Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 640: Lin Mo's Curse of the Undead

The eerie and terrifying Ghost Pavilion is on the eighth floor.

Like a mummified corpse, the ghost wearing a set of dilapidated armor and a sharp knife hanging on his waist pricked his ears and listened to the sound.

very quiet.

Because any sound will trigger the attack of this ghost.

The fate of being attacked by it is death.

This 'samurai with a sword' on the eighth floor is terrifying, and the taboo is the sound.

The place where it appears must be silent, otherwise any existence that makes a sound will be attacked by it.

Fortunately, this guy is a wandering type of ghost, so when you see it, don't move, just wait for it to leave automatically.

But there was a fool who didn't know anything and violated the taboo.

Lin Mo, who was lying on the ground, was originally motionless, but at this time, he slowly raised his head.

It happened that Liu Jia saw this scene.

She thought she was wrong.

Close your eyes and reopen them.

I rely on!

Really moving.

He is not dead?

Liu Jia's eyes widened, and then she thought of something and raised the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, Lin Mo, who had just come alive, also looked up and saw Liu Jia who was looking at him.

The two looked at each other.

Liu Jia slowly stretched out his hand and made a 'shush' gesture.

Lin Mo nodded slightly.

Then he winked, as if to convey some emotion.

On the other hand, Liu Jia actually understood.

She also raised her eyebrows, pointed to herself, then pointed to her mouth, and then made a helpless gesture of spreading her hands.

Lin Mo actually understood.

She is shirking, which means that I reminded you just now, but you didn't pay attention.

Lin Mo got angry and pointed to the floor.

"Can you blame me?"

"That's not my fault!"

Liu Jia glanced up.

When the two made eye contact, the terrifying 'Samurai with a Sword' just came over. It seemed to have heard a sound, but the sound was too weak for it to be recognized.

This time, neither Liu Jia nor Lin Mo dared to make any movement.

Both stared at the samurai with a sword.

Lin Mo is also carefully looking at the ghost who 'killed' himself.

The opponent is really great.

With that kind of speed and assassination method, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the top assassin.

Not even the Iron Curse had time to cast it.

When he was hit, Lin Mo really thought he was finished.

After all, even if it is the curse of the glutton, it may not be able to withstand this.

But Lin Mo didn't die.

The reason is very simple, because of the curse of the 'undead'.

The curse of the undead was triggered when Lin Mo 'died'.

What's going on, Lin Mo is not particularly clear now. In short, this undead curse seems to be able to rewind the fatal wound in time.

That is to say, adjust the state to before death.

This is awesome.

No wonder it is called 'undead'.

But Lin Mo is also very clear that although the undead are extremely powerful, they can completely ignore all death attacks and make themselves alive again.

But this curse, Lin Mo clearly felt, was closed at the moment of his resurrection.

It doesn't count as disappearing.

It's just that it's still there, but asleep.

It's easy to understand.

Can be thought of as a cooldown (CD) time.

In other words, in a short period of time, Lin Mo can only die once, otherwise it will be really cool.

So Lin Mo can't move now.

Move and die.

Otherwise, it is really possible to resurrect without any restrictions, so who can't do it for Lin Mo?

The world is invincible, okay?

Lin Mo also reacted at this moment, this 'samurai with a sword' is a taboo ghost, and not surprisingly, there are two terrifying taboos.

One is 'sound'.

A similar taboo, Lin Mo has encountered before, just making a sound will trigger the ghost's attack.

In addition, Lin Mei believes that there is another taboo for 'samurai with a sword'.

That is its assassination.

That's really great.

Teleport, backstab, all in one go.

If there is no undead curse this time, Lin Mo guesses that he must be finished.

Even a red balloon with a little red dress is useless.

Because one of the balloons exploded under attack, the sound would immediately lead to a second assassination, and the end would be the same.

The 'Samurai with a Sword' wandered around and never went far, so neither Lin Mo nor Liu Jia could move.

One was lying down and the other was standing, both were boring, so the two continued to make eye contact.

"How long does this guy have to go around?" Lin Mo first glanced at the 'Samurai with a Sword', then looked at Liu Jia and winked.

Liu Jia rolled his eyes.

Her eyes are big, maybe she's turned into a ghost, so her pupils are also big, and there is a faint glow, so she looks pretty when she rolls her eyes.

That means where do I go to know, you're asking nonsense.

Lin Mo continued to wink.

"Is there a way?"

Liu Jia shook her head and said no.

Then do a sleep with eyes closed.

That means just wait and see.

Lin Mo nodded, then lay comfortably on the ground.

In terms of comfort, lying down is definitely better than standing.

Next is to wait.

There is a saying what is it called, the house leak happens to be rained overnight and the boat is late and hits the wind.

Now Lin Mo feels that he is out of luck.

Because over there, another ghost shadow came over.

It's a ghost like a spider.

It looks like a spider and can crawl. It has a spider-like abdomen and is full of human faces, some of which can spin out silk.

Quite magical.

But this spider action has no sound, so it will not trigger the taboo of 'Samurai with a sword'.

After this guy came, he started spinning silk and weaving nets.

Lin Mo glanced at Liu Jia, and Liu Jia gave Lin Mo a wink.

It can be seen that this ghost spider is very powerful.

And nine times out of ten there are taboos.

Lin Mo could see that the ghosts on the eighth floor of the Ghost Pavilion seem to have taboos.

As long as the taboo is accidentally violated, the end will be very tragic.

Lin Mo had been miserable once just now.

Lin Mo remembered, the old grandson said that Liu Jia also has taboos, and she is also very fierce.

So Lin Mo pouted at Liu Jia, then gave her a wink.

Liu Jia sneered.

Shaking his head.

That means I can't, don't count on me.

The ghost spider is very diligent, crawling around, swaying on the left, rippling on the right, and more and more spider webs.

It is estimated that if you touch it, you will be attacked by this guy.

And the ghost spider seems to know that the 'samurai with a sword' is not easy to mess with, so it deliberately avoids the other party when weaving the web.

Lin Mo understood, and if it goes on like this, something will definitely happen.

His motto is, if you get into trouble, make sure you do it first.

With a thought in his heart, Lin Mo slowly got up from the ground without making a sound.

Liu Jia winked at him.

That means asking, are you crazy?

Lin Mo replied with an OK gesture, then took out the brick hammer from his waist, aimed it at the spider ghost who was working **** the web, and threw it away.


Brick hammer hit right.

The spider ghost immediately let out a hissing sound.

This time, the 'Samurai with a Knife' was alarmed, it turned its head sharply, and then instantly came behind the spider ghost and drew a knife and stabbed it.


The spider ghost was stabbed to the core.

The poor spider ghost has worked hard for a long weaving countless webs, but in the end, he didn't catch anything, and he even took his life in it.

I'm depreesed.

But this removed the danger of Lin Mo and Liu Jia.

After all, keeping this spider ghost here to make trouble, they must be unlucky.

It may be that the assassination of the spider ghost made the 'Samurai with a Knife' feel very happy. This guy finally remembered and left, slowly wandering, slowly moving away.

All the way to the distance, disappearing into the darkness.

At this time, Lin Mo didn't move.

Who knows how big the other side's taboo is.

If it is still within the range, this turmoil will attract attacks, and all previous efforts will be lost.

At this moment, Liu Jia over there stared at Lin Mo, then walked over a few steps and slapped Lin Mo directly.

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