Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Chapter 438: I've never taken the usual path

The sound from the conveyor belt could not completely cover up the wind and rain outside.

Lin Mo can't see the outside world yet, and can only observe the situation around the conveyor belt through the belly of the corpse from a very narrow angle.

At this time, the female monster couldn't see it anymore, and Lin Mo simply stretched out half of his body and looked out.

The conveyor belt continues to run, and the processed meat will be sent somewhere on the ship.

Probably a meat processing plant on a ship.

Below is the slaughterhouse, and it's no surprise that there are meatpacking plants above.

Of course, this was Lin Mo's guess.

Right now, it felt like climbing a roller coaster. The clunk sound was icy metal. At this time, Lin Mo noticed that there was a metal platform in front of him. He just thought about it for a moment and jumped out of the hiding body.

Then watch the corpses of the pig-headed monster being hung one by one and transported up.

The choice Lin Mo faced just now was to jump off to ensure temporary safety; or to follow the conveyor belt up, but the above situation was unknown. At this time, of course, he had to choose the one that was clearly safe.

At this moment, Lin Mo was sitting on this metal platform, looking at the corpses being transported in front of him, and made a judgment in his heart.

He hadn't heard the conveyor belt running before, so it was unlikely that the butcher had left through this conveyor belt.

Of course, it is also possible to climb directly, so there is no need to start the conveyor belt.

Lin Mo probed and looked down. From this height, it was like the track of a roller coaster. It could only be attached to the drive belt, extending back and forth. I don't know how long it was. It would be very difficult to climb up with bare hands.

But the possibility cannot be ruled out.

So this can't be determined for now.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed that the sound of wind and rain seemed to come from behind.

The back was sealed with iron sheets. Lin Mo listened to it first, then stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly.

Listening to the sound, it is not thick, so the thin iron sheet is not strong. At this time, Lin Mo thought of a way.

He wants to jump out of the channel and take a more direct and unexpected route.

That is outside.

This is like the "jumping level" that often occurs in games.

Immediately, Lin Mo took out the tiger bone sickle, aimed it at the angle, and slashed it.

The sharp and sharp blade pierced the metal sheet, and the sound of wind and rain outside suddenly became clear, and the icy rain flowed in along the blade and dripped on the ground.

Lin Mo speeded up, because now is the best time, the sound of the conveyor belt will cover up the sound of his slashing, even if he hears it, he might not care.

Soon Lin Mo made a gap that was enough for him to get out. Looking out through the gap, it was wind and rain, lightning and thunder.

It appears to be the outer deck of the Gluttonous.

It was at this point that the conveyor belt stopped running.

Obviously, this batch of meat has already been delivered, and it is fortunate that Lin Mo chose this right time, otherwise, if there is no conveyor belt as cover, it will definitely be discovered.

Lin Mo got out.

The wind blew over, took off the gas mask, and immediately felt a cool air inhaling into the lungs.

The air outside had a chill, but it was better than fresh. The pouring rain fell on the body, which also diluted the smell on the body a lot.

Lin Mo took a few deep breaths and looked around.

Here is the outside of the ship. The huge hull of the entire Glutton is actually covered with iron sheets. It really looks like a fortress at sea.

There is no one outside.

But for Lin Mo, this is a good thing.

Because if it is inside, because of the limitation of the passage, you can only take the prescribed route, which will undoubtedly increase the probability of encountering danger.

But walking outside is different.

Outside, you can easily reach any area of ​​the boat without worrying about encountering obstacles. There are iron handles on the outside of the hull, which makes it easier to climb. The only thing to worry about is not to fall.

Or being thrown into the sea by the waves.

If that's the case, the gods can't be saved.


At this time, a whistle sounded, and the shocked people's ears were clouded. Lin Mo looked up and saw that there were several large chimneys on the boat, and thick smoke was coming out at the moment.

The whistle was also coming from there.

