Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Linghua's Ambition

Like other boys and girls in the rebellious period of youth, Linghua resents the teachings of her parents.

"They don't understand anything, their brains and thinking are outdated, but they don't know it yet. What qualifications do they have to educate me? They still beat me today?"

Linghua and her best friend are talking about the troubles in their hearts.

"Did you do it?" My best friend and friend looked surprised.

Linghua nodded, her expression aggrieved.

"Then you are running away from home now?" Youhe asked again.

"Yes, I don't want to go back." Linghua nodded.

"That's right, we can actually live alone for a long time, and we don't need them at all. Especially in this new era, reading is useless at all. My boyfriend, you have seen him, he has a ghost, and now he is a little boy. The boss. He also has a big house, you can live with us first."

"Is that all right?"

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with it, and we're going to catch ghosts today."

"Catch a ghost?"


"What's so strange about ghosts? It's everywhere on the street." Linghua disagreed.

Youhe smiled: "Can those on the street be called ghosts too?"

Linghua blinked, somewhat incomprehensible.

Those on the street, of course, are ghosts. She remembered being terrified the first time she saw them, but now she's used to it. As long as you don't provoke those things, there will be no danger.

At least, in Hankyo City.

"Let me tell you, a really powerful ghost is much more terrifying than you've ever seen. My boyfriend has a really powerful ghost. It wants to kill people, and no one can stop it."

Friends and a look of pride.

"So powerful?"

"Of course, if you can control this kind of ghost, you will have the capital to gain a foothold in this new world, and you will have a bright future. No one dares to look down on us anymore."

"So, are you going to catch ghosts?"

"Yes, do you want to go? I can talk to my boyfriend and the others and take you there. If you are lucky, maybe you can get a ghost that obeys you."

Tomowa's words are like a bad guy seducing a three-year-old kid with a lollipop.

That is a fatal temptation.

Especially now that Linghua has just had a conflict with her family and urgently needs to prove herself.

There are few surprises.

She agreed.

Then he followed Youhe's boyfriend and two other male friends to an abandoned and closed hospital.

This hospital is called 'Lishan Hospital'.

very famous.

Linghua heard her father mention it.

Because there are very scary ghosts, some very powerful people have banned this hospital.

This incident has also been reported in the media, in newspapers, and on the Internet.

For the previous Linghua, she never thought of going to such a dangerous place.

Even if this hospital is only three or four kilometers away from where she lives.

She would never go to dangerous places.

Because of this, she is now scared and excited.

More excited.

She followed these friends into a corner hole, and then into this horrible hospital.

Here, just looking at it, feels creepy.

She felt a pair of eyes watching her at this time.

back sharply.

Nothing was seen.

"A little scared, what should I do?"

Feeling the terrifying atmosphere, the colder air, and vaguely hearing the strange noises from the hospital, Linghua was already a little bit about backing down at this time.

Don't look at her mouth always saying how she is, dare to do anything, but when it really comes, she should be afraid or afraid.

This thing can't stand it.

However, most people of this age have a good face. If she said that she was afraid of going back, she would definitely be laughed at by her friends and even looked down on herself.

If you lose this friend because of this, it is even more unacceptable for Linghua.

"No matter, comment, I want to catch a ghost, I want all of them to see, I am an extraordinary person, I am unique, I will definitely be able to."

The rebellious girl is cheering herself on now.

There are five of them in the line.

Except for Linghua and You and the two girls, the remaining three are all men.

One is Tomoka's boyfriend, called 'Watanabe', and the other two, the taller one is called Suzuki, the taller and darker one is called Ikeda.

In terms of age, these three men are all in their twenties, almost thirty, much older than Linghua and Youhe.

Among the three, Watanabe was obviously secretive.

He called everyone together at this time, and then warned the precautions.

"Remember, Lishan Hospital is one of the most dangerous places in the whole pheasant country. There are many ghosts here. For others, coming here is the same as suicide, but for us, it is different. In my eyes, here It's a treasure trove."

"Our purpose is very simple, just to catch a few powerful ghosts back. In the new nightmare world, ghosts and ghosts are the most important resources. If we control the ghosts, we will have endless money to spend in the future, and we can directly enjoy life. ."

