Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 1006: is so perverted

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Rough walls, wild spikes, terrifying corpses.

Not to mention, the style of this place is really not seen anywhere else, very unique.

Lin Mo thought that there was creativity here, but he didn't talk nonsense at all.

Someone approached, and the living corpses pierced on the ground and the city walls began to move, struggling and roaring.

Being stared at by so many eyes, I am afraid that no one will want to get in.

So this arrangement is not only creative, but also very practical.


Lin Mo couldn't help but praise.

There is an entrance in front, and there is a passage about 50 meters long.

This passage is made of angle iron, barbed wire and stone piers that take into account. If you want to enter, you can only go through this passage.

At the end is an iron fence gate.

It doesn't seem to take care of it very much, but it is actually very thick, and there are two layers.

This acts as a buffer.

If something is going to come in, break through the first floor, and then there is the second floor.

And the city wall is very thick, it was specially built like this, and there are some iron buckets hanging on it. Lin Mo guessed that there should be something similar to kerosene.

In this way, if the first floor door is breached, when the second floor door is attacked, the iron bucket above will hurl a little, drenched in kerosene, and then use a little fire.


But to be honest, this kind of mechanism and defense system can also prevent some ordinary nightmares.

Especially some forbidden ghosts, obsessive ghosts, or those with special abilities.

But in a small town, it is quite remarkable to be able to do this.

But this is the country of pheasants, the territory of the Japanese, and there is nothing to admire.

Come here to inquire.

Of course, Lin Mo came here looking for something, so if people can be polite and treat each other with courtesy, then leave after inquiring. If the other party is killed, Lin Mo and the others are holding their stomachs full of fire. If they insist on hitting the muzzle, they will definitely not be polite.

The first shot here must be released.

It stands to reason that the current time is night, and the nightmare world should be lively at night.

Lin Mo and the others walked to the door and looked inside.

Quietly, no one was found.

Then knock on the door.


Three tones.

very loud.

After waiting for a while, I heard footsteps, it should be trotting over.

Is a Japanese.

He's not tall, with a little rounded legs. After coming over, he first looked at it with a probe.

"who are you?"

asked a question.

Lin Mo told the other party that he had made a special trip from China, mainly to inquire about some news.

The other party couldn't believe it.

It may be that I don't quite believe that it came from China.

Said to wait a moment, he went to report.

Then trot away.

"I'm not happy to see these Japanese people. I really want to cut each of them." The veteran couldn't help but say something at this time.

He brought a knife this time.

It's a broad-blade sword.

It is said that it was his own sword a long time ago. In the words of a veteran, his sword was designed to restrain Japanese swords.

However, Lin Mo was not entirely convinced.

The veteran is very powerful, but when he encounters the evil Japanese swordsman like last time, he has suffered a big loss.

But it doesn't matter, even if the veteran is bragging, Lin Mo will definitely help him to complete this bull.

The old man didn't say anything, it didn't feel right.

Lin Mo asked my brother if he found anything unusual.

The old man said it wasn't.

"It just feels like that person just wasn't right."

"What's wrong?" Lin Mo was curious.

He actually had this feeling too, but he couldn't say it, it just felt wrong, but there was something wrong and he couldn't figure it out.

As a result, my brother's answer was the same.

He also felt wrong.

"Be vigilant."

"Should be."

The brothers agreed.

As for the veteran, there is no need to explain, this man is full of thoughts about how to take revenge, he is hostile to any Japanese, so the reminder is completely superfluous.

After a while, there were some footsteps.

Listening to the sound, about three people came.

Not much.

After a while, the previous Japanese came over with two other Japanese.

Said to be the person in charge here.

Called 'Mr. Oshima'.

Lin Mot wanted to laugh, thinking that you are such a small island, but a big island, so embarrassed?

But this is normal. It is said that there is a shameless big bird here.

Too shameless.

Mr. Oshima asked carefully, and Lin Mo answered calmly.

Q&A was smooth.