Lin Mo slid down from the huge metal tube that looked like a blood vessel and landed on the deck. Because it is raining, it is very slippery here, and the rainwater flows away quickly along the ground, and finally discharges into the sea through the drainage outlets distributed around it.

Lin Mo squatted on the ground, he found that compared with the huge Gluttony, he was too small.

And the Gluttony is also small in the dark ocean.

It was dark all around, and there were some bright lights on the Gluttony, which could barely see some of the surrounding sea surface. No matter how far away, only some vague shadows could be seen.

Vaguely, Lin Mo saw what seemed to be a huge black shadow in front of him.

This shadow was standing on the sea. At first, Lin Mo thought it was a huge island with a unique shape. After getting close, what he thought was an island turned his head.

"A person?"

Lin Mo really didn't expect that the other person's eyes were already ridiculously large, like the moon in the sky, with a dim light, anyone who saw this scene would be overwhelmed by fright.

Fear, despair.

Lin Mo is the exception.

He looked at this huge monster without any fear.

This time it met my eyes.

The ghost eyes on Lin Mo's forehead opened automatically. Who would have guessed that in the next moment, hundreds of eyes would be densely opened on the head of that huge man.

At this moment, it looks like a little starry sky.

Lin Mo smiled, he wanted to ask: "What are you looking at!"

But when I saw this scene, I was convinced and scolded in my mouth.

"Okay, you have a lot of eyes, you are cruel, I don't have the same knowledge as you!"

Cursing and looking away.

The huge black shadow kept staring at the Gluttony, but did not make any additional movements.

For example, did not come over to capsize this ship.

There was no terrifying roar or howl, just stared at it like this, watching the Gluttony go away.

Slowly, the huge black shadow disappeared.

"What was that just now?" Lin Mo knew very well that it would not be difficult for that super-large monster to overturn the ship.

From this point of view, one of those nightmares on land counts as one, which is really not the same level as the one in the sea.

And I thought I knew enough about the nightmare world, but I didn't expect that what I saw was only a small tip of the iceberg, and the truly terrifying things were all in this endless sea.

Lin Mo wiped the rain on his face. He planned to change the entrance and enter the hull again. It was very windy and rainy outside, and it was not a good thing to stay for a long time.

If you encounter any ferocious sea monsters, it will be difficult to deal with.

The entire Gluttony was wrapped in iron sheets, there were few decks to stand on, and the entrances were blocked.

Lin Mo intends to find an entrance. If it really doesn't work, he can only go back the same way.

Climbing up along the gripper on the outer wall of the hull, Lin Mo found a round window, not big, just the size of the mouth of a bowl. The transparent glass allowed him to see the situation in the cabin.

He saw an elegant woman in a black short skirt, black stockings, and high heels pushing a fine dining cart and walking on the ornate carpet.

Because his back was facing away, Lin Mo couldn't see the woman's appearance.

But looking at the dining car, there are all kinds of food.


Lin Mo found that he was hungry again, and he had to find some non-meat food to satisfy his hunger, otherwise he would easily be controlled by the power of the gluttony curse.

If you stumble and accidentally eat the meat here, it will be designated as a pig's head.

Lin Mo didn't want to become a pig's head.

He continued to climb up.

About another floor, Lin Mo was pleasantly surprised to find that there was an open window about five or six meters above.

The window was opened with a slit from below, presumably for ventilation, and hot steam came out continuously from the inside.

Lin Mo quickly climbed up.

Because it has rained, the glass should be clean, but it is foggy and looks a little fuzzy.

Unsure of the composition of the mist, Lin Mo put on the pig nose gas mask again for insurance. After finding that there was no one inside, he went in directly from the open window.

It's softened up a lot inside.

The sudden entry from an icy environment into a warm and humid environment resulted in a fog on the pig's nose gas mask.

Lin Mo didn't take it off.

This place is full of steaming steam, and you can obviously feel the breath of some unknown curse, so even if you can't see it clearly, you can't take it off.

After waiting for a while, the mist on the gas mask dissipated a little before Lin Mo got up.

