Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: hidden

Lin Mo's strength is considered great.

But at this moment, he found that he could not resist the power of this child at all.

And the other party's hands are terrifyingly cold.

Soon, Lin Mo was dragged to a room inside.

Man, there are quite a few people here.

There are seven or eight people.

They all looked bitter, most of them were nightmares, and Lin Mo saw Xiaodong and Liu Xin among them, both of them were there.

In addition, the man with the belly is indeed here.

Seeing that Lin Mo was forcibly pulled in by the child, Xiaodong and Liu Xin's eyes lit up.

The nightmare of the belly man was also excited.

Looking at it, I thought it was the savior.

Xiaodong was talking to Lin Mo, but Lin Mo couldn't hear him.

Speaking of which, Xiaodong is lucky.

He saw Liu Xin before, shouting and chasing.

But the problem is, he didn't know that there was no sound inside, so no matter how loud he shouted, Liu Xin couldn't hear it.

Xiaodong was in a hurry, so he continued to chase.

I ignored the fun-loving mirror that was placed outside, and just chased it inside.

The result was also lost.

Xiaodong could only look around, but when he was passing by, someone reached out and pulled him behind a curtain.

It's Liu Xin.

Obviously, Liu Xin had come a long time ago, and after staying for a long time, he was familiar with the rules here.

Seeing Xiaodong rushing around, he could only pull him over to hide together.

At that time, Liu Xin knew that when Xiaodong came, it was possible that Lin Mo came too.

If Lin Mo came, maybe he would be saved.

On her own, even if she knew the rules of the Hall of Silence, she would be killed sooner or later.

"Haha, it's fun to be together. This time I'm going to find you. Remember, I only count thirty, you can go hide." Tian Tian brought Lin Mo here, and after speaking, he covered his eyes with his hands and counted. number.

Liu Xin immediately ran over and pulled Lin Mo, then kept gesturing.

She knew she couldn't speak.

"This girl actually knows sign language?" Lin Mo guessed, he didn't understand either, but he could tell that Liu Xin wanted to tell himself the rules and taboos here.

Xiaodong followed, and so did the man with the belly.

This guy is apparently stuck here too, forced to play hide and seek.




Liu Xin dragged Lin Mo and ran forward until he reached the outermost room.

Lin Mo has been here before, and he can leave the Hall of Silence from here.

But looking at it at the moment, there is no exit, there is a wall in front.

What Evil Nightmare likes to play the most is to cut people's backs.

"Is it a fantasy again?"

Lin Mo opened his ghost eyes and took a look.

Not a fantasy.

it is true.

No wonder people who come in can't get out, but how is this possible?

Unless you can change the structure here.

The problem is that this is not a building block. How can you spell it as you want?

Suddenly, Lin Mo thought of something, and the light flashed.

His expression became a little dignified.

Liu Xin took Lin Mo to a place, and then a few people went into a toilet.

Ladies toilet.

After entering, Liu Xin gestured to Lin Mo, and Lin Mo understood a bit. This girl probably meant that this was a good place she found, and it was very safe to hide here.

As for why it is safe, it may be because the dark version is a boy every day, and boys cannot enter the women's toilet.

I have to say, it is.

Liu Xin is really smart, observant, and a newcomer with great potential, just as Lin Mo first judged.

Change to Xiaodong.

If this silly boy hadn't followed him all the time, he would have been killed by the nightmare in the junk lane.

At this time, Lin Mo pointed to the man with the belly behind him and made a questioning gesture.

Is asking if this guy harmed you?

Liu Xin shook his head, then gestured to tell Lin Mo that the man in the belly had protected her.

It looks like the previous threat was very effective.

Lin Mo walked over and patted the belly man's shoulder, which was a kind of affirmation. The latter had a flattered look on his belly, and then made gestures repeatedly, which meant that someone in his stomach was also trustworthy, and he certainly couldn't go back on what he promised.

Next, Lin Mo looked around.

Although Liu Xin felt that this place was very safe, and had actually hidden, and was indeed not found, she kept everything.

Prepare for the worst.

What if the Dark Edition finds here every day?

There must be alternatives, you can not, but not without.

See if there are any other exits.

There is one.

In the back position, there is an upper ventilation window, and an exhaust fan is actually installed.

However, the exhaust fan was obviously unusable, and the upper fan blades were full of dirt.

Without saying a word, Lin Mo stepped on the sink below, went straight up and banged twice with a brick, smashed it, and tore it off. In this way, there is an escape window.

If you're really in trouble, get out of here.

Several people present should be able to do it.

The man with the belly looked up at the window at this time, then looked at its own body shape, and then gestured at Lin Mo. First gestured its own waist with both hands, and then pointed to the window, making a small hand shape.

The meaning is clear.

Lin Mo also looked at the window, then looked at the man with the belly, and then made a gesture of spreading his hands.

The meaning is also very clear.

The man with the belly was anxious, but at this time, he was counting to thirty every day in the distance.

So, it can only be honest.

Lin Mo also saw it just now that the rules of hide-and-seek played here are not the same as what he is familiar with. Normal hide-and-seek, looking for someone, must find everyone before it is over.

But here, as long as one is found, it is over, and the next round begins.

Those who are not found can participate in the next round, but those who are found in the previous round are tragic.

Should be dead.

So in theory, as long as you are lucky and there are enough new people to join this hide-and-seek game, then the lucky person has never been found and can live forever.

But if there are no new players to join, the existing players will lose one person after each round, then no matter how lucky you are, you will be left in the end.

In this case, I will find you alone, and it is estimated that nine out of ten can be found.

Lin Mo gestured to Liu Xin and asked her how many games she had played.

After the latter figured out what the problem was, he made a gesture of eighteen.

It's been eighteen games.

This is considered good luck, and it also shows that after Liu Xin and the belly man joined, eighteen unlucky ghosts have been found and died.

I have to say that not only ordinary people can't survive in this junk lane, but even some nightmares with average strength can't and Lin Mo also thought of another problem.

The dark version of Tiantian has been playing hide-and-seek, aren't you tired of playing?

That said, this kid loves to play with it.

Lin Mo was thinking at this time.

This dark version of Tian Tian is 100% related to Tian Tian in the wooden house No. 133.

Most likely, some kind of dark side of the day.

Everyone has a dark side, and so do children.

Evidence is the other party's name, the same.

It looks the same, too.

The difference is that one is pure and kind, and the other is evil.

So what will happen if this dark version is brought back to room 133 every day?

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