Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Chapter 540: they are not them anymore

Professor Xie and Lin Mo said a word and hung up.

Obviously something really urgent happened over there.

Although Lin Mo is curious, it is not easy to disturb Professor Xie's work. Besides, the matter involving that copper door is definitely a secret, and it is not within the scope of Lin Mo's authority, so don't make inquiries.

Regarding Tongmen, Lin Mo had long known that there could not be only one.

According to various information he had obtained before, it was inferred that the copper door represented death and chaos, and was related to the nightmare invasion. Lin Mo even deduced that when the copper door was opened, it was the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the nightmare world.

Recuperation is still leisurely.

Lin Mo looked at the remaining research results of Academician Li, trying to find clues about the recasting of spiritual items, and Lin Mo himself assessed his spiritual power level.

Regrettably, it may just be barely enough to reach the second-level threshold.

After all, Lin Mo has no way to split up a powerful sub-personality by himself, let alone change his body and strength by relying on his spiritual power.

At best, it can be immune to the control of some spiritual power through bewitching and spiritual power.

That's all.

If the paper bag head is still there, then Lin Mo's mental power with the paper bag head can rise to a level close to the third-level standard.

Lin Mo was very leisurely all day.

Look at materials, watch TV, and surf the Internet.

When I was about to play a game at night, the phone rang.

Professor Xie called.

Lin Mo picked it up immediately.

He waited for a day. Although he didn't contact Professor Xie, it was because he knew that the other party must be busy and was embarrassed to disturb him, but it didn't mean that Lin Mo didn't want to know what happened to the copper door that was opened.

There are several possibilities for Professor Xie to call.

One is that things are resolved, and chat with yourself.

There is another kind of thing that is not resolved, ask yourself for help.

After the call was connected, Professor Xie's voice came over.

"Lin Mo, how is your recovery?"

Usually ask this, the subtext is that there is work to be arranged.

Lin Mo said that he was recovering very well. He ate four meals a day, excluding a late night snack and yogurt as a snack.

Professor Xie was silent for a while, and then said: "Lin Mo, your convalescence has come to an end for the time being. Come to the General Administration for a meeting first."

Lin Mo responded.

It's not that the situation is urgent, and Professor Xie will not call himself out as a patient.

"see you later."

After hanging up the phone, there was a knock on the door. It was the secret service personnel who came to pick up Lin Mo.

Lin Mo lost the handle, put on his clothes and left.

When he left, he shook hands with the medical staff who had taken care of him for the past two days and said goodbye one by one, especially the beautiful female nurse. Lin Mo grabbed each other's hand and thanked him a few times.

Going downstairs and getting into the car, the driver was in a military uniform, serious, silent on the road, and the speed of the car was incredible.

A few minutes to the downstairs of the headquarters.

When Lin Mo sat down in the conference room, less than fifteen minutes had passed since Professor Xie called him.

Extremely efficient.

There are many people in the conference room.

In addition to Professor Xie, there are also several major leaders of the General Administration.

The second person in charge of the crow expert group is also there.

In fact, the No. 2 person in charge of Crow has the highest position in the expert level, because the No. 1 person in charge is not an expert, but the deputy director of the General Administration and the leader of the expert group.

The meeting level is quite high.

Lin Mo thought that his level was the lowest, but he found several other familiar faces.

Shen He and Xiao He (the captain of the battle team, appeared in the prison of the two-dimensional nightmare in chapter 150).

Lin Mo nodded at the two, and Shen He and Xiao He also nodded in response.

This serious occasion must not be said much, and we can discuss it in private later.

The meeting begins.

The director of the General Administration read out the principles of discipline and confidentiality, which is the process, and then went directly to the theme.

Sure enough, it was about a copper door being opened.

Tongmen is also a secret in the General Administration.

Moreover, the Academy of Sciences has been researching Tongmen for a long time, and it is quite fruitful. Academician Li, who was killed (missing) before, is one of the scholars responsible for the study of Tongmen.