The room should be big, and some loud noises can be heard, but the fog is bigger, and it can't be seen clearly from a few meters away. There must be someone, and there must be more than one.

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly saw someone walking over.

It was so sudden that Lin Mo couldn't avoid it, and he came face to face with the other party.

Tell the truth.

At that moment, Lin Mo had already taken the brick in his hand, and if the other party made a mess, he would smash it.

Unexpectedly, what happened next was beyond Lin Mo's expectations.

Face to face with the other party, I found that the other party was also wearing a pig nose gas mask of the same style as myself, and it was also steaming.

The other party also held a metal soup pot with soup and meat in it.

Seeing that Lin Mo was blocking the way, the man didn't hit him hard, but turned around, walked over to a table over there, put the pot on it, and then turned a knob, snapping it, and set it on fire.

The flames licked the bottom of the soup pot.

Is this making soup?

The other party took a spoon, walked over and put it in Lin Mo's hand, ready to leave, but seeing that Lin Mo was motionless, he looked over again, and it seemed to be the difference why Lin Mo didn't work.

To say that Lin Mo's reaction is no one else.

He first looked at the spoon in his hand, then walked over very naturally without leaving any traces, and started stirring.

After that person finished reading, he left quickly.

At this time, the mist on the gas mask spread out more, and Lin Mo could vaguely see that this place seemed to be a kitchen.

I had heard those cluttering noises before, the sound of pots and pans colliding, the sound of cutting meat and vegetables.

This is no longer a guess, because Lin Mo has already seen clearly at this time, and many people wearing pig nose gas masks are busy.

Some are chopping vegetables, some are mixing noodles, and some are cooking soup.

There is another one at the BBQ.

Roasted meat is a thigh.

The thigh of the pig head monster.

Now Lin Mo understands, where the meat in the slaughterhouse finally flows, this must be one of the destinations.

Lin Mo looked at the things on the table while stirring the soup pot with a spoon.

There are many ingredients.

Many of them were things he had never seen before, and even Lin Mo saw some small red worms like earthworms.

A person not far away looked over. In order not to arouse suspicion, Lin Mo grabbed a handful of those little red bugs and threw them into the soup pot.

It might look professional.

Sure enough, the other party quickly looked away.

Lin Mo found fresh fruits and vegetables, like carrots and apples. This thing should be edible. Lin Mo is still hungry, but it needs to be verified.

It's true that you can collect some first.

Lin Mo is now pretending to be a chef by mistake. When he was making soup, he looked around and found a chef's apron on the front table.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one noticed, Lin Mo walked over and put it on by himself.

It's more like that.

Then, Lin Mo found the cardboard box in the corner of the kitchen.

He quietly used a metal basin to put vegetables and fruits in it.

Large carrots, apples, tomatoes and corn.

Whether you can eat it or not, get a little first, then walk to the cardboard box in the corner, and pour everything into it without anyone noticing.

"Fuck, who hit me with a carrot... hey, carrot..."

From the box came the muffled sound of the rabbit.

Lin Mo has been taking this guy with him.

Mainly did not go back.

Don't look at the swearing on the rabbit's mouth, but it is really obedient. If it stays in the box, it really doesn't dare to run out.

He may have been sleeping just now, but was smashed and woken up.

The rabbit was happy when he saw the carrot.

Lin Mo leaned over and whispered, "Let's see if these things can be eaten. There may be curses. If you can't eat them, don't force them."

After speaking, Lin Mo closed the lid of the box.

There is no curse smell on these vegetables and fruits, but to be on the safe side, it is better to let the rabbit try the poison first.

The kitchen is cluttered, and no one found an extra cardboard box, mainly because the place chosen for this cardboard box is very suitable for hiding.

There are other alleys around, so unless someone is particularly familiar with it, no one will notice if they are busy, and they will not find an extra cardboard box.

Lin Mo returned to where he was just now and continued stirring the spoon.

The soup in the pot has tumbled.