Watanabe will also boost morale.

In two words, everyone's enthusiasm was raised.

"Just, how exactly do you control ghosts?"

Linghua asked at this time.

She really wanted to control a ghost, that's why she asked.

Watanabe said it was very simple.

Saying that, he took out a few red papers from his pocket.

"This is an agreement to control ghosts. It was made by an extremely powerful nightmare. Don't ask for details, and I won't say it. It's a secret. As for how to use it, it's very simple."

Watanabe showed one.

"This is an agreement. You sign your own names here. Then, go to the ghost and ask the other party's name. As long as you write the other party's name, the agreement will take effect."

"Is it that simple?"

"No, that's what you think is easy."

Ikeda said something at this time.

The burly man pointed to the scar on his face and said that he was injured just to catch a ghost to sign an agreement.

"But luckily, I succeeded."

After that, a terrifying ghost hand stretched out from the schoolbag behind him.

It was as if there was a person hidden in this bag.

But the schoolbag is very small, and it stands to reason that it is impossible to hide a person.

But if, this person is incomplete, then it is possible.

Linghua was startled by the sudden outstretched ghost hand.

She soon discovered that the others were not afraid.

Apparently they have seen Ikeda's ghost.

Ikeda and Watanabe have ghosts.

Among these five people, two have already controlled ghosts.

The other three looked over with envy on their faces.

This thing is just as enviable as having a household registration and a house in Qianlong City in the past.

"The point is that you must be careful in the process of obtaining the name of Specter, but as long as you know the name, you can write it and control it."

"Yes, we must remember that there are many ghosts in this hospital. We must act carefully. After we succeed, we must exit first, and remember not to enter rashly."

Several others have made it clear.

There was a look of anticipation and excitement on his face.

It seems that they have successfully obtained the name of a Specter, and then successfully controlled each other.

From then on, they are the superiors, and they can live the life they want to live unscrupulously.

"However, the agreement in blood can't be given to you for nothing. Youhe is my girlfriend, so I can give it to her. Suzuki has paid and is my client. I can give it to him. Linghua, what about you? What can you give me? "

Watanabe asked.

Linghua was taken aback.

She didn't expect the other party to ask for benefits so straightforwardly.

But this kind of thing is done by oneself, and it is impossible to give such a big benefit to the other party in vain.

As the saying goes, if you want to get something, you have to pay the corresponding price.

"I, I can give you money too."

Linghua said something unconfident.

The reason for her lack of confidence is that she has no money at all.

Don't talk about her, even her family has no money.

"Money? How much can you give? Suzuki gave me 40 million. How about you?"

"so much?"

Linghua was taken aback.

She doesn't have that much money at all.

Even if they sold their house, not so much.

"If you don't pay some price, this agreement can't be given to you." Watanabe said with a smile.

Tomoka next to him wanted to say something nice, but Watanabe glanced at her, and she hurriedly lowered her head.

Obviously, although they are boyfriend and girlfriend, the relationship is not equal.

"In this way, if you stay with me for a month, I can give you one."

Watanabe didn't hide it, and directly stated the conditions.

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it. This kind of thing is the same as doing business. It's about what you want and what you want. If you don't want to, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

"I would."

Linghua clenched her fists and said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, then I'll give you one."

The goal was achieved, Watanabe laughed, distributed a few agreements in blood, and then instructed the The other three carefully memorized them.

"Ikeda, this time it's the old rules, you must be careful before and after." Watanabe said at this time.

"Don't worry, it's not the first time we've done this."

After Ikeda finished speaking, he moved the backpack from his back to his chest, and then he unzipped the backpack. At that moment, two ghost hands came out from inside, and at the same time, hairs came out from inside.

A gloomy aura also descended.

Ikeda was not in a hurry, apparently he was used to it.

The group of them entered from the side door of the hospital, of course, the door lock was broken, but just as they walked in, when they turned their heads, Ikeda panicked.

Cold sweat broke out.

"What about people?"

He found that the four people who followed him were gone.

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