"Nine hours ago, the copper door in the research room of the fourth base opened automatically, and then the fourth base lost contact. After the elite team was dispatched to investigate, the elite team also lost contact. At present, the fourth base has completely communicated with the outside world. Isolation, we decided to send a second group of personnel to enter the probe, but because of the lessons learned, we called everyone to come over and want to hear everyone's opinions."

The director was concise and straight to the point.

It can be seen that as the director of the General Bureau, his face is tired, and in his fifties, he looks ten years older than his actual age.

In this period, the heavy burden on the shoulders of the director of the General Bureau can only be realized when he is in his position.

Lin Mo didn't know much about the situation and was inconvenient to speak. At this time, the crow, as the second person in charge of the expert group, opened his mouth and said: "Director, sending the second group of people in is too risky, and we have to consider if the second group of people What should I do if I also lose contact, in this case, the loss of contact is more fortunate than for luck."

Lost contact is used for missing persons.

That is, the personnel's bodies are still alive, proving that they are not dead.

But just can't get in touch.

The current fourth base is just like an abyss that can only be entered and cannot be exited, and it is difficult to probe.

"If the second group of people also loses contact, the fourth base can only be temporarily closed. At this juncture, giving up the fourth base is the only option." The director's expression was a little painful when he said this.

This decision is not a good one.

Because giving up, not only gives up a base, but also includes the personnel inside.

There are more than 100 permanent personnel in the fourth base, plus the elite teams that have already entered, they are all talents among talents. Just giving up like this is like cutting flesh with a knife.

But sometimes, a decision has to be made.

In fact, according to the current situation, there is no need to send a second group of personnel to enter, it can be directly closed.

But in this matter, the director made the decision alone.

Probe again.

Because the exploration means that the people inside still have the possibility of being rescued and coming out. If you give up and close it directly, then there is no possibility at all.

Of course, the price was that it blocked the lives of the second group of people, and also blocked his own future and black hat.

Because the decision is made by the director alone, if there is a problem, he must resist all the responsibilities, just to this point, the director is a responsible person.

When Lin Mo heard this, he glanced at Shen He and Xiao He.

They all saw each other.

Originally, they were not eligible to participate in this kind of meeting, but they were called because they had been selected as the second group of investigators.

If you agreed to go, it would be equivalent to pinning your head on your trousers belt. According to the current level of danger of the fourth base, there is no return.

Including Lin Mo, Shen He and Xiao He are both veteran experts, it is impossible for them not to know the dangers here.

Crows also know this.

He put forward the request, and then said: "If you three have any opinions, you can raise it. If you can't go, I can make a substitution."

Shen He and Xiao He didn't say a word.

They knew very well that at times like this, someone had to stand up. Since they were chosen by the top, it was deemed that they were the most suitable.

Definitely not quitting.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and at this time he said he had something to say.

"Is Wang Zixin a member of the elite team? Is she one of the missing persons?"

The Wang Zixin that Lin Mo asked was Mao Mao's name.

Fatty said before that Mao Mao was in the elite team of the Security Bureau, and this time the first group of people missing happened to be the elite team, so he wanted to be sure.

Crow nodded.

Lin Mo didn't say anything.

There is one more reason for him to go, whether it is the copper gate itself or because of his friends, he has to go on this trip.

"Okay, since you have no opinion, then this matter is settled." Crow said: "In addition to the three of you, the General Administration will send a special expert to lead the team."

Hearing that there were special experts leading the team, Shen He and Xiao He were both relieved.

Obviously, in the real battle sequence of the General Administration, the special expert is definitely the thigh among the thighs. This time with the thigh, the chance of success will be higher.

As for which special expert, it was not clear at the meeting.

Lin Mo hopes to be Lin Nan.

Because he knew Lin Nan the most, and he hadn't seen each other for such a long time, I wondered about this child.

It was only after the meeting was over that the three of them realized that the special expert who led the team this time was not Lin Nan under the explanations of Crow and Professor Xie.

Slightly disappointed.

There are three special experts in the General Administration.

Lin Nan was one of them, and the other two had also appeared in the Guimen Village incident before, one was the army soul, and the other was the ghost king.

This time leading the team is the spirit of the army.

It's that nightmare in an old-fashioned military uniform.