Lin Mo pretended to add some ingredients to it. Anyway, put whatever you want. Slowly, the soup became richer, and there were a lot more things in it.

It looks fine.

But Lin Mo wouldn't drink it.

There is meat in this soup, there is a curse on the meat, and it turns into a pig's head.

Lin Mo is very curious, who is this stuff prepared for?

Pig head monster?

The problem is that pig-headed monsters have a very low status on the ship, and they don't choose what to eat. Do they need to be so carefully cooked?

Now Lin Mo is full of doubts.

At this time, a woman also wearing a gas mask walked in, a foreigner, with blond hair up, wearing a black short skirt and stockings, high heels.

She spoke a foreign language.

After the consciousness was conveyed, Lin Mo understood.

is urging.

Means ready to serve.

Lin Mo looked at the soup on the fire, it was almost boiled.

Even if it was much worse, Lin Mo didn't care.

He doesn't drink anyway.

He picked it up, found a container for the soup, poured the soup in the pot into it, and walked out with the container.

In this way, you can go out with other 'chefs', and then Lin Mo intends to find a chance to run away.

As a result, after being sent outside and visiting the table, Lin Mo and the other two 'chefs' were stopped by the woman.

"You guys, help me push the dining cart to room 444."

The other chefs nodded respectfully.

Lin Mo followed suit.

There is no other way but to push the dining cart forward.

There were a total of three dining cars, each of which was filled with delicious food and exuded a strong aroma. When he walked outside, Lin Mo found that it was completely different from the mess below.

It is luxuriously decorated here, with precious oil paintings on carpets and wall lamps.

This, whether it is expensive or not is Lin Mo's guess, anyway, it seems to be high-end.

Looking at the utensils and tableware, most of them are silver or gold-plated.

I seem to have heard the butcher say before that wearing a mask is to go to the 'noble district', could it be that this is the nobility district?

should be.

Lin Mo was wondering what to do for a while. In short, he should calm down and find a chance to slip away.

Then slowly look for the butcher and Nie Hong.

Speaking of which, where did the butcher go?

At the same time, in the w3 floor slaughterhouse, in the female monster's workshop.

In a huge mirror, there was a sudden click, cracking lines, like a cobweb, and at the same time, the fog in the mirror rose, as if something was fighting and colliding inside.

A shadow like a spider flashed across the mirror, and then, a tall figure, if Lin Mo saw it, he would definitely recognize that this was the butcher.

After a few bangs, it was quiet.

A stream of blood seeped out strangely from the crack in the mirror.

The female monster found an anomaly.

It quickly walked to the mirror, let out a roar, his eyes were vicious, and then reached out to grab.

The strange thing is that its huge palm actually passed through the mirror and stretched into it.

It's fumbling.

But the next moment, it screamed and retracted its palm.

I saw that one of the female monster's fingers was cut off, and the blood was pouring out at this moment.


The female monster was enraged.

Sarcomatous pustules appeared on it again, and then the female monster crawled into the huge mirror.

The metal wheels rolled on the thick carpet, hardly making much noise.

Led by the blonde woman, he and two other chefs pushed the food cart to the door of a room marked 444.

The blond woman pushed the door in.

Lin Mo saw a very large hall. The hall was very luxurious. There was a long dining table. There were already many people sitting on both sides of the dining table.

Everyone is dressed up, and every breath is very strange and powerful.

Lin Mo saw a woman wearing a black goose feather skirt with a slender neck, at least three times that of a normal person, with exquisite decorations, her face was pale, and she was white without a trace of blood.

The lips are black, and in the deep eye sockets are bright silver pupils.

Obviously not human.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed that on the side of the dining table, with his back to himself, a person was sitting alone.

Wearing a red short skirt, bare legs, and red high heels.

Lin Mo was slightly taken aback.


I walked over with the dining cart, and together with the other two chefs, slowly put the food on the table.

At the same time, Lin Mo also saw the face of the woman in red.

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