Hear Chen Xiao’s question.

Although the meaning is unknown.

But An Ning still spoke truthfully: “My friend gave this to me a long time ago. It has been here for half a year. Is there any problem?”

“Or are you plucking two eagle feathers every time you come to my office because you like it?”

Chen Xiao was speechless. What kind of brain circuit was this? Finally, he had no choice but to continue asking: “Do you have any rivals in the military area?”

An Ning was stunned for a moment, as if recalling the meaning of Chen Xiao’s words.

Suddenly, she narrowed her eyes.

“Is there something wrong with this owl?”

An Ning realized later and thought of Chen Xiao’s actions when he first entered the office.

He imitated digging out the eyeball of the owl specimen, only to find a broken miniature camera with a black disk attached to the back.

“This is…remote monitoring?!”

An Ning’s face was extremely ugly.

This owl has been in the office for at least half a year, and I didn’t even notice it?

Chen Xiao said coldly: “Which friend gave it to you? There is a big problem with this owl specimen…”

An Ning lowered her head, her face was ashen, and she put her palm on her chin.

She stared at Chen Xiao with her beautiful eyes and spoke word by word: “That friend…”

“already dead…”

As An Ning’s tone deepened.

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “Dead?”

This far exceeded Chen Xiao’s expectations.

She originally thought it was a spy from a certain military region, or an enemy of An Ning, who was placed here to monitor her every move.

It doesn’t matter whether they pinch the camera together or not, because the person who gave her this stuffed owl is dead?

An Ning nodded: “She was my best friend when she was alive.”

“On the first day of the apocalypse, my head was torn apart by the new humans. I remember it very clearly.”

“I don’t think she will betray me, or I don’t believe she will…”

Chen Xiao didn’t want to refute.

I don’t want to say anything about humanity.

“Don’t think about it for now. Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat something. I’m hungry. I remember that the Guobao Pork in your cafeteria is pretty good. It’s much better than our Jiangbei chefs. I wonder if I’ll be lucky enough to eat it today…”

An Ning nodded: “Okay, let’s chat while we eat. As your status, you can ask for anything to eat first.”

Chen Xiao was surprised: “So awesome? You can ask for anything? Can I eat roasted suckling pig?”

An Ning smiled: “You can propose it, but whether it can be done depends on the canteen’s reserves.”

Chen Xiao: “…”

Leave An Ning’s office.

The two of them headed towards the cafeteria.

The last time the two of them ate together in the cafeteria was in the early morning of the day before the National Games.

At that time, not many people were walking around in the military area, and almost everyone was sleeping.

But now it is the afternoon, when the flow of people is the largest. The awakened people in the military area who should be training, standing guard, and eating have all come to the canteen.

The two of them just appeared in the cafeteria.

It immediately caused quite a stir.

“Chief An is here! Wuhu! This is my goddess! I joined the military region just to see Chief An more often!”

“Wow, brother, you are so outrageous. Although I also like Chief An, I am not as perverted as you. So what if you join the military region? Chief An won’t even turn to look at you.”

“Hey, it’s not a slap in the face. You’re embarrassing this little brother by talking like this! Brother, don’t take it too seriously. It’s not that Chief An is ignoring you, it’s that she doesn’t pay attention to anyone…”


Many people immediately noticed An Ning’s figure and her temperament was so outstanding.

At a casual glance among the crowd, An Ning’s temperament is like that of a high-ranking goddess!

Especially with the buff of being at the top of the military rank, countless awakened people in the military region have affection in their eyes, but they don’t dare to be sentimental.

“Who are the two men next to her? Why are they so close to her and not wearing military uniforms? Are they some high-level officials?”

“How is it possible? The man who showed his appearance looks like he is only in his twenties. Is it possible that he can be promoted as fast as Chief An?”

“Wait, why does he look so familiar?”

“Uh… I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere. Where is it…”

“Is it the guy hanging on the door of Chief Pei’s office?”

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Don’t say it, you really don’t say it!”

As An Ning led Chen Xiao and Cang Long through, everyone also noticed two men in black following An Ning closely.

Because Chen Xiao didn’t wear the [Yeyue Cloak] hat, everyone could see his appearance, and many people immediately recognized him.

“Crazy ghost Rentu! Why did he come to the military canteen? Isn’t he the leader of Jiangbei?”

“Hey, your news is too outdated.Now it’s the Crazy Ghost Sequence! Tomorrow is the conferment ceremony! I was invited to witness this great moment with my own eyes. ”

“No wonder, it’s still Chief Li who is well-informed, otherwise if I continue to call him Crazy Ghost Butcher, I might really suffer a catastrophe! This Crazy Ghost…”

“Shh, they are coming!”

Chen Xiao and An Xinning seemed to have a natural opportunity to be silent.

Wherever they walked, there was silence.

Just after they passed by, that place became noisy again…

The two of them found a seat by the window and sat down. A service staff in white clothes came over with a flattering face.

“Chief An!”

“Crazy Ghost Sequence! ”

“I am Wang Duoyu from the third cooking squad of the Beijing Military Region. What would you like to eat, sir?”

Feeling the strange looks around him.

Chen Xiao couldn’t help but sigh.

This is status.

No matter where he goes, he can get higher treatment. Others can only queue up to get boxed lunches.

But Chen Xiao and An Xinning can sit at the table and order whatever they want.

After the two of them simply ordered.

An Xinning got to the point.

“Chen Xiao, do you know what will happen tomorrow?”

Chen Xiao said lightly: “What kind of scene, I really don’t know, and I hope that Commander An can give me more advice. Last time…”

“You told me not to conflict with Cao Linxuan, saying that his comments were indeed very pertinent. Until now, I have no reason or opportunity to kill him. ”

An Xinning rolled her eyes at Chen Xiao.

How dare he say that.

She heard that after Chen Xiao left the National Destiny Game, he almost killed Cao Linxuan in front of Mr. Cao, Mr. Li, and Chopstick!

In the end, he even used three National Destiny quotas to barely save Cao Linxuan’s life.

It’s outrageous!

An Xinning sighed, folded her arms on the dining table, and whispered: “Listen carefully.”

“I will only say it once, and I will not admit that I said these words.”

An Xinning glanced around and continued to speak in a low voice: “You become a member of the Chinese sequence, and the applicants are Chief Pei and me.”

“In terms of commanders, there are supporters, opponents, and neutrals. Among them, I can now reveal the opinions of the four first commanders to you.”

“Mr. Li is a supporter.”

“Mr. Cao and Mr. Wang are neutrals.”

“Commander Zhao is an opponent.”

“Under them are the second commanders, a total of eight people, four supporters and four opponents. ”

“So you know… Commander Pei has put in a lot of effort to ensure that your merits will not be wasted, right?”

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