than Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo also has his means.

After becoming a diner, Lin Mo retrieved his own mouth.

With a mouth, some things are easy to do.

For example using paper cranes.

A gadget like Zhihe has no means of attack, but it can come in handy at critical moments. For example, as long as the opponent's name is there, the target can be found through Zhihe.

Lin Mo took out a paper crane and wrote 'Jane. Guterres' full name, and blew at Zhihe.

The paper crane flapped its wings twice and flew up.

Lin Mo walked in front, and the dancers followed.

Except for the two of them, Lin Mo didn't let Zhang Xu and the ghost on the fishing boat follow.

It's not that Lin Mo underestimates others, it's just that the characters to fight next are too powerful, even if Zhang Xu and the others follow him, they won't be of any use, but will become a burden.

Zhihe flew towards the front, turned right at the end of the cabin on this floor, Lin Mo and the dancer followed all the way, and then went all the way up.

The road has not been smooth sailing.

The real 'Jane' seemed to have sensed their intentions and used some means to stop them.

For example, in the entrance of the stairs, there are ghost hands and hideous faces all over the floor, wall and ceiling; and passages full of poisonous insects.

If you come across these things, you will get cursed.

Lin Mo's response was also very direct.

Chopping hands, destroying faces, and burning poisonous insects.

If it really doesn't work, I will let Xiaoyu come out for a 'cleaning', and the black dress can completely clean the passage.

So it didn't take long for Lin Mo and the others all the way to the deck.

The paper crane flew forward, and there was wind on the deck. At this moment, the Silent was quietly parked on the sea, surrounded by fog.

When did the boat stop?

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly felt something wrong in his heart.

He stopped.

The dancer didn't know why, but Lin Mo stretched out his hand and made a gesture of not speaking.

He took out the paper figurine book and called a few clever paper figurines out.

"Come and see."

Lin Mo gave an order in a low voice.

Of course, the paper man obeyed Lin Mo's instructions 100%.

Several paper figures immediately walked towards the front.

There was too much fog on the deck, and it was impossible to see from seven or eight meters away.

After waiting for a while, Lin Mo's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately pulled the dancer back.

The next moment, there was a strange noise from the front.

An extremely dangerous aura rushed over from all directions.

The retreat was cut off.

There were several strange figures standing there.

At the same time, bursts of strange laughter came. At first, one person laughed, and at the back, a group of people laughed. The sound was not loud, but it was extremely annoying, and the number was uncountable.

"We've been tricked, here is the trap set by the other party."

Lin Mo looked around, the ghost eyes on his forehead also opened at this time, not only the ghost eyes, but the eye that Sister Yue gave him was also glowing with a dim light at this time.

This allows Lin Mo to see further, and even see through the surrounding black fog.

At this moment, the place where the Silence is docked seems to be a shoal, and there are stranded ships everywhere, all kinds, and the number is beyond Lin Mo's imagination.

Like a ship's graveyard, densely packed.

The strangeness of other ships is now crawling towards the Silent, or floating over, it is simply countless.

That's why Lin Mo concluded that they were fooled.

The real Jane specially drove the ship to this place, and led them to the deck by confusing Zhihe, so that as long as the back road was cut off, and the monsters on the surrounding ships came up to attack.

good means.

This trick is quite tricky to kill with a knife.

She can kill herself and the dancer without having to come forward.

Lin Mo knew it was his own fault.

Mainly in the past, it was rare to encounter such a smart, scheming nightmare.


Now this situation is very bad. The strange strength of the surrounding ghost ships is not to mention how strong, but the number can sometimes crush everything.

Lin Mo is not a military general who can ride a thousand, not to mention, there may be more than a thousand strange things around at this moment.

At this time, ghosts wearing tattered sailors' clothes like skeletons and corpses walked over staggeringly. The number of these guys was in the hundreds.

What can Lin Mo do?

Try to talk first.

In case it works.

"How much that woman gives you, I, Lin Mo, give you double."

Lin Mo roared at this moment.

Quite a few gang bosses were blocked in the alley by the killer, struggling and shouting in desperation.

However, these guys in front of them are just a group of walking corpses controlled by resentment and malice, how can they negotiate conditions, and it's good that Lin Mo doesn't shout, this shout instantly makes these strange riots.

It felt like what they heard was not about conditions, but "I'm delicious, come and eat".

There was no way, Lin Mo could only release all the paper figures in the paper figure book.

Fighting for the number, he is not afraid of anyone.

What follows is a melee.

It was really like two armies facing each other, and they were directly rushing to kill each other at this moment.

But Lin Mo knew that those low-level nightmares like walking corpses were not the opponents of the Paper Man Legion.

In this first round, he won.

But if you take a long-term view, the monsters on the surrounding ghost ships are not only these walking corpses, but there are more terrifying existences around.

With the paper man army, Lin Mo still has time to think about the whole thing.

The real 'Jane' is obviously going to kill people with a knife. She wants to use these monsters on the ghost ship to kill herself, but in turn, maybe she also wants to weaken the power of the monsters on the ghost ship with her own hands.

If the other party has negotiated with these weird people in advance, there is nothing to say, but Lin Mo thinks that she should not have the time, and it is impossible to predict in advance.

And after the weirdness of these ghost ships came up, they did it without saying a word, UU reading www. Isn't afraid of getting the wrong target?

In other words, the other party doesn't care about the target at all. What they have to deal with is not themselves. As long as it is the existence on the Silent, it is their enemy.

Not to mention, there is such a possibility.

Therefore, the passage back to the cabin will be blocked.

This was just confirmed by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's mind was spinning very fast at this time. He felt that regardless of whether his speculation was right or not, he could try it from this point, and maybe he would have unexpected results.

------off topic-----

The cold is aggravated, the nose is not ventilated, and the drowsiness, so the update is less, sorry, and the original update amount will be restored after the improvement.


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