Chen Xiao quickly scanned the list, feeling slightly surprised.

A total of 12 free opportunities!

The required merit must be four digits or more, and the average value is probably around 1,500.

Doesn’t it mean…

The merits that I have worked so hard to save can be exchanged for three opportunities at most. Even if I choose again, I can only exchange for two?

“Tsk tsk, a free opportunity…”

“Who set the price? It’s not cheap.”

Chen Xiao couldn’t help but sigh.

An Ning smiled slightly: “You only look at free opportunities. You don’t look at ordinary opportunities that require a price. Of course they are expensive.”

“If you can accept the price, there are so many opportunities at the top of the list. On average, a few hundred meritorious deeds are enough. You can even take away ten!”

Chen Xiao shook his head.

He has no shortage of opportunities that are of poor quality and require a price, and he doesn’t even want to look at them.

For now.

The most important opportunity type for Chen Xiao is the defensive type. The reason is that Ma Mian is about to be born, and he must be more careful.

Even if you have an embroidered doll to die for once, it may not be much safer.

After all, apart from the embroidered doll and beacon that I just got, my only defensive opportunity is the shield crystal.

Speaking of which, the strength of its shield depends on the strength of the attack on it before it is activated. A few days before the fifth blood moon, you must give it a good hit.

Focusing on the bottom of the list again.

Two defensive chances.

11. Star fragments: Form a protective shield, which not only resists physical attacks, but also has a certain resistance to negative energy, curses or psychic attacks.

Required: 1200 merit points

12. Seed Necklace: Symbiotic feedback, obtaining the power of life and recovery provided by seeds

Required: 1500 merit points

“I want these two.”

Chen Xiao touched his chin and pointed to the last two opportunities on the list in front of An Ning.

An Xin Ning’s beautiful eyes sparkled: “You need to spend 2,700 merit points all at once? Really or not…”

In her opinion, this defensive opportunity was the least popular on the list.

The reason why these two ended up in the end is that no one exchanged them at all.

On the one hand, it requires a lot of merit, and on the other hand, the improvement for oneself is limited.

What she didn’t understand the most was that Chen Xiao obviously had such a powerful ability, but in the end he was so cautious that he even exchanged his merits for two defensive-type weapons…

She frowned slightly: “Are you sure you won’t consider it again? Once you apply, you cannot withdraw it.”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “I don’t think about it anymore, just redeem it for me.”

An Ning nodded and said seriously: “Then you wait first. The exchange opportunity requires an approval process. I will send it to Jiangbei in three days.”

Chen Xiao originally thought he could get it directly, but it seems he thought too much.

“If I still want to redeem this anklet, but my merit is not enough, can I use my own opportunity to make up the difference?”

Suddenly thinking of something, Chen Xiao asked. He still can’t let go of Xu Xing’s anklet. Opportunities of this level are rare.

If you fall in love with it, try your best to win it.

It’s just that the merit is not enough.

An Ning shook her head: “It’s not possible to make up the difference, but you can go to Chief Pei and use other exchange methods.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “Other exchange methods…what do you mean?”

An Ning smiled: “It’s not a merit system. Isn’t the cloak you are wearing now the one that Chief Pei redeemed for you?”

Chen Xiao suddenly realized: “In this way, I can’t use the remaining merit, right?”

An Ning nodded: “Yes, in theory, three opportunities that require a price should be enough to redeem the anklet you are interested in.”

Chen Xiao said “hmm” and said, “I’ll leave this matter to Chief An. Bring the anklet with you next time we meet. I will take three chances.”

An Ning said solemnly: “That’s OK.”

Seeing her expression, Chen Xiao came closer and said, “Sir An, there are only two of us now, can you not be so serious.”

“I’m afraid.” Chen Xiao chuckled.

An Ning’s face flashed with a blush, but it quickly disappeared: “This is the military area, the executive officer’s office, what do you want me to do if you don’t want me to be serious?”

Chen Xiao was half sitting on the table, with his upper body leaning slightly: “Sir An, have you forgotten something important?”

An Ning swallowed: “I…what did I forget?”

The corners of Chen Xiao’s lips raised: “Didn’t you promise me last night that in order to fulfill your promise, you would take leave after the ceremony and go back to Jiangbei with me for a week?”

An Ning’s face turned completely red, reaching her ears. She suddenly thought that something like this was happening.

Last night, Chen Xiao suddenly blocked himself in the room, and in desperation he had to agree to him…

“Chen Xiao, if I go to Jiangbei with you, no one will help you apply for your opportunity! ”

In the end, An Ning had no choice but to speak.

Chen Xiao curled his lips and left the table.

Walking towards the window: “In three days, I want to see both the opportunity and you. Please ask for leave in advance.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xiao disappeared on the spot.

Not giving An Ning any chance to retort.

An Ning looked at the place where Chen Xiao disappeared in a daze, and the blush on her pretty face gradually faded away.

“This guy…”

“Are you ordering me…”

the other side.

Chen Xiao chose to open the cave.

Locate the Three Treasures Cage.

Returned directly to Jiangbei.

Jianghe Building.

Seventh floor.

Huang Yiyi was sitting by the window with a cup of hand-ground coffee in her hand.

She was still wearing the halter-neck sling from yesterday, exposing a large piece of her collarbone.

Subtle yet charming.

The hip-hugging skirt matched with the lower body hugs her body, making her look even more attractive.

She had her legs crossed, and under her feet was a pair of small sandals, with the upturned one hanging casually.

The fine shoelaces gently wrapped around her delicate ankles, as if they were specially designed to set off these beautiful feet.

She just sat quietly.

Looking out the window at the Jiangbei construction.

She doesn’t like playing games or reading books. The only thing she can do is…

Just waiting for Chen Xiao.

But Chen Xiao is a man with so many women around him that even she can’t be ranked among them.

Sometimes she feels like a puppy, waiting for its owner to come home.


Just when Huang Yiyi raised her hand and took a sip of coffee, she suddenly heard something moving on the bed behind her?


Huang Yiyi stood up suddenly and turned around, but saw nothing.

Could it be…

Are you hallucinating?

I thought Chen Xiao was back just now.

There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Huang Yiyi lowered her head.

Turn around and sit down again.

But as soon as he turned around, a generous figure came into view, less than a punch away from him.

Familiar taste.

Huang Yiyi’s body had some changes.


A touch of softness made Huang Yiyi forget herself.

“Didn’t I assign you a new mobile phone? You don’t like it?”

Chen Xiao comforted Huang Yiyi’s head with his palms and whispered softly.

Huang Yiyi shook her head: “I…I don’t like playing with mobile phones, I…”

“I don’t know what’s wrong…”

“I kind of miss the time when you captured me…”

Chen Xiao: “Ah?”

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