The time is tight and the task is heavy, so this time they boarded the plane immediately and went to the fourth base.

On the plane, Shen He and Xiao He talked about what they knew about the military soul.

"The General Administration actually let the military spirit lead the team this time. It seems that it really attaches great importance to it."

"That's right. Originally, neither Lao Shen nor I were particularly good at fighting. Even adding Lin Mo would not be enough. It's strange. Now I understand that if there is a military spirit, it will be no problem."

"Is the military soul strong?" Lin Mo knew little about this special expert.

"More than strong."

It was Xiao He who spoke.

Obviously, Xiao He knew more about the special expert of the military soul.

What follows is Xiao He's story.

He said that the birth of this special expert, the military soul, is very special.

"The soul of the army is not born in the country."

One sentence aroused Lin Mo's curiosity.

"About eight months ago, when the nightmare invasions were still small incidents, one of our colleagues in the pheasant country occasionally heard about a terrorist incident that happened in the pheasant country."

Terror in the pheasant country?

Lin Mo and Shen He were both laughing. Obviously, in their eyes, this small neighboring country is not a good thing, and the people above are very perverted.

Speaking of movies, the movies of Pheasant Country are very eerie.

So there must be a lot of terrorist incidents in the pheasant country.

"It stands to reason that the places where terrorist events take place are places with some horror stories themselves, because after the nightmare invasion, it will magnify the fear of human beings, create what they fear in their hearts, and give birth to the corresponding nightmare. But this horror event It happened at a shrine they were proud of."

At this time, Shen He interjected: "Could it be the **** shrine."

"Yes, it's the **** shrine." Xiao He's face was also full of smiles.

After the most sacred place in the pheasant country was invaded by nightmares, the number of nightmares born here was extremely large, and the officials of the pheasant country once blocked the news and did everything possible to maintain the situation.

And also invited foreign aid from the White Eagle Country to control it.

Can not control.

The situation was once out of control.

In just one night, more than a dozen of the priests in the shrine and the political and business leaders who happened to visit and stay overnight died.

After investigation, all were killed by the same nightmare.

And this nightmare not only killed the people of the pheasant country, but also wiped out other nightmares.

When Lin Mo heard this, he had already roughly guessed what was going on.

"This nightmare is the military soul." Xiao He gave a definite answer.

Don't ask, it was some people who visited the shrine who were guilty of guilt. It seemed that the fears that their memories had caused them had been preserved for decades, but they were only tortured on the mental and memory level before.

After the nightmare invasion, this fear in memory becomes a reality in the nightmare world.

"For two months, no one from the pheasant country dared to enter that shrine. After entering, they would be infected with nightmares. After being infected with nightmares, no matter where they fell asleep, they would be killed, without exception."

"Later, the pheasant country was completely out of action, and contacted us secretly, only then did I think the general's soul was brought back."

The experience is magical enough.

It was only at this time that Lin Mo came to his senses. No wonder the special expert was called a military soul, no wonder he wore that kind of coarse cloth military uniform that should almost be kept in a museum, no wonder he was so strong.

As the saying goes, live as a hero, and die as a ghost!

The soul of the army is the ghost.

The plane landed in an open-air airport outside the fourth base, where several vehicles were already waiting.

One of the cars contained a metal box.

Similar metal boxes Lin Mo had seen before.

When I saw Lin Nan for the first time, the staff of the General Administration used this metal box to bring Lin Nan here.

Don't ask, in this metal box, is the soul of the army.

The next step is to arrange tasks and clarify the goals of this operation.

Interestingly, Lin Mo joined the operation this time, not as an expert of the General Administration, but as a fifth-level researcher of the Academy of Sciences.

Because the copper door that opened was in the research room inside the base.

If possible, Lin Mo needs to bring back some information and observe and test the copper door at the same time.

The vehicle carried everyone to the fourth base, where the staff was ready, Shen He carried the communication equipment that could connect to the outside world, and Xiao He was responsible for leading the way. He had completely written down the structure and terrain of the fourth base.

The special expert army soul is naturally responsible for the battle.

"Then be careful." Crow said solemnly.

Next to Professor Xie, he also patted Lin Mo on the shoulder: "I feel sorry for letting you come before you have fully recovered, but this matter, I can only think of you as a candidate for the Academy of Sciences."

After speaking, Professor Xie lowered his voice again: "One more thing, the above defines Academician Li as a death in the line of duty, but I know Lao Li very well. He is a man who cherishes his life. Think about it, if there is no major discovery. , how could he enter the copper door without authorization?"

Lin Mo understood.

"Professor Xie, you mean to say..."

"Yes, I always thought that Academician Li is not dead, he is still inside the copper door. This time you help me figure it out. If possible, you must bring Academician Li out. He is of great significance to the Academy of Sciences. By the way, you are not the latest. Are you interested in the study of spiritual power? Let me tell you, academician Li is the most immersed in spiritual power in the Academy of Sciences. If you can rescue him, he can give you everything you want to know about spiritual power. you answer."

It has to be said that this condition is very attractive.

Lin Mo really needs a real professional to guide himself.

Nodding at the moment.

"Don't worry, if I meet Academician Li, I will definitely bring him out."

"It's hard work, be careful."


After a brief conversation, the second set of operations began.

The three of them each lay on the rest bed, connected to the monitoring equipment, and closed their eyes at the same time.

Sleep in seconds.

This is already the basic ability of people infected with nightmares.

Opening their eyes again, the three of Lin Mo had already entered the nightmare area of ​​the 4th base.

On the side, the special expert army soul has been waiting for a long time.

Lin Mo took a closer look this time. The other party's military uniform was worn out, and he was carrying a large knife with a rolled blade on his back. A piece of red silk was tied to the handle of the knife.

Looks very bright red.

Like blood stained red.

"Let's go!"

The figure of the army soul is slightly blurred, but when walking, he is tall and straight.

After knowing the origin of the military soul, even Lin Mo couldn't blow up the thorn in front of this 'old man', that was all honest.

After walking a few steps, the spirit of the army suddenly stopped.

The other party looked left and right and seemed to find something.

The three of Lin Mo felt it too.

There seems to be an invisible wall ahead.

The military soul looked at it, then stepped forward and disappeared instantly.

This situation was not expected by them, apparently passing through the invisible wall and entering another place.

"I'll let me know." Xiao He turned on the communicator and informed the crow and Professor Xie of the situation here.

"Let's go."

After the announcement, the three of them walked forward through this invisible wall.

What surprised the three of Lin Mo was that they didn't seem to have entered another place. It was still the same passage, and there was no change.

The soul of the army is waiting for them in front.

"Wait a minute, I'll try to step back." Shen He took a few steps back, but nothing happened, obviously the invisible wall was gone.

After that, Shen He discovered that the communicator was malfunctioning.

Unable to talk to the outside world.

"To a certain extent, we have lost contact." Shen He sighed, but fortunately they had spoken to Professor Xie before, and the other party knew that they were going to enter an invisible wall.

Therefore, this loss of contact is predictable, and this mission will not be judged to fail because of this.

But at this time, Shen He noticed something was wrong.

Only he was talking, Lin Mo and Xiao He still stood there, silent.

The soul of the army was also silent.

The atmosphere is a little off.

"What's wrong with you?" Shen He was also an old man. He took a step back and touched his hand back, ready to take his weapon.

At this moment, the soldier in front walked over with a knife in hand, Lin Mo and Xiao He both showed extremely strange smiles, and approached step by At this moment, Shen He's hair stood upright, he was almost Don't even think about it, just run away.

In another place, Xiao He was equally stunned when he saw the three approaching.

"What are you doing? Are you in the dark?"

Although Xiao He is the leader of the battle group, he is better at strategy and planning, and this kind of talent is the most sensitive. At this moment, Xiao He feels the problem.

The three companions in front of me have problems.

"They're not them anymore!" Xiao He made a judgment almost instantly, and ran away as well.

To face and fight these three, that's why he's crazy.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at the three people approaching with strange smiles, but he did not run.

Instead, he skillfully pulled out the brick hammer.


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