“What do you mean?”

Two drops of cold sweat appeared on An Ning’s forehead.

A few meters away from her, the man in black robe…is the Canglong from Caiyun Border?!

A monster that covers a thousand meters in ice in three steps!

A genuine sixth-order new human being!

This chill made An Ning swallow her saliva.

Feeling of oppression…

Too strong…

Chen Xiao was a little displeased: “Canglong, we are not on the battlefield now, so restrain your powers.”

Canglong’s hoarse voice said: “Yes, Master.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the chill gradually subsided until it disappeared completely.

An Ning didn’t expect Cang Long to be so obedient, so she slowly said: “Chen Xiao, you can’t take him into the Beijing Military Region…”

Chen Xiao looked at An Ning: “This is my bodyguard. As a member of the Chinese sequence, am I not qualified to have a follower?”

An Ning was speechless.

This guy is still the same.

It makes no sense at all.

“Are you sure he won’t lose control?”

An Ning was somewhat skeptical.

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Of course it won’t get out of control, I can guarantee that, and as a Chinese-sequence person, I should have this right.”

An Ning sighed: “It’s up to you. You are from the Chinese rank and your military rank is higher than mine. Of course I am not qualified to criticize your behavior.”

Chen Xiao was stunned: “My military rank is higher than yours? Is it true?”

An Ning saw Chen Xiao’s confusion and patiently answered: “What else do you think?”

“The Chinese sequence is not a divine general.”

“Including you, there are only three people in China, and they are all the top military positions in the military region.”

“If you really want to talk about it, the executive rank is only half a step behind Chief Pei, and has much greater power than me, the second executive officer.”

Chen Xiao really didn’t expect that China’s military rank was so high?

“I thought Lao Pei already had the highest military rank. From what you’re saying, is there anyone higher than him, the first executive officer?”

When An Ning heard this, she realized that Chen Xiao really didn’t know anything about the military region.

She could only answer patiently: “Theoretically, the person with the highest executive rank is indeed Chief Pei.”

“But there is another kind of military position, which is to participate in major decisions of the military region behind the scenes. This is called commander. The Mr. Cao and Mr. Li you have met are both first-class commanders of the military region. When it comes to military positions, they can be regarded as equals. Commander Pei is similar.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “There are many first-class commanders?”

An Ning nodded: “Compared to the uniqueness of executive officers, there are indeed many commanders. There are four first-class commanders.”

Chen Xiao suddenly realized.

No wonder…

No wonder Cao Linxuan is so arrogant.

No wonder Cao Baiqing is qualified to promise a quota for the National Games.

It seems that Lao Cao’s military position is really not small.

Even if he becomes the Chinese rank, he will still be outclassed when it comes to military status.

An Xin was happy to see Chen Xiao’s appearance.

I knew he understood what I meant.


“Can you please ask Chen Dashi to move?”

Chen Xiao smiled: “No problem, I’ll move on right now, Chief An…”

With that said, Chen Xiao took Cang Long and stepped in with a sense of security.


Familiar feeling.

It’s just that I didn’t have space talent before, and I wasn’t sensitive enough to space fluctuations.

Looking at it now, the caves of [Cunning Rabbit Three Cave] have too much space fluctuations and are not as stable as my own talent cave.

When Chen Xiao opened his eyes again.

He has arrived at An Ning’s office, which is no different from before.

As soon as An Ning landed, she turned to Chen Xiao and said, “I’m going to find Chief Pei. You…you two can sit wherever you like.”

Just before he was about to go out, he turned around and pointed at the owl specimen seriously.

“Don’t prick my eagle feathers!”

Chen Xiao nodded obediently.

An Ning then ran to contact Pei Tianyuan with peace of mind, leaving Chen Xiao and Cang Long behind.

Chen Xiao walked up to the owl and looked at it for a few seconds.


Chen Xiao reached out, took off the owl’s eyeballs, and clicked his tongue.

There is actually a miniature camera connected inside, and even a black disk is connected to the back of the camera, which is a wireless charging device.

It means there is still a power supply in the room. What is going on?

I always felt uncomfortable just now.

It was like being glanced at by something.

If his [Deep Sea Glory] hadn’t been promoted to lv2, he wouldn’t have noticed it.

Because the disguise is so good!

But who is connected to the other end of this camera?

Who would want to spy on…


Chen Xiao crushed the camera behind the owl’s eyeball, and then put the eyeball back.

“Chen Xiao! You touched my owl again!”

Peace of mind and speedSpeed ​​is very fast.

I came back almost within a minute of leaving.

I happened to see Chen Xiao put the owl’s eyeball back on.

“Chen Xiao, you’re finally here.”

Pei Tianyuan held Chen Xiao’s hand before grabbing An Ning.

“If you don’t come again, I will fly to Jiangbei to kidnap you.”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Lao Pei, you are also an important figure in the military region. Can we be more calm? We still have a whole day.”

Pei Tianyuan was helpless.

Who knows what this kid is thinking!

Talking about kidnapping Chen Xiao is just an excuse. After all, if he really doesn’t come…

The ten great god generals would attack together, and they would all be able to pull him to the capital.

“This conferment ceremony can be described as a grand event. There are a lot of prominent figures from the military region. You will understand by then.”

Pei Tianyuan patiently warned Chen Xiao: “If someone really doubts you, you’d better not get angry at the conferment ceremony, otherwise it will have a bad impact on you. Can you understand what I mean?”

Chen Xiao smiled faintly: “Question me? My record has been cut down one by one. Anyone who refuses to accept can be asked to teach me. I will take over one by one.”

Pei Tianyuan was afraid that Chen Xiao would be too irritable, so he continued to speak: “This time, there will be a total of three first commanders. This kind of scene is rare after the apocalypse.”

Chen Xiao hasn’t spoken yet.

Canglong took one step forward.

“Who questions the master.”

“Who dies.”

A familiar hoarse voice sounded.

Pei Tianyuan was startled and looked to one side. He almost had a heart attack!

Before, he only thought it was the black-robed entourage that Chen Xiao brought casually, not to mention that this entourage didn’t show any powerful aura, so he didn’t pay attention.

As a result, speak.

With a familiar voice…

“This…this is…”

“Is this the Canglong?!”

Pei Tianyuan was shocked: “You dare to bring the sixth-level new humans into the military area?”

“You…you are really crazy!”

He looked at An Ning with an unbelievable look in his eyes. What was going on!

An Ning spread her hands and said, “I can’t control him. Chen Dashiu’s military rank is higher than mine.”

Pei Tianyuan was speechless.

Looking at Chen Xiao again, a thousand words came out of his mouth, and finally they converged into one: “Alas.”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly and didn’t care at all.

“Don’t worry, Lao Pei, Canglong is mine, and he won’t take action without my permission.”

Pei Tianyuan was like a scholar meeting a soldier, and said helplessly: “This is not a question of whether you will take action, but whether you take him into the military area.”

“This is a big mistake!”

“You will be given a big demerit!”

“Even… even dismissed!”

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