"No problem, let them in."

Oshima came to a conclusion.

Lin Mo felt that this was a bit formal, because he felt that he didn't ask any particularly important questions, just the most basic ones. He felt that asking was the same as not asking.

And just making up some answers can be easily fooled.

Does it make sense?

It doesn't matter if there is or not, anyway, the other party thinks that there is.

After entering, I found that the inside is quite spacious, and it seems that it was really built on the basis of a certain community. There are various houses inside. Although it is on the second floor or even the third floor, it is still more expensive than buildings with the same floor in China. Shorter.

At this time, my brother tugged at the corner of Lin Mo's clothes.

Lin Mo turned his ears.

"There's something wrong with the people here."

Lin Mo nodded and said that I felt it too, but I couldn't really tell what was wrong.

"Is it because they are Japanese?"

"It's possible!"

Lin Mo has a basis for saying this, mainly because most of the people here are a little perverted, and this perversion is not the same level or type at all as domestic perversions.

Even if it is abnormal, people have become maverick and different.

Let's hear it next.

Ask where is this place, what is the current situation in the pheasant country, and also ask if the big city is not far from here, if there is any means of transportation.

The other party is also sincere, answering whatever they ask.

He was also very enthusiastic to keep Lin Mo and the three of them for dinner.

"It's too polite, it's really not necessary!"

Of course Lin Mo and the others didn't want to eat, so they politely refused, but they were persevering and said they must stay for dinner.

Otherwise, look down on them.

Although it was said that Lin Mo and the others really looked down on them, but it was not easy to reach out to the smiling face, so he didn't say it directly.

The veteran never spoke.

He seemed to be waiting for an opportunity.

And this opportunity was given to him by the other party. As long as he was given a chance and an excuse, the veterans could let them know why Huaer was so popular.

Lin Mo secretly held down the veteran, thinking, big brother, don't be impulsive, ask first, and do it like this, isn't it, a bit, killing innocent people?

Not right either.

There seems to be nothing innocent in this place.

It also has to be famous.

They are unreasonable, we have to be reasonable.

From ancient times to the present, we are all literate people.

"Calm down, calm down, or else, look at my color."

Lin Mo said in a low voice.

After a while, a Japanese woman came over and said that the table and utensils are ready, and you can go to the table.

"Hey, it's really too polite, I won't allow it next Lin Mo can't beat the enthusiastic Mr. Oshima, let's go and see what other pheasant friends eat.

The result went to have a look.

good guy.

It's a canteen-like place, the problem is, it's full at the moment.

They are all shirtless men.

Although they were tall, short, fat, thin, old or young, they were all gloomy and full.

There are many people, and there must be more than 100 numbers.

"Welcome guests!"

Mr. Oshima took the lead in applauding, and all the more than 100 Japanese people stood up and said that they welcomed the distinguished guests.

"It's very kind."

"It should be, then prepare to have a seat."

Lin Mo was curious, and glanced at the table. As a result, he saw that there were only cutlery but no food on the big table.

Didn't you say that there was a banquet, and there was nothing to eat?

Lin Mo asked.

Mr. Oshima said with a smile: "Everyone, isn't it the best ingredients? A few may have misunderstood. Although they are eating, it is not you who eat, we eat, and you are just ingredients."

Lin Mo listened clearly and looked at Mr. Oshima, who showed his fangs, and then looked at the other Japanese.

"Do you mean to eat people?"

"Yes, we not only eat people, but also ghosts. We don't refuse anyone who comes here. We don't want to be picky eaters."

"To be honest, you are really perverted."

Lin Mo was extremely angry and laughed at this moment.

Also thought the other party was very funny.

Now he finally knew why he felt so strange about these Japanese people.

What's wrong is the smell on them.

There is a smell of dead flesh, as well as the smell of ghosts and resentful spirits. I didn't understand it at first, but now I know that these people not only eat people, but also eat ghosts. It's not surprising that they have this strange smell.

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