Zhao Tianlang was furious!

Is this guy still insulting himself?

“You are really looking for death!”

“”Black tail, Weiwei! Get this guy who has committed the following crime down for me! ”

After receiving the order, Kuroo and Weiwei took a step each with high fighting spirit.

They had never seen Mad Ghost Ren Tu take action, and they didn’t believe he was as terrifying as the rumors said. This was simply impossible.

Even the video that was just played had no impact across the screen.

“Crazy ghost and human massacre, whether you kill the fifth level or the sixth level, Commander Zhao’s identity is not something you can touch. I hope you can understand.”

“As for the sixth level… let’s leave it like that. No matter how much you brag, he’s just a new human, a brainless thing!”

The one who spoke was the majestic god general. He stared at Chen Xiao with a stern look on his face.

Chen Xiao smiled instead of getting angry: “In your eyes, the sixth level is so miserable?”

The black-tailed god general shook his head: “Crazy Ghost Human Slaughter, you are the ones who deified the new sixth-level humans, thinking that by killing the sixth-level new humans, you can obtain the seal sequence. This is the biggest loophole!”

The Hatchet Divine General couldn’t hold his nerve any longer. The point these people were questioning was too strange.

They have never seen the sixth level, so why would they think that the sixth level is nothing more than this?

What kind of promises or benefits did Zhao Tianlang give them to make them work so hard…

Bai Fa is even more unwilling to get involved. Zhao Tianming on the one hand and Mad Ghost on the other are both hard to offend. So far, he can only act like he’s watching a show.

“Black-tailed God General and Towering God General! These are powerful awakened ones who have been famous for a long time. In terms of strength, they can definitely beat the top three god generals.”

“Not only that, these two have a close relationship. With each attack and defense, their combat power has increased several times. If Mad Ghost Rentu wants to kill people under their hands, it will be as difficult as going to heaven!”

“It seems that he is destined to lose his face. No one who Commander Zhao wants to deal with will be spared, even if he is a crazy ghost and a human being!”

Everyone in the audience was talking a lot, and they were all curious, what would Crazy Ghost Rentu do in this situation? Will he return to Jiangbei obediently?

Chen Xiao just smiled faintly: “You are right, the sixth level is indeed very ordinary. After all, you are sure that you can’t find another sixth level now.”

After being directly exposed by Chen Xiao, Zhao Tianlang and others did not refute, acting like dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water.

Chen Xiao shook his head when he saw this.

Pointed at Zhao Tianlang.

Then take a step back.

I saw the black-robed attendant behind him stepping out with a gentle step.


The black-tailed god general and the towering god general frowned, looking inexplicably, and their anger increased greatly!

“Why don’t you do it yourself?”

“You are insulting…”

The words have not yet finished.

In an instant.

A biting cold air surged in like waves, and a light layer of white frost seemed to condense in the air.

The ice ballast spread quietly from under his feet, just like the frost on the river surface in early winter morning, gradually spreading and rippling into fine ice flowers, each one shimmering with cold light!


Covering the entire Tai Chi Square.


The place where Zhao Tianlang was was naturally given special care.

The ice crystals roared away like the roots of an old tree, making people feel chilled.


Zhao Tianlang never expected that someone would dare to take action against him, the first one after the apocalypse!

He shouted!

The black-tailed god general was about to lift his leg.

But he was shocked to realize that his lower body had been firmly imprisoned by the rapidly spreading ice, turning into half an ice sculpture, freezing him in place!

And the majestic god general on the side was not much better, the ice crystal also imprisoned him!

Although he was extremely powerful, he couldn’t break free for a while. He only felt a chill from his Tianling Cap to his toes.

It’s like…like eating ice cream before the end of the world, eating too much in one bite and getting ice on your head.

This feeling lasts indefinitely and makes people miserable!

“What’s going on! This chill… I feel like I’ve entered an ice cellar!”

“I’ve never heard of anyone in China awakening the ice talent? And it’s such a powerful quality!”

“It’s a bit too scary to be unable to break free even with the power of the majestic god general!”

“Why would such a strong person want to be someone else’s follower? It doesn’t make sense!”

Everyone didn’t expect that the follower behind the mad ghost man’s massacre, who had always been unknown, could actually burst out with such powerful aura energy in an instant!

“Damn! What’s going on! You two can’t even defeat a follower?”

Zhao Tianlang panicked.

These are two great generals!

You have to resist the crazy ghosts and human slaughter for a while, right?

How come someone’s entourage… instantly chilled me when I saw him?

This is too abstract!

There was no room for him to question, because the follower moved and stepped out of the room.



Ice covers the entire square!

Zhao Tianlang kept retreating.

Because of the ice, he fell directly to the ground. He didn’t understand…

“What the hell is this…”

“Commander Zhao, he is the sixth-level new human on the top of Canglong Snow Mountain, Canglong…”

As if she knew Zhao Tianlang’s doubts, An Ning spoke slowly and in a calm tone.

Just this amount of information.


“What did you say! Sixth-level new human?”

“How is that possible! Aren’t the sixth-level new humans already beheaded?”

He looked at the white hair, trying to get an answer.

Baifa nodded calmly: “His name is Cang Kong, he is a genuine sixth-level person.”

“By the way…it’s the sixth level that you say is ‘just like that’…”


The black-tailed god general and the towering god general looked at each other, their eyelids twitching wildly.

The person who took action was a sixth-level new human being?

Why does the sixth level appear in the military zone?

And Zhao Tianlang got the exact news.

He struggled to get up with a livid face.

He gritted his teeth: “Crazy Ghost Rentu, you made a huge mistake. You dared to bring sixth-level new humans into the military area. What are your intentions?”

“If the sixth-level new humans don’t attack you, does it mean that you have rebelled against the human race? How audacious! Everyone obeys my orders…stop the crazy ghost and massacre, and don’t allow others to succeed!”

At the critical moment, Zhao Tianlang rolled his eyes and spoke loudly, claiming to be righteous.

No matter how strong you are!

Can it still be stronger than the entire military region?

Zhao Tianlang gradually became proud of himself, and put this big hat on the head of the crazy ghost man butcher.

He couldn’t pick it off even if he wanted to!

After hearing Zhao Tianlang’s words, everyone in the military area was in commotion.

“This…could it be that Mad Ghost Rentu is really a traitor? Otherwise, it really doesn’t make sense. How can the sixth-level new humans follow us?”

“Yeah, that doesn’t make sense. The sixth-level new humans are already the top monsters in China. Currently, only the top cyborgs can touch them. How can they become a follower!”

“If Crazy Ghost Rentu is really raped, then something is seriously wrong!”

Faced with overwhelming doubts from everyone.

Chen Xiao sneered: “What a joke.”

“If I was raped, would I sacrifice myself to save countless people in the Cangzhou incident?”

“If I were raped, would I personally kill the new fifth-level human who is about to advance?”

“If I were a traitor, would I order Canglong to bomb thousands of new humans in Caiyun Ancient Town?”

“If I were a traitor, would I blatantly bring a sixth-level Canglong to the military area?”

“If I was raped…”

“You guys are dead a long time ago, do you believe it?”

“So Zhao Tianlang, should I say that you are out of your mind, or that you are just an idiot!”

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