As Li Enqing’s words fell.

Chen Xiao stepped into the room.

At this time, the room had been arranged in an orderly manner by Li Enqing.

There is also a book and a paper notebook on the desk.

The title of the book is “The Book of Changes”.

The notes are filled with words.

Chen Xiao asked curiously: “Teacher Li, do you usually read this?”

Li Enqing shook her head: “This is my job, my hobby is there.”

She pointed to the bookshelf on one side.

“My Four CEO Brothers”

“After the divorce, he cried and begged me”

“Divorce for chasing stars? I’m making a comeback!” 》

“The Romantic Prince and the Pretty Princess”

Chen Xiao: “…”

“You don’t shy away from it.”

Li Enqing sat on the sofa, crossed her legs and said, “Of course I’m honest, and it’s not a shameful hobby. It’s human nature… Especially now in the apocalypse, everyone is under a lot of pressure, isn’t it?”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows. He noticed that Teacher Li had his legs crossed under his wide pajamas…

Is it black stockings?

First the “overbearing president’s article”, and then the two sets of clothes inside and outside, Chen Xiao was born in the fire.

Li Enqing didn’t notice Chen Xiao’s change and continued to speak with a smile: “Classmate Chen Xiao, you must be very busy. Why do you have time to visit the teacher?”

Chen Xiao sat opposite her: “I want…I want to learn…”

Li Enqing was stunned: “Study?”

Chen Xiao coughed: “I really want to make progress, Mr. Li. I’m very interested in sociology.”

Although it is a lame reason, it is still a reason.

You can’t tell her that you are here to cultivate feelings, right?

Li Enqing covered her hands lightly and burst into laughter: “Are you interested in sociology?”

She regained her composure: “Classmate Chen Xiao, did I hear you right? You fell asleep in my class! You don’t like my class as much as your two roommates, right?”

Chen Xiao wanted to say that those two pig brothers didn’t like sociology, they just wanted to see you.

“People change.”

Chen Xiaoruo said: “When the apocalypse comes, everyone’s thoughts quickly change, and society is no longer what it used to be.”

“As the leader of Jiangbei, it is reasonable for me to understand sociology, right?”

Li Enqing didn’t expect Chen Xiao to say such words, so she adjusted the frame

“Hmm… That’s reasonable.”

“That’s what you mean.”

“Want me to give you a lecture?”


Li Enqing bent down slightly, holding her chin with her palms, and there was a hint of charm in her beautiful eyes.

Chen Xiao’s eyes glanced at the black silk at her ankles.

Some can’t control their gaze.

Forcibly restraining his desire, Chen Xiao nodded: “Yes, sociology…Mr. Li, please give me some extra lessons.”

Li Enqing blinked: “My private lessons are very expensive, but this is one-on-one tutoring for you.”

Chen Xiao leaned back: “You don’t think I can’t afford it, do you?”

Li Enqing shook her head: “Of course not, I mean… in all of China, you are the only one qualified to let me tutor you.”

Chen Xiao was a little excited by this sentence. Teacher Li’s rank is a bit high…

Chen Xiao stood up, sat down at her desk, and opened an “Introduction to Sociology”.

The densely packed text inside will make you fall asleep just by looking at it. It is a must-have for hypnosis.

Li Enqing sat at the table on Chen Xiao’s side: “Classmate Chen Xiao, do you want to make up classes now? Are you in such a hurry?”

Chen Xiao did not turn his head, but turned a page of the book, and then spoke calmly.

“I love learning.”


Chen Xiao looked at Li Enqing and turned the pen on the table with his right hand: “Teacher Li, you can start teaching now, uh by the way…”

“Change your clothes. I don’t really like your outfit. You’d better be more serious.”

Li Enqing raised the corner of her mouth: “Is it really because of this?”

Chen Xiao said seriously: “That’s for sure. I want to focus on my studies. Of course, I must try my best to create a school atmosphere. You must also be more strict!”

Li Enqing hummed, walked to the bedroom on the side, and raised her head: “Then let’s have the first lesson after I change my clothes!”


The door is closed.

Chen Xiao was left alone.

This feeling of waiting.

It’s a bit like the feeling I had in Cangzhou, waiting for An Ning to take a bath.

Expectation, excitement.

After a while, Chen Xiao really wanted to read sociology books.

Suddenly I found myself holding it backwards.

Transfer over quickly.

“It’s so slow to change clothes…”


Just when Chen Xiao was complaining.

The bedroom door opened.

“Ah…Sociology is the study of various aspects of human beings in society…”

“Classmate Chen Xiao?”

Chen XiaoAs if suddenly awakening from the ocean of knowledge, he looked at the room dully.

Teacher Li at this time.

She has changed into a standard professor’s suit, wearing a clean white shirt with the collar slightly open, revealing her delicate neck line, with a hint of indescribable sexiness.

The black short skirt stopped just above the knees, and there were delicate black silk under the skirt, which not only highlighted her slender legs, but also added a bit of alluring curves.

On her feet was a pair of black high-heeled shoes with red soles, and on her tall nose was a pair of white-rimmed glasses, which once again elevated her temperament.

You know, Li Enqing is the number one school beauty voted by all the students of Jiangbei University!

He is also the youngest associate professor in Jiangbei! She can be called the dream goddess of countless people.

But right now.

She wants one-on-one tutoring on her homework.

“Are you serious this time?”

In Li Enqing’s hand was a teaching ruler.

It is not difficult to see that Teacher Li had carefully prepared this outfit. Did he expect that there would be a day when he would have to make up classes.


Chen Xiao glanced at the “Book of Changes” from the corner of his eye, and suddenly felt that it was terrifying to think about it…

Has she calculated it?

I won’t express my thoughts for now.

Chen Xiao just smiled lightly: “This time I am more serious. I will be serious when I start class.”



Li Enqing stepped on high heels and slowly stopped in front of Chen Xiao, leaning on the table.

“I’ll test you.”

“Sociological research on people is always inseparable from the two basic aspects of people.”

“Do you know which two they are?”

Of course Chen Xiao didn’t know.

But he could guess.

“What two aspects… let me think about it, pros and cons?”

Li Enqing shook his head: “The wrong answer is due to human nature and social attributes.”

“It seems that your foundation is very poor…”

“You have to make up for classes more often.”

The corners of Chen Xiao’s mouth raised slightly: “Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Li. I love studying so much.